I must confess I hadn't been paying attention. I wasn't a party member back then (never had been). This act did banish the 'Bambi' bollocks but I had forgotten that this was before the election, and, er, renders my parallel narrative about Starmer nul and void. Oh well. Never mind. I'm still optimistic.Small point, Clause IV was changed in 1995. And Blair had apparently suggested rewriting it even before becoming leader of the party.
I'm mainly pointing this out to distract myself from the temptation to use unreasonably explicit and vivid imagery in a post slagging off the far left.
One can of course take comfort from that fact that not only has Starmer already shaken off Momentum and the other gobshite wankers, he has done so without people really noticing. No fuss. Wait for them to retweet some anti-Semitic trope then pounce and point them towards the sea.
I'm not sure why some voters feel the need to have leaders who willy-wave all the time, spaffing all over the place, and talking a load of florid bollocks. Like Johnson. We need a labour Johnson-equivalent like we need George Galloway. Give me dull and competent any day.