Bovine TB can be pretty devastating for an affected farm, but I'm really not sure a cull is the answer. Theres been calls for one for a long time and I think the Givt has finally given in as it can't be arsed (or afford) to fund a vaccination program or test. Whilst I don't have any moral...
Thinking of the usual crowd pics you see of newcastle supporters, I'm surprised they could drag their fat sweaty arses away from the pie stand and on to the pitch!
Of my original application for four tickets in the First Round (2x Athletics different days, 1x shooting, 1 x cross country of 3 day evening), I got one evening ticket for the Athletics. 7th August, there are a couple of finals, including mens 1,500m, for £150. I'm really happy with that, as out...
THE Vulcan, only one flying these days (and that may not last much longer if they don't reach a certain amount of money by end of next month). It was at the Kemble airshow in the Cotrswolds yesterday and was probably then off to Margate as someone said.
I saw it flying up the Wharfedale Valley...
It looks like someones modelled Cher's "Turn back time" video!!
Great work though, always admire people who have the dedication and patience to construct things like that.
I've jsut recived an email saying that I've been allocated "some or all" of the tickets I applied for. They are Updating my account apparently, but will not find out until 24th what the specifics are. Can't be arsed to cross check CC statement to see whats been charged and what the possible...
Imagine my dismay when I opened my Royal Holloway Alumni magazine (not the most exciting read I might add) to find Bakers grinning boat race appearing in some famous alumni article. It went straight in the bin after that.
I'll give him something though, hes got a face you couldn't tire of punching!
Katrina and the Waves had a top ten hit with "Walking on Sunshine" in 1985, but what was their claim to fame 12 years later?
(winning the Eurovision Song Contest in 1997 with Love Shine a Light)