Teddy Sherringham and Danielle Lloyd at Woodside Road, watching Brighton v Palace reserves a few years ago.
Teddys son Charlie was Palaces centre forward and was complete shite !!
Never realised that Teddy was a bit of a short arse either
I think people are missing the point that jumpers are so mentally removed from reality and logical thought that they don't really care about how their actions impact on others.
Its not about sticking two fingers up to life and thinking "right how can i f*** people off big time before i go"...
He jumped, and it was him walking away from the edge at the start of the film-
They probably chose that option to stop real life reinactments - there'd be alot of scooter spares after 30 years if he had gone over
Playing on the railways - blindfolded, or generally patrionising others not so aloof as you.
Can't believe you've only just turned 40 with the junk you type
currently have cracked rib done last Sunday - 60mg of codeine and 1000mg of paracetomal both 4 times a day
But any cough and its still through the roof. On top of that i find a sleeping tablet works for getting through the night.
jesus - good luck
IN 2006 i had 23 phonecalls to get the hole filled that appeared infront of my drive by BT sub contrators whilst out shopping. Did finally get £150 compensation!!!
sadly most of these people knew they could not maintain the repayments on these loans prior to taking them out, I claiming what I consider I am entitled to.
Sweet Jesus, that last bit can't be for real !!!:nono: