Really? You think all leavers voted due to swallowing the 'campaign' (you think we all watched/read about the bus with the NHS costs) and had no opinions other than that?
OK, again, believe that if it makes you happy.
Brexiteers in the main voted that way because of long held views on:
1. Immigration was deemed too high for their communities.
2. A feeling of being left behind, forgotten by the establishment i.e. London.
3. A distaste for Brussels and Strasbourg have an increasing influence over UK affairs.
4. In some instances, workers and tradesmen had seen their rates of pay/pricing being depleted by far cheaper Polish tradesmen for example.
The other churned out comments are just bitchy soundbites against Brexiteers.
[I voted Remain, but am just honestly passing on the views of Brexiteers I know pre the vote, and also the analysis given by academics].