Disagree with pretty much everything you have written.
One question though - why do you think you cannot have an amazing life if you are a Christian?
I did not say that. You can have an amazing life with an obsession about Hilda Ogden, a physical disability. BUT this does not mean it makes sense to seek out an obsession with a 1970s soap character, or seek to be like Adam Hills. I'd rather not. Religion is a waste of time at best, and a divisive source of delusion or smugness or hatred at worst. I'd rather not have it.
However, if you are a Christian and have a great life, great. That is fine by me and actually none of my business. But ask yourself if it would make any difference to you if you had no religion. Or a difference to your family? Would you turn into a bad person? Do you need religion to stop you being bad? Would you be less supportive and nurturing to the family if you had no god as a reference point? If you NEED the religion to be functonal you are in trouble.

Religion as a private thing is a private thing. Go for it. But if it is imposed on others.....you didn't say that so I presume it isn't the case.

Oh and you can disagree with all my points but I am correct and you are completely wrong. I could say that I think this because I believe it, and belief is King....in which case you have no comeback. But I won't say that. Instead maybe you could explain why I'm wrong?
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