Famous Last Words
Had my first experience of an absolute monstrous bellend of a manager yesterday.
I've had to move department at work for a couple of months to cover for somebody. This means for the next two months I have been moved in to the dispatch side of things. The company I work for sell books/CD's etc online. They employ 20-25 people per shift to pack orders. Every item is put in to a Royal Mail York (picture below for people who don't know what I mean). Each York can hold about 350 letters/packages and once they're full they are brought round to the dispatch area, where somebody sorts all the envelopes in to four colour co-ordinated trays. The tray is then taken by somebody else and put in to another York with the rest of the letters going to the same area. When that York is full it's taken outside to be collected by Royal Mail at the end of the day.
So; somebody packs book in envelope. Book comes over to the sorting area, next to the address there will be a code, for example 'B15'. Person sorting through envelopes would therefore put it in the blue tray. Blue tray gets full, somebody collects it and then drops the letter in to the B15 York. It's a pretty simple process, and with 6/7 of you working together you can do close to 10000 a day.
However there is a new shift leader in charge of Packing & Dispatch and she's had some brilliant ideas on how to improve the department, including setting a shift target of 17,500 packages sorted and dropped if there is 7 people working. Her logic is that everybody can drop 350 letters an hour, there's 7 of us and it's a 7 hour shift. 350x7x7 = 17,500.
A brilliant way to highlight you don't have a f*cking clue what you're doing is to assume that the people sorting will also be able to drop 350 items an hour. That the two people who help load 40 Yorks on to the RM lorry will also be able to drop 350 an hour. The person who has to collect full Yorks from the packers will also be able to do 350 an hour.
She also expects whoever is sorting to completely empty 8 Yorks an hour and you have a checklist so she can check on your progress. So if there's one of you doing it, she genuinely expects you to sort 350 letters by hand in 7.5 minutes. As a comparison, yesterday 3 of us managed to hit the 8 Yorks target in 58 minutes by working our utter bollocks off. But no, totally reasonable to expect 1 or 2 people to be able to manage that hour after hour.
Daft bint.
This is a York; as you can imagine it's a complete pain to empty. Especially when a lot of people who are in there from other departments on light duties due to having a bad back etc.
I've had to move department at work for a couple of months to cover for somebody. This means for the next two months I have been moved in to the dispatch side of things. The company I work for sell books/CD's etc online. They employ 20-25 people per shift to pack orders. Every item is put in to a Royal Mail York (picture below for people who don't know what I mean). Each York can hold about 350 letters/packages and once they're full they are brought round to the dispatch area, where somebody sorts all the envelopes in to four colour co-ordinated trays. The tray is then taken by somebody else and put in to another York with the rest of the letters going to the same area. When that York is full it's taken outside to be collected by Royal Mail at the end of the day.
So; somebody packs book in envelope. Book comes over to the sorting area, next to the address there will be a code, for example 'B15'. Person sorting through envelopes would therefore put it in the blue tray. Blue tray gets full, somebody collects it and then drops the letter in to the B15 York. It's a pretty simple process, and with 6/7 of you working together you can do close to 10000 a day.
However there is a new shift leader in charge of Packing & Dispatch and she's had some brilliant ideas on how to improve the department, including setting a shift target of 17,500 packages sorted and dropped if there is 7 people working. Her logic is that everybody can drop 350 letters an hour, there's 7 of us and it's a 7 hour shift. 350x7x7 = 17,500.
A brilliant way to highlight you don't have a f*cking clue what you're doing is to assume that the people sorting will also be able to drop 350 items an hour. That the two people who help load 40 Yorks on to the RM lorry will also be able to drop 350 an hour. The person who has to collect full Yorks from the packers will also be able to do 350 an hour.
She also expects whoever is sorting to completely empty 8 Yorks an hour and you have a checklist so she can check on your progress. So if there's one of you doing it, she genuinely expects you to sort 350 letters by hand in 7.5 minutes. As a comparison, yesterday 3 of us managed to hit the 8 Yorks target in 58 minutes by working our utter bollocks off. But no, totally reasonable to expect 1 or 2 people to be able to manage that hour after hour.
Daft bint.
This is a York; as you can imagine it's a complete pain to empty. Especially when a lot of people who are in there from other departments on light duties due to having a bad back etc.