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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Blimey, 18 pages? I really can't be bothered to trawl through this as I just know it will be a couple of bigots sounding off about Muslims (and I bet looney's there somewhere).

I used to get worked up about threads like these but I've calmed down as I can see that the blinkered little Englanders are in a minority.

All I know is this: my father's family came here 300 years ago escaping religious persecution. Since then, they've been joined by wave after wave of immigrants, large numbers of them what we would now call 'asylum seekers': Jews, Irish, Spaniards, East Europeans, Palestinians,North Africans, East Africans, West Africans, South Africans. Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Chinese, South Americans, Vietnamese All of them have enriched our lives in many, many ways. Imagine our food without them: no fish and chips, no curry, no pizzas, no pasta, no Chinese takeaways, no kebabs - how bland our lives would be? Imagine our sport without them: no Ferdinand, Cole, Rooney Defoe in the football team. No Nasser, no Strauss, no Pietersen in the cricket team. What would our athletics team be like? Imagine our culture without them - no reggae, rap, hip-hop. We'd be all be watching morris dancing and think it was great.

Fifty years ago, Britain faced race riots, 30 years ago, the NF got nearly 20% in the West Bromwich by-election, and yet I read this week that according to a recent survey, fewer than 1% of non-white Londoners had been subject to any form of racial abuse. That's how far we've come in 50 years.

The cries and moans about immigrants, asylum seekers, Muslims or whatever are the last, pathetic cries of bigots who can see how the country's changing. Changing for the better, that is.

Mr Burns said:

What is the point of moving to a foreign country only to carry on living the same way as the one you came from?

This argument makes me smile because the people who spout it about English asians are the very same people who dream of moving to the Spanish Costas, sitting in English pubs all day watching English football, eating English breakfast and talking in English about how crap Spain is compared to England.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
London Irish said:
Ah it didn't take long for the cuddly face of fascism to go all hateful on us and start calling people wankers. The thin veneer soon drips away and the fascist apologist is there for all to see.

And let's remind everyone why you are defending the BNP on so many pages, because you are a racist little tosser yourself, and here you are condemning yourself out of your own mouth:
The reason I used the tosser sign, is not through hate as you put it, but because "enigma", who is totally against racists, or so they say, use the term "white trash" which is racist. After being pulled up on it, they said they didn't care. So I think the tosser sign was appropiate. Not through hate more through :nono: :nono: :nono:

The term plague on the planet refering to the situation in New Zealand , was a bit tongue in cheek and maybe shouldn't have been said, as it gives the likes of you a chance to jump on the one line, and not have to answer the wider issues.

You call me a fascist and hateful for calling someone a wanker (tosser sign), because I used the tosser smilie, and then call me a little tosser... are you for real.

For the record I am not racist. I've been to numerous countries and loved learning cultures and meeting the people there. I do not agree with asylum. I do agree with a controled immigration policy. I do agree with anyone who becomes British having to be able to at least speak the language, and mix with the communities that are already here. How can someone be British if they can't speak the language?

What pisses me off is lefties who welcome everyone from everywhere with open arms, when our own people (black, white or brown) live in slums.

How many little old ladies will die this winter because they can't afford to heat their homes, when at the same time a few miles along the road, thousands of people who have never paid a penny in their lives towards the running of the country are homed, feed, and cared for while we listen to their 3rd appeal of why they should stay.

I am 100 per cent against Asylum, purely because the system is crap and is uncontrolable. I am not against immagration, as long as those who enter the country, bring skills we need and can afford to look after themseleves.

If that makes me a racist little tosser, then in my opinion, London Irish, you are a twat (thats not hateful, it more in pity)
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Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
we are all immigrants to a fashion. The surname Wilcock, if you read up on these things was a derivative of a Norma name which came over from Normandy with Norman and his 1000's of Normans - that must have been one hell of a confusing roll call.

And whilest we are at it, what were the chances of the Battle of hastings being fought at a place called battle? Incredible good fortune.

At what point to you start to say someone is an immigrant?

those arriving 10 years ago, 100 yrs ago, 1000 years ago?

In some of the more extreme people on this site, I bid you "Salut"
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Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
dave the gaffer said:
we are all immigrants to a fashion. The surname Wilcock, if you read up on these things was a derivative of a Norma name which came over from Normandy with Norman and his 1000's of Normans - that must have been one hell of a confusing roll call.

And whilest we are at it, what were the chances of the Battle of hastings being fought at a place called battle? Incredible good fortune.

At what point to you start to say someone is an immigrant?

those arriving 10 years ago, 100 yrs ago, 1000 years ago?

In some of the more extreme people on this site, I bid you "Salut"
But on that point you could agree that the whole human race outside the rift valley in africa are immagraints. We are not all immirgrants, how can someone born in England be an immirgrant??

