- Jan 18, 2009
- 5,018
In your mind does EU resignation equate to resigning from the second most powerful economic block in the world, or is this something that would be somehow negotiated separately ? This kind of sounds where Cameron would like to be. If you don't see any value in this I think you must be an ideologist.
I don’t think either, I think (like most people in the UK) the single market is fine but not the full on EU political integration and federalism of the EU.
The problem is that the trajectory that the EU has taken over recent years means that this option is no longer available; it’s no longer available because all the political institutions that the EU need to act as a de facto state were created by the Lisbon Treaty. The economic crisis in the eurozone has provided the EU’s political classes with the perfect opportunity to use these institutions to govern the eurozone, and by default that means the eurozone will govern the non eurozone countries in the EU. So, if we don’t join the euro we will end up being governed by the eurozone. That means we will end up facing a single option - all in or all out.
I dont care for ideology, but if the choice is being poor and free over hope and autocracy I will look forward to being a happy penniliess Englishman.