Not enough points (I assume zero!!), live in West Yorkshire. If I was going to come down south for a game, it would be at the Amex, not at a pikey caravan site full of benefit cheats.
Given the stigma that exists within the game to gay footballers, anyone who had the balls (probably poor choice of word there) to come out, would have my utmost respect.
In Rugby Union, there is the citing process, where acts like stamping, eye gouging etc can be reviewed post-match (often because they are in a ruck or maul and not seen by the ref at the time). Maybe there should be a similar process in Football these days?
Real big loss to MotoGP.
He was a huge star in the making, and I think would have kept the showmanship and flair of Rossi going after Vale retired.
Lorenzo, Stoner and particularly Pedrosa are soooo dull!
Some of these have already been said by others, but:
Robin Williams
Jeremy Vine
Jeremy Clarkson
Chris Moyles,
Fern Cotton,
Holly Willobhey (and any c**t who calls her Willoboobie)
Jo Whiley
Alex Salmond
Nicola Sturgen
Conspiracy Theorists
Bus Drivers
Actually these seem rational to me!
Sorry, all this must be true. I watched a program last night where they had crossed a goat with a spider and it was producing spiders web silk in its milk!!! (not sure why it didn't have 8 legs though?).
What next, crossing Garlic with Bread!!!???!!!
You are talking complete f*cking arse!
I loved my time playing Rugby at University (all three of them I attended), but I love football as well. Soem people have the intelligence to like more than one sport!
Got nicked doing 80 on the Fontwell by-pass last July visiting my folks.
Got offerred the speed awareness course, and had the option of taking it up in West Yorkshire rather than in West Sussex, and it was £10 cheaper (£75 compared to £85). Basically a series of video clips and discussions on...
Boooo Hissss (in a slimey snake like manner).
BLACK Mamba pulled in the ethnic vote didn't it! :wink:
Rather have seen the Honey Badger win than it's dinner!
I think you're bang on there with the Puff Adder KZNS, that has a bigger attidude than old Mambo, and certainly accounts for a lot more human fatalities.
We found one under our trailor in Namibia whilst on Safari, took the guide a good half an hour (with a long shovel) to get the fat little sod...
I wonder how many "antis" drove to the meeting in their petrol burning cars and then went home and turned their gas fired central heating on, as well as using electricity from oil or gas powered generating stations.
Conventional oil and gas reserves globally are dwindlling and their is a huge...