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Mr Burns said:
But on that point you could agree that the whole human race outside the rift valley in africa are immagraints. We are not all immirgrants, how can someone born in England be an immirgrant??

because that is not how a facist views immigrants.

a facist views immigrants as someone with slanty eyes, black, brown, yellow and off white skin, a different way of speaking to them.....irrespective of if they were born in our fair isle.
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Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
dave the gaffer said:
because that is not how a facist views immigrants.

a facist views immigrants as someone with slanty eyes, black, brown, yellow and off white skin, a different way of speaking to them.....irrespective of if they were born in our fair isle.
Which is probably why I am not a facist, but am called one by an idiot like London irish because my views don't match his own.??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
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No Mr Burns, you get called a facist for spouting toss like this.

Mr Burns said:

If people get killed without reason, they should all get together and fight back. If theres only a few of them, then maybe, just maybe there is a f***ing reason..........

Like the jews in Germany in 1939 for example?

And if anyone cares to trawl though the swampy mire that is this thread there are plenty more examples.
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BHA Jordan

New member
Dec 14, 2005
BHA Jordan said:
Likewise, although I'm still undecided whether you're a closet BNP fanatic or not :lolol:

To be honest this is a bit of a stupid discussion to have on a footie forum as everyone will have strong views, and to be honest us talking about it wont change a thing.

I still stand by this comment made several pages ago and make particular reference to the last line. Why this is being discussed on a footie forum is beyond me, and its not getting anywhere so surely it would be best to draw a line under it!

BHA Jordan said:
I still stand by this comment made several pages ago and make particular reference to the last line. Why this is being discussed on a footie forum is beyond me, and its not getting anywhere so surely it would be best to draw a line under it!

Firstly, if you think this is just a footie message board then I wonder if you've been logged onto the same site I have. If you don't like the thread subject matter, don't open it!!! The clue is in the f***ing title.
Secondly, do you really believe that because people cannot agree that they should stop talking about the issues they disagree on? The world really would be in trouble if we all took that attitude.

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Mr Burns said:
Which is probably why I am not a facist, but am called one by an idiot like London irish because my views don't match his own.??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Yes but, LI is a journalist and an opinionated one at that. For a journalist, that is a given and not something he should be pilloried for, however what certain people on this board fail to see is the other persons point of view.

Whether it be BNP/Labour, McCammon/CKR, Playing players in position/out of position...we all have views. A civilised society will allow these views to a point and that line was strictly drawn after the last war, when people knew what a facist was ( as they tried to drop bombs on them), as an influx of people from commonwealth countries increased so the "local resident population" began to resent them as people taking their jobs. The line became diluted and to a certain degree has vanished.

I remember in the 70's the racial hatred when unemployment was over 3 million and there was a huge call of " send em all home" Where exactly home was, was another thing.

BHA Jordan

New member
Dec 14, 2005
Lokki 7 said:
Firstly, if you think this is just a footie message board then I wonder if you've been logged onto the same site I have. If you don't like the thread subject matter, don't open it!!! The clue is in the f***ing title.
Secondly, do you really believe that because people cannot agree that they should stop talking about the issues they disagree on? The world really would be in trouble if we all took that attitude.

Suit yourself, if you want to continue this endless pointless bickering with that attitude then fair enough. Its all got a bit boring with everyone making out they are right and everyone else is wrong.

At least with other discussions middle ground can be found at times unlike this topic, and this topic just seems to be getting towards the realms of the playground with people getting called wankers, racists, facists.

And are you not contradicting yourself? You say that if everyone stopped talking because they can't agree then the world would be in trouble, yet I gave my opinion on this topic which is why drag it on, and your reply is a childish well if you don't like it don't f***ing read it.

Make your mind up mate, am I allowed to make comment or not? :tosser:

BHA Jordan said:

And are you not contradicting yourself? You say that if everyone stopped talking because they can't agree then the world would be in trouble, yet I gave my opinion on this topic which is why drag it on, and your reply is a childish well if you don't like it don't f***ing read it.

Make your mind up mate, am I allowed to make comment or not? :tosser:

No chum, it is you who is contradicting yourself. You say we should leave this thread alone and yet you continue to post on it. As for me being childish, it is you that resorted to calling me a wanker.

BHA Jordan

New member
Dec 14, 2005
Lokki 7 said:
No chum, it is you who is contradicting yourself. You say we should leave this thread alone and yet you continue to post on it. As for me being childish, it is you that resorted to calling me a wanker.

And you have proved my point instead of talking about the issue you are talking about me again, and instead of giving your views of immigrants and immigration etc you have chosen to join in with name calling. Yes I called you a wanker, now you have called me childish. Yes I contradicted myself by adding to this topic again, but so have you contradicted yourself as per my last post.

As I said originally this topic is getting nowhere is it, unless you seriously think it is, and if so I would like to see how?

