An away game in Amsterdam is very very different to a home game on the exchange. There is demand that dramatically exceeds supply, and you have to get flights, hotels, etc. It would be totally unfair for every category 1 fan to buy the ticket first and only then decide if they can go, depriving cat 2 people of getting the ticket until much later in the process when flights could be sold out, prices astronomical, and little chance of going with your mates. It would be chaos and there would be uproar on here.
I’m afraid that on here it can be very critical - the assumption being that the supporter has been a cretin, with the club adhering to a strong moral code. I’ve had similar on here and some of the comments about me & my own situation with the club on here have been atrocious (they’re unaware it’s me they’ve referred to and I’ve just read their comments without engaging with them).No previous contact needed as he’d attended all matches, his second child was only born this season thus making the fixtures more of a struggle to attend. If they had tried calling would a voicemail perhaps have been prudent?
Obviously I understand the scepticism, it’s NSC’s way, if it hasn’t happened to people directly then there’s no way it can have happened at all, right?
Regrettably that view will only change when they have some action taken against them which they feel is unjust.
Nothing surprises me about the actions of the club. I do not have a healthy view of them regarding their attitude towards fans - whether STH / 1901 STH - as they just want bums on seats….and the more you pay then the more appealing you are. They seem to make rules up as they go along and there’s nothing you can do about it.