Dave the OAP
Well-known member

looney said:It isn't offensive, no words are.
Captain Sensible said:To those of you going on about the Paki/Turk thing, is that racist? What has that to do with Race? What if they sang, "I'd rather be Pakistani than Turkish"? It's the slang word "Paki" that offends you, not what they are singing. It has become a derogatory term over the years for people from Pakistan (which thick people also called Indians). Are you offended by being called a "Brit" or a Scot a "Scot" or a Swede a "Swede". It is has nothing to do with the race of a person and cannot be put into the same context as racist abuse to Black players or any Black person or any other race even the White European race. It is about a certain country. "Turk" is about Turkish people and the only reason you aren't allowed to say is "Paki" is due to previous use of it by ignorant idiots over the years. You can say Pakistani. I myself would not sing it because I think it's a stupid pointless chant. But to all those that want to use it at a game against Turkish teams I say, Sing "Pakistani" and not "Paki". That'll stump the PC brigade and press that won't have anything to write about on the subject.
looney said:As I said fatty, words arn't offensive in them selves it depends on the context they are used.
fatbadger said:and I said - as you most certainly did not - that context is part of the word, not just some other 'thing' that may or may not be associated with the word.
Words can be offensive in themselves - because their connotations in in them.
looney said:Only if you have preconceived notions which may or maynot be exaustive or wrong.
Brovian said:
Pakistanis on the other hand sometimes do find it offensive. Indians find it EXTREMELY offensive in the same way that some Scots (perhaps that's 'most' now) take offence when someone abroad says to them 'Are you English?'
It may cause offence - so don't use it.
Southy said:Raciscm is wrong full stop and it is a fact that if your white you are not going to know what it is to experience it.
Fridge Man said:So racism is all one way then eh? get in the real world chum....p the majority of racism in this country is DIRECTED AT WHITE people.
Fridge Man said:So racism is all one way then eh? get in the real world chum....p the majority of racism in this country is DIRECTED AT WHITE people.
Southy said:You have got to be joking. you sound like a BNP supporter. What a pathetic statement. We live in a 90% white country, how can you back up that statement?
Fridge Man said:No im not a BNP supporter but even if i was what business is it of yours
Because they are a bunch of nazi fuckwits who come out with the sort of bollocks you are posting on this thread, so either you are or you aren't, but I'd bet you vote them you racist.
Statistics for 1997
Total Racial Attacks 381,000
White Victims 238,000
!!!?? Where did you get these statistics? I dont believe it, and untill you post your source we have to treat it as the bollocks it is.
Asian Victims 101,000
Black Victims 42,000
I believe recently a Labour MP in Oldham admitted 75% of race attacks were directed at whites
So what about when combat 18 Stoke fans narched in Oldham before a game chanting 'Town full of Pakis' and caused a race riot - Acceptable?