I agree with you.
He is the Devil, though.
Not sure about the Devil, but he is dodgy!
By the way, are you on strike today, Comrade?
I agree with you.
He is the Devil, though.
Countless examples of Johnson outright lying to the public. No shame, no respect, no truth. Lie after lie all quoted or videos posted with just pure content. All showing Johnson and the Tory’s as incompetent liars.
You come up with this. A bad pun about being a wanker.
Well done.
Please use his middle name - Notsoand James Cleverley, everytime I switch the TV on there he is defending the latest Tory balls up.
Don't give up the day job, GB! and I can take it you have no aspirations towards 'Poet Laureating"![]()
My main entertainment will be seeing whether Duncan Smith and Raab get booted out or not.Same here, sadly I enjoy election nights. There’s an added element of uncertainty in recent elections, with the 10pm exit poll results NOT telling, the swingometer designed for a binary party system not the be all. Gets interesting when the real results start, with Sunderland S & N, give a feel for the movement.
Glad you liked it,and cor bin is a complete and utter.Where is your proof of Johnson lying-not your personal opinion,or fake twatter crap from momentum.
There was a lady from Yorkshire interviewed yesterday who said "I know he lies and can't be trusted, but I still like him".
I actually laughed for a second, then realised that this is reflective of the electorate as a whole. I don't think many care about being lied to.
We've been lied to for the last 3 years by every politician under the sun.
Its easy to pick out one thing one person has said when there are so many to choose from....from all parties.
Hence we go back to the issue of which party has the most credible policies and what do you want on Brexit.....
Glad you liked it,and cor bin is a complete and utter.Where is your proof of Johnson lying-not your personal opinion,or fake twatter crap from momentum.
“We will leave the EU on the 31st October or I’ll be dead in a ditch”
Not sure about the Devil, but he is dodgy!
By the way, are you on strike today, Comrade?![]()
There is a school of thought that says some people place value on being lied to. The theory being that they must be important enough to hide the truth from. There’s more to it than that, but that’s the thrust of it.
I'm certainly not on strike. My local branch voted to not strike. I have always voted against and have even crossed the picket line if I have teaching. I shall explain why:
1. If I cancel a class for a strike I need to reschedule. That takes me twice as long to organise as the original scheduling.
2. Exam papers are written in December (I run a second semester course that starts in January). If an assessment is affected (a lecture is missed that can't be rescheduled, and the topic had been part of the summer exam) this causes mayhem. It takes a very long time to write an exam paper (it has to be verified and approved by an external examiner, and I have to avoid overlap, recycling etc etc). If I miss a lecture, one hour of striking will cause me 5 or 6 hours of extra work.
3. If a strike affects a practical, the written work that follows (contributing 25% to a course unit) is lost, soI have to provide an alternative assessment. It also destroys the practical training element of the course. Extra work, extra marking; I'd say one missed day in the lab will probably give me three days' extra work.
Etc Etc.
The bottom line is that if I do go on strike the only people adversely affected are students and me. If we refused to deal with the consequences of missed teaching the strike would have more traction and bite. But this will adversely affect the students and I am not here to **** up young lives - that's anathema to me.
So we are over a barrel all the time. I think people like me (so-called public servants, and especially folk like police, medics, military) should not be put in a position where they feel forced into striking....but if you don't believe in a public sector then you aren't going to do much to sustain it are you? If I were a tory I'd be actively seeking to privatise these organizations, which means squeezing them - making people work to targets, performance related pay, keep the workers lean mean and keen....the British Way (which is different from the German way).
Another thing, parts of my union are rotten. Our leader resigned a while back and was bitterly criticised by some local branches. One of the issues is the 'gender pay gap'. Let me make this clear. There is no gender pay gap. We are all paid the same according to where we are on the scale. It is illegal to do otherwise. That said at the professorial level, where you bargain a salary yourself, outside any scale, women are said to earn less than men. It is probably true. This is not due to institutional sexism, however. I haven't even heard a sexist comemnt at work for 25 years. My HoD is a woman. The one before was a woman. Indeed in most areas there are increasing numbers of female professors - and they are the ones doing the pay bargaining for younger people when they get a chair (as it is called). There may be reasons why women ask for less than men do at the professorial promotion stage, but institutional sexism is not the reason, and urging members to strike over the issue as has happend is idiotic, and simply undermines arguments about the attack on pensions that are real and problematic. People conflating issues because they think it helps them pursue their agenda whereas it achieves the opposite - who knew?
Incidentally I am faffing about at home this morning, but I did 5 hours of work over the weekend....and I have still done a couple of hours today. So no guilty feelings.
It was only a light hearted aside, Harry!![]()
I can't imagine you'll find a single example of Caroline Lucas lying, unless you're a climate change denier, in which case there's no hope for you anyway - they might as well all be flat earthers.
Corbyn is, if anything, too honest. He's stated a Brexit policy that has been unpopular, never covered up his links with the likes of Gerry Adams, is far too OTT on Israel fo rmany people. But he is exactly what he purports, an aging socialist who has always voted with his principles, whatever you think of them.
I don't think you'll find examples of Bercow* lying either. Just trying to keep an increasingly duplicitous House to order.
As for some of the others, they've been lying for a lot longer than three years.
And what do I want on Brexit? For it to be over. The past four years or so have already ruined the country. Friends divided, neighbours and family at war, North v South, Rich v Poor, Leaver v Remain. It's toxic and the standard of debate in this country is at toddler level - a shame, given that social media allows us all a voice whenever we fancy it. And, yes, I count myself as part of that. No amount of "taking back control" can make up for the massive schism or the mistrust in politicians that you've expressed above, without really thinking about it. We won't even have less immigration, just a different type.
So, no, this election for me is 100% NOT about what I want on Brexit. It's about electing a decent local politician who will look after his own people when it all goes inevitably tits up.
*I am pondering switching my Election night coverage to Sky from the Beeb just because they have Bercow on though
My main entertainment will be seeing whether Duncan Smith and Raab get booted out or not.