Papa Lazarou
Living in a De Zerbi wonderland
Indeed a dinosaur who needs to be ousted more than Corbyn.
I should know, but how often are Union leaders elected?
Indeed a dinosaur who needs to be ousted more than Corbyn.
This really isn't true. You perceive it as a load of young militants, but Labour's membership is 70% over 45 year olds, mainly from ABC1 groups. This is the kind of misdirection the new Labour leader will need to address. The perception is very different from the reality.
Will we ever see such a successful period of prime ministership and government again? I am astonished how he is reviled by some in the Labour Party. Glad I left it when they left their common sense. Sadly I think there is no way back now - Momentum has a nasty grip and there is no one with strength like Kinnock waiting in the wings to put them back in their box.
I thought it was just McCluskey who screwed David Miliband rather than the whole trade union movement. He certainly was main architect of his downfall and with it any hopes of maintaining a competitive Labour Party.
I thought you were brighter than that.......but ok, here goes:
Coup - definition: "An instance of successfully achieving something difficult" .... in this case, the Corbynistas and hard left, having been roundly defeated in the general election now face the difficult challenge of retaining power within the Labour Party and of getting their own left wing candidate elected as leader. Under the circumstances I think, if they achieve that and Long-Bailey gets the gig, that could reasonably be described as a coup, don't you?
Looks like you're right, Long Bailey odds on now, looks like the Labour hardcord are being persuaded by the Long-Bailey/Burgon dream ticket.
What clown circus dictionary are you reading. A coup is seizing power by undemocratic or illegitimate means FFS
Explain how the forthcoming leadership contest is going to be undemocratic please. Words actually mean something you know, even tho lying is very much in fashion these days to get somewhere
Will we ever see such a successful period of prime ministership and government again? I am astonished how he is reviled by some in the Labour Party. Glad I left it when they left their common sense. Sadly I think there is no way back now - Momentum has a nasty grip and there is no one with strength like Kinnock waiting in the wings to put them back in their box.
I should know, but how often are Union leaders elected?
Confronting the obvious is clearly as painful and difficult for you as it is for the Corbynistas ..... I understand why you are so angry, your boys took a hell of a hammering, but try to retain a semblance of sense!
aside from the switch from wealthy people to companies, you need to understand that companies pay taxes in the countries they fall due, so multinational companies pay taxes in other countries. im not in the least surprised household names like Antofagasta (Chilean mining) or NMC Health (UAE healthcare) pay no tax here. i'd have thought coming from Ireland that takes advantage of moving tax domicile, you'd have know that.
The tax system is skewed to facilitate high wealth individuals in avoiding tax - for example - a workers in Britain paid between £12.5K-£50K a year pays 20% in income tax. Wealthy individuals use 'carried interest' instead of a salary as income, resulting in these individuals paying CGT rather than income tax. In 2018 over 9,000 of these high-wealth individuals made almost £34billion in 'capital gains' income (averaging over £3.75million each - with a minimum of £1million in income). Out of this £34billion they paid just over £5billion in CGT. A worker on £12.5K a year had a tax burden of 20% - a wealthy individual earning an average of £3.75m had a tax burden of 14.8%.You're a tad confused - you start talking about 'wealthy people' and accuse them of not paying more tax .... which in fact they do.
I didn't lie - I stated facts - and let's take BP that you tout about having 'massive' and you really mean 'massive losses' - well these massive losses came from the Deepwater Horizon disaster - a disaster that caused massive environmental damage on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico - a disaster that still has not been cleaned up - and at a cost of more than £200billion. Why should any company be allowed to cause a 'massive' environmental disaster because of cutting costs to boost profits - do a ham-fisted job of the clean-up and then be allowed to avoid paying tax because it was obliged to (partially) pay for the clean up?Then you blend it with 'rich' companies such as BP. Let's take BP for a second as you've mentioned them. The reason they got a tax rebate was because of massive, and I mean massive, losses in previous years - something you conveniently forget to mention. Bit like you ignoring the posts from myself and others previously showing you lied.
Two issues here -As my pension pot probably contains BP shares I'm rather happy they have more to pay 'shareholders' than tax.
How many elections did Kinnock lose to the Tories again?
Kinnock lost three elections - all of them because he tried to out-tory the Tories and he spent most of his time attacking socialists in his own party.Kinnock paved the way for John Smith, Brian Gould, Dewar, Blair, Brown and co, in making Labour electable again.
Let’s carry on with the losing Momentum formula forever. McDonnell, Lansman and Long-Bailey feeling rather smug with themselves that they have the reins, rather than those awful centre-left dissidents Harman, Kinnock jnr, Benn, Hodge, Alan Johnson.
Didn't Long-Bailey believe that tax was based on turnover rather than profit?
IMHO, she is far too left wing to lead the Labour party into recovery mode; indeed, the fact that she is a protege of McDonnell should really rule her out amongst those who want a shift in direction. I suppose it will depend on what shenanigans go on behind the scenes as to who gets put forward. Personally, I should like to hear a lot of noise from all Labourite moderates, regardless of how much influence they may have. Someone has to shake up the delusionists and rattle their cages pretty damn' hard if the party is to sort itself out anytime soon.
This is an important - and relevant graph -
Kinnock lost three elections - all of them because he tried to out-tory the Tories and he spent most of his time attacking socialists in his own party.
Labour was made 'electable' - Blair benefited from the fact that people were ready to vote for anyone but the Tories by 1995 - people may not remember the level of corruption that they Tories were involved in - but it was massive and it was in your face.
The likes of Harman, baby Kinnock, Benn and Hodge etc. are not 'centre-left' - they are down the line Tories and have proven it by implementing neo-liberal policies in government.
Kinnock lost three elections - all of them because he tried to out-tory the Tories and he spent most of his time attacking socialists in his own party.
Labour was made 'electable' - Blair benefited from the fact that people were ready to vote for anyone but the Tories by 1995 - people may not remember the level of corruption that they Tories were involved in - but it was massive and it was in your face.
The likes of Harman, baby Kinnock, Benn and Hodge etc. are not 'centre-left' - they are down the line Tories and have proven it by implementing neo-liberal policies in government.
This is an important - and relevant graph -