Mr Burns said:
The reason I used the tosser sign, is not through hate as you put it, but because "enigma", who is totally against racists, or so they say, use the term "white trash" which is racist. After being pulled up on it, they said they didn't care. So I think the tosser sign was appropiate. Not through hate more through :nono: :nono: :nono:

The term plague on the planet refering to the situation in New Zealand , was a bit tongue in cheek and maybe shouldn't have been said, as it gives the likes of you a chance to jump on the one line, and not have to answer the wider issues.

You call me a fascist and hateful for calling someone a wanker (tosser sign), because I used the tosser smilie, and then call me a little tosser... are you for real.

For the record I am not racist. I've been to numerous countries and loved learning cultures and meeting the people there. I do not agree with asylum. I do agree with a controled immigration policy. I do agree with anyone who becomes British having to be able to at least speak the language, and mix with the communities that are already here. How can someone be British if they can't speak the language?

What pisses me off is lefties who welcome everyone from everywhere with open arms, when our own people (black, white or brown) live in slums.

How many little old ladies will die this winter because they can't afford to heat their homes, when at the same time a few miles along the road, thousands of people who have never paid a penny in their lives towards the running of the country are homed, feed, and cared for while we listen to their 3rd appeal of why they should stay.

I am 100 per cent against Asylum, purely because the system is crap and is uncontrolable. I am not against immagration, as long as those who enter the country, bring skills we need and can afford to look after themseleves.

If that makes me a racist little tosser, then in my opinion, London Irish, you are a twat (thats not hateful, it more in pity)

I'll take twat any day over a being racist little tosser like you, and a mealy-mouthed one at that.

Yeah, it's just an accident you call Asians a plague, isn't it, a slip of the tongue? Bollocks. It's you revealing yourself in all your hateful glory.

It's the equivalent of you blaming all the social problems we have, homelessness, OAPs dying in winter, all on the immigrants. This is the classic fascist method of the BNP member in a suit chasing votes.

You say how can someone born in England be classed as an immigrant. Read that vile BNP manifesto you've defended in that mealy-mouthed ways of yours. They are going to electronically tag immigrant families with children born in Britain and confine them to house arrest. And then the kangaroo facist courts they are going to set up are going to decide the nationality of the kids. Hmmmm...what will they decide, do you think?

I'll give you one thing. You are clearly the brains of the BNP outfit compared to your thicko stormtroopers like Oceanic and Algae who can barely string a sentence together. But just take your racist scapegoating filth off this board, or if you want to hang around, be advised you will be exposed for the scum that you are.
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Jul 7, 2003
With at least 4 people here who automatically assume the term "silent majority" is some exstreme rightwing theory shows the abundance of low IQ posters in this thread.

It originated with Richard Nixon, I cant be bothered to explain the rest google it up if you want to educate yourselves.

BHA Jordan said:
And you have proved my point instead of talking about the issue you are talking about me again, and instead of giving your views of immigrants and immigration etc you have chosen to join in with name calling. Yes I called you a wanker, now you have called me childish. Yes I contradicted myself by adding to this topic again, but so have you contradicted yourself as per my last post.

As I said originally this topic is getting nowhere is it, unless you seriously think it is, and if so I would like to see how?

My thoughts on immigration are expressed elsewhere in this thread if you care to read it. I was responding to your points as you specifically addressed me and I thought this only polite, sorry if in doing so I take this 19 page thread off topic.
No I did not call you childish, read it again, you called me childish and I pointed this out. But now we are entering the realms of the playground so I shall try to stop being polite and answering your ill thought out questions.
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Jul 7, 2003

Who the hell are you to acuse anyone of being a racist? I have never heard you say anything concilortary about Protestants and there not even a different colour. When someone mentioned he had blond blue eyed daughters you whipped your self up into a screaming self loathing frenzy making cracks about race mixing. And then theres your ability only to to see racism in terms of white on non-white.

You a self loathing fool and the other side of the corrupt coin that is the BNP.


In London village.
looney said:

Who the hell are you to acuse anyone of being a racist? I have never heard you say anything concilortary about Protestants and there not even a different colour. When someone mentioned he had blond blue eyed daughters you whipped your self up into a screaming self loathing frenzy making cracks about race mixing. And then theres your ability only to to see racism in terms of white on non-white.

You a self loathing fool and the other side of the corrupt coin that is the BNP.

And you are a scared cliche ridden fool. Can you find me one genuine sectarian comment made by LI ? Do you think that he secretly makes bonfires out of the speaches or writings of Paine, Defoe or Wolfe Tone ? He made satirical comments when someone expressed their fears for their "blue eyed blond haired" daughter. If you can't appreciate the context to his response then you are even more of buffoon than I thought you were.

I suspect that LI is also well aware that at least some of the Asian community in this country arrived here because of African racism.

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