Go Orca.
The Honey Badger is just a pimped skunk. Bit like the chavvy Citroen Saxo's and the like outside McDonalds on a Friday night. All noise and extra's but b*gger all else under the skin!
Not sure he started all the Northern Rock stuff, but I have to agree with Unc S on this one, Peston is a ***t. I switch channels when he's on. Same with Alex Salmond, chubby faced, smug haggis nosher!
I reckon the genital devouring as mentioned on the video, was a lucky cheap shot. A lions knackers are quite dangly, so I reckon the HB got scuffed under the male lion during the fight, and saw a lucky opportunity. I guess in the savanah, you lose your knackers, you're going to bleed to death...
I would say it looks quite like a Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer. But they are pretty rare over here. I would suggest more of a mongrel than anything, with a bit of German Wirehaired pointer in it.
Had 3 weeks in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland last autumn, so unlikely to have a big hol this year (particularly as we are hopefully moving house).
Will be in Long Beach for a conference in April, so will spend a few extra days out there, and hopefully nip up to Oregan to see some friends. Will...
Not such a good Iidea. Admitedly there are some posters, like the Conspiricy Theory muppets who bang on about the same thing over and over, but ultimately I don't think the posters warrent banning.
The only bans I would like to see more often are the obnoxious Palace or Southampton pricks...
I go clay pigeon regularly, great fun. As many have said, get the gun right in at the shoulder and you'll barely feel a thing (they'll use low power/recoil cartridges as well). Eye and ear protection essential, although it'll all be supplied. Don't think about the target too long, its surprising...
English and very very proud of it.
and thats the multicultural, integrated society that England (and Britain) does much better than most other countries, dispite the efforts of the EDL and their counterparts on all sides of the religous/cultural spectrum.
Britain does me fine too. Home will...
My Father reads the Daily Express, and The Sun. Really can't fathom why he reads either of 'em, both s**t!
He is certainly anti-EU, but certainly not anti-foreigner and certainly couldn't give a monkeys about Dead Di! As I said, i can't fathom why he reads it!
Not up there with the original post or the dead egyptian, but having to drain our dogs blocked anal glands every now and again is pretty nasty.
One of them did it on their own once, at the vets, got stressed and shot the lot up the wall, disgusting sh*tty brown fish smelling goo:sick:
even the...
staying in with the missus. We'll make a nice dinner, and then I'll make a (smallish) dent in my single malts whilst watching Jools Holland.
About the same as the last 5 or 6 years then.
Missed this yesterday, so shamefully brought back to Page 1!
Cardiff (not a real country)
Edinburgh (ditto)
Dar es Salaam
Buenos Aires...
I bought the military wives single, because a) I quite like it anyway, b) supports good causes c) it will keep the annual dog sh1te that cowell and his cronies serve up away from the Crimbo No 1. Winner all round I say:clap:
Not a great lover of cheese. Have a big slab of chedder, some Wenslydale with cranberries, and the missus has a fair slab of brie and something that looks like its got peppers or chillis in it???
Really, really hate stinky cheeses:sick: