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  1. E

    E Block Warning...

    110 :wave:
  2. E

    E Block Warning...

    Will be trying my best in row P Anyone know what time the sportsman opens today please?
  3. E

    Season ticket holders = PATHETIC

    In anticipation of 'scarf day' I paid £9 for my scarf at the last home game...that's the last time I forward-plan, could have saved £6.50!!! :angry: :dunce: Hope the E-block moaners are fully behind this idea, we've got to give anything a go to liven up the Withdean library
  4. E

    Player ratings

    Agree entirely. I left Upton Park with a completely different feeling to that of leaving White Hart Lane two years ago. I was so proud of our efforts that day, but Saturday I thought was really dissapointing. Realistically, I wasn't expecting to win, but I thought we'd have a much better go at a...
  5. E

    Lee Trundle

    It also says that Brighton welcome back Adam El-Abd, so I wouldn't read too much into it (unless he's made a bloody miraculous recovery!)
  6. E

    West Ham Ticket Details announced

    Exactly. Where do the club get these ideas from - I know they will never satisfy everyone with whatever ticket poicy they decide to adopt, but why give priority to people who went to a game in a completely different competition (and, unless I'm mistaken, one which did not benfit the club...
  7. E

    brighton fans fighting with eachother!

    I was pretty near to this, and as far as I could tell, the guys who were having a go at other Alboin fans were well within their rights. No more than 10 minutes into the game, some complete muppet shouted out "Oi, Revell, you're're even f'ing worse than Scott Ramsay" or words to that...
  8. E

    Sign here if you are unhappy with Seagulls World

    Cancelled my subscription a couple of weeks ago, then recieved a 'courtesy call' last week to invite me to resubscribe. I explained that I had infact cancelled it for a reason, funnily enough (the service is not worth the money in my opinion), and if I just wanted to see the goals, then I...
  9. E

    Brighton v Blackpool (Player Ratings)

    Agree totally with that, could not have looked any less interested...what has gone wrong?? I am concerned that Hammond looks a different player again now Chippy is back. During Chippy's suspension, Hammond really stood up to be counted, covered the whole pitch, and looked a goal threat aswell...
  10. E

    Doug Loft

    To be fair, Jake was no better when he came on Saturday...but then he's a favourite amongst most fans at the moment, so we'll overlook that
  11. E

    West Ham still 40/1 to win UEFA Cup

  12. E

    Who is the Ginger bloke

    Was sitting next to his Dad yesterday, who had got a message at quarter to 2 to say his boy was on the bench...he was in hospitality at the Emirates Satdium at the time and had to leg it over to the Den! Really pleased for him, he was so chuffed..nice to see the result meaning so much to the...
  13. E

    40 wins in 139 competitive matches ..............

    In my opinion, the problem under McGhee was not necessarily the number of defeats - most of us realistic fans know and appreciate that we're up against it whoever we have in charge until this Falmer saga is finally won - but my biggest concern was the manner of many of his defeats. Yes, last...
  14. E

    BBC's league 1's ones to watch

    Can't you lot just let something go without spouting out this "fixtures" crap EVERYTIME something get's vaguely duplicated...not all of us on NSC have time to read EVERY single thread!!! It's no surprise it's the same cliquey lot that always post on here, everyone else is too worried they might...
  15. E

    Bakayoka on trial at Millwall

    I went to the game with a Millwall supporting mate of mine...the french lad a full-back looked very average to be fair, I wouldn't expect them to be signing him on that basis (fairly lively going forward - fairly clueless defensively). For what it's worth, Tom Brighton was also very quiet on the...
  16. E

    Losing Carole is a f king disaster

    Personally I think Carole was a big disappointment last season, we saw the odd flash of brilliance but far too often there was no end product to most of his work (lucky for us he had probably his best game away at Leeds). I don't think he would have been up for the rough and tumble of league one.
  17. E

    Broken scaphoid...

    I got shoved into a wall playing 5-a-side football and my wrist took the brunt of the impact. Have been in plaster over 12 weeks now, currently waiting for results of a CT scan. It's starting to feel a bit better the last week or two, just hope it doesn't take too long to retrain my right hand...
  18. E

    How many World Cups have you seen?

    Just old enough to remember the hand of god. Lucky enough to have actually been to a final, France v Brazil in '98 courtesy of a Mastercard competition...what a day. Just a shame I wasn't watching England.
  19. E

    Silence to mark 7/7

    I have a different opinion to you so I need to grow the f*** up...cracking argument that, you muppet. Shall we cancel remembrance day while we're at it, shit happens after all.
  20. E

    Silence to mark 7/7

    What a terrible thing to say, why don't you tell that to someone who lost a loved one last July...they might just have a slightly different view. The idea is to pay our respects to those who died, not how they died. Just don't join in if you feel that strongly about it.

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