Apparantly Galway is the place to go nowadays, but I haven't been since I was a nipper. I don't really know much about Ireland beyond the south, but Cork and Waterford are both pretty good.
Innit, honkies!?
No idea what model - sorry!
Got em from HMV I think - the big selling point is the bass boost design which consists of 2 rubber bits that actually go right into your ear. Not as uncomfortable as it sounds.
UB - just to help me picture this...
I have a vivid image in my mind of goat guts being spread across you car bonnet, hooves and bits of skull trapped in the grille, the blood and jizz slowly marbling in the puddles... I just need one more detail.
What car do you drive?
Depends if they are striking.
I work for a scottish company, and they have their own brand of words here. For example, OUTWITH (meaning 'outside') is very over used, as is TIMEOUSLY (meaning 'on time' or 'punctual').
But when you take the pi$$ of words like 'och', 'aye', 'wee' or 'Bells...
As the subject suggests, I am having my appraisal today and throw open my arms in search of hints and tips and downright dirty tricks that will ensure I nail it, and get my promotion.
I'm not too proud to step over / shit on colleagues and claim their work for my own.
For info - my appraiser...
I'm quite enjoying it - the constant rapturous expectation that refuses to dissipate regardless of the time taken for an announcement to be made.
Besides - I think Withdean is kind've cute in a baby stadium kind of way.
But by then you've had a shed load of experience in a relatively short period of time, and your CV looks all the better for it.
I'd go for it - if nothing else Accenture is known as a b!tch to get into, so getting in is an achievement in itself. If the benefits work your way, nicely done. If...
Just read Rule of Four - garbage of the highest order (200 page wait for ANYTHING to happen!).
Reading Catch 22 for the 3rd time coz I think its great...
I'm pretty sure his entire escape was contrived...
But hey - i'm giving you answers, but if you want the truth, I don't think you could handle the truth.
May i recommend 'A Few Good Men'?
contraversial, but i quite enjoyed the mothman prophecies.
Easy - stick the top of the poster up, lift it out and climb under it into the hole. Use extra sticky stuff to attach the bottom gently to the wall, perhaps using an extra dab of sticky stuf to pull the poster back to the wall. Bosh!