Even if it's true then LS constantly repeating the same echo chamber stuff means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.They’re probably just saying that to shut their mother up.
But that is funny.
Even if it's true then LS constantly repeating the same echo chamber stuff means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.They’re probably just saying that to shut their mother up.
You actually believe Polls despite history showing they are so often wrong they are pointless in many cases?
IIRC, a major exit Poll in 2016 showed remain had won...
Of course it's almost literally impossible to craft a parallel narrative of the UK 1973-2019 outside of the EEC/EU. Who knows, we might have been better off? (Personally I think that doesn't stack up.) But the point is that we have been in the EEC/EU 1973-2019 and are now arguing about whether and how to extract ourselves during which time everyone accepts that we have developed a myriad of mutual dependencies. Indeed, one of the pillars of the Brexiteer's case is that we have been hugely in thrall to the EU in this time - but that somehow (especially in the no deal perspective) we can be free in a single bound or with just a few bumps in the road.
Of course, it could be that the short term disruption (to put it at its absolute mildest) will reap longer term benefits - but these have never been convincingly explained, other than in the most generically optimistic fashion - that there is a queue of fast-growing countries awaiting the privilege of doing trade deals with us. Let's run with this fantasy for a minute. In such a situation as we bounced out of the close trading relationships with our existing partners, who will (to use a Brexiteer term that has proved to be totally false) 'hold all the cards' in these new negotiations?
Is there ANY evidence at all that this has been thought-through? The floor is yours, Leavers...………………..
When? WHEN?! Will many realise that the patronising (you know what that means, right?!) etc approach to getting people onside doesn’t work? You’ve gotta be stupid, really stupid, not to have learnt this over the past 4 years.
Forgive my grammar i do not do writing very much in my job .What part of my post do you not understand rather then disagree with ?.
Steady. You have acquired a semi (a semi-ALF: space before the comma syndrome, with added loss of space after it, hence the semi). If you start feeling especially hostile towards Catholics, Muslims or socialists, take an aspirin and recite the mantra 'I must, I must, I must increase my bust'.![]()
Thanks for bouncing that - I hadn't seen it (what with all the other bollocks on the thread, including my own). Rolled around laughing at it. Sums it up perfectly. I would need to be so drunk I couldn't stand, and I'd have long ago solied myself, in order to come up with that sequence of plans. That or not remotely interested.
She's thick, isn't sheIt has to be the explanation.
If someone so stupid voted remain, how stupid does that leave the stupid for leave?
There are some good things about being in the EU as well as bad ,cleaning up the seas ,especially around Brighton was a good thing ,and the referendum was close and i would have thought fine if Remain had won ,but what the majority Remain MP`s and the Remain Prime Minister have done was totally unexpected ,not forgetting the EU dismayed we would have the nerve to leave will not meet us halfway
Well it wont be one of those groups i`m in one of those .Forget all that think i remember Harry Wilson , Kit Napier was my favorite player. oh and Sully.
Did you copy and paste that from official records?
Again, apologies for taking the piss. I can sometimes be a thoughtless condescending ****.
They’re probably just saying that to shut their mother up.
Originally Posted by nicko31
Most won't but some will, some will have died.
Both my own parents in their 70's have changed their minds. One admits they were conned, the other has a massive guilt trip over the grand kids future
Unfortunately I had to type from memory, you would think that I would have missed a lot out from 2 years of negotiations, but I am pretty sure I covered it all.
I know you feel the level of immigration was something you wanted to change, but what are the other bad things as far as you are concerned?
Answer the question.
So polls aren't to be trusted, but you are?
The reality is most brexiteers now struggle. The campaign appealed to them on two fronts:
I don't post lies.
Get used to the fact that (despite popular crap spouted) plenty of intelligent people voted - and will vote if needed again - to leave the EU.
I also know of a law graduate and an economics graduate who voted leave and will do again...
Some replies here pointed me to Polls! Polls?! Haha! Look at the mixed message polls before the Country voted leave. Look at Polls before several GEs...