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**** The Official "Brighton Magiko" Song - As chosen by fans on NSC ****

Prepared to have a Drum for this song only, in Northstand, on a limited trial?

  • No, over my dead body.

    Votes: 69 41.3%
  • Yes, I'd trial it,to see how it works.

    Votes: 98 58.7%

  • Total voters


Native Creative
Jul 8, 2003
My only issue is the northstand can't seem to keep in time with itself. It's a bit all over the place at time son doing it between stands will be interesting. Oh and expect it to go at double or tripple speed once people get to grips with it.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
West Yorkshire

The funny thing is, this lot are the mugs who get excited about 30 people singing their foreign rubbish, and yet mock "al-be-yawn" which sounds fantastic when 20,000 join in. Yeah, we could probably do with a bit more variety, but they can f*** off if they think they're enforcing their crap ideas nicked from foreign teams they've seen on youtube on me, with their branded "ultras" nonsense.

Pardon my language, but it's the biggest load of self-righteous bollocks I've ever seen. Twitter pages and websites just to make sure people sing THEIR song and they can take the credit. Absolute bollocks. What happened to terrace spontaneity?

What a ****.


Hove / Παρος
Apr 7, 2006
Hove / Παρος
I'm familiar with that due to the fact i'm not a fuckwit, however I KNOW how it was sung in The North Stand in 1978 (the Alan Mullery version) due to the fact I was there, however in those days we didn't have the song police, we just sung a song and if you didn't like it, tough shit, but in them days the Albion going public were not as far up their own arses so they just sung any old shite in order to make a noise

Wasn't talking to you mate, was pointing out that the word Aces was used as it rhymed with Races, as Commander seemed to be pondering why an American word was used. Post confusion mayhem alert!

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Does he need any others?

Everyone has agreed the Amex atmosphere is BRILLIANT.

So why introduce complicated new contrived foreign bollocks that doesn't have a hope in hell of being sun by more than a couple of hundred, if that?

EVERY song (GOSBTS aside) is contrived.

Quite a few are 'foreign'.

Still, if you want to sing one song all game - knock yourself out.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 28, 2004
Everyone has agreed the Amex atmosphere is BRILLIANT.

So why introduce complicated new contrived foreign bollocks that doesn't have a hope in hell of being sun by more than a couple of hundred, if that?

No they haven't. It is good, but it is not brilliant, it can be better.

Nearly everyone agrees that we need more songs, rather than the same four over and over again.

Seriously, would you rather we never tried anything new? You realise that at some point ALL our songs were new? Going back to my point (again) about the Brighton Aces song, do you think if it was suggested on here now that you would have been all for it? Or do you think you would have moaned and said it was shit?

Serious question.

Leicester Seagull

New member
Oct 24, 2009
f*** a duck

No drum. Ever.

A thousand times this.

If a song is truly good, it will catch on from just a handful of people singing it a few times.

What won't make it good is a f***ing drum- that's just going get on everyone else's tits. And we'll never be able to go back to not having a stupid f***ing drum. We'll be one of THOSE clubs, whom we used to look down on. Like Leicester... :cry:

les dynam

New member
Oct 10, 2008
to the guys in the NSK and others trying to get this going... i wouldn't bother with north stand chat, as you'll just get a load of negative moaning and people whining on about terraces this and terraces that... carry on with your plans and give it a go. it will sound superb against hull i'm sure, and by the time the second half kicks off all parts of the ground will be trying to get involved. good for you guys for getting the ultras thing up and running, it's one of the best things about the amex in my book. loved the dick knight banner by the way.

Captain Sensible

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Not the real one
I am starting to think a drum is a bad idea as everyone hates it.
So no drum, just start off clapping to keep it in time. It needs a few leaders so hold the speed. It will be easier to make it work of we only start in the north and get it right there first.


Well-known member
May 20, 2009
Why so much negativity to this song? Is it just the old farts that don't like change?
There is a good chance that we will suck at this song at first but practice makes perfect.
I like this song and my only issue is with the drum, maybe it should not of been mentioned at start of this thread


Il Pirata
Dec 3, 2008
I suppose it is about time I waded in to this seeing as I came up with the first draft of the lyrics. First of all let me say that I am a member of NSK, well friends with people involved in it there isn't a membership scheme or anything. The idea for me was to create a new song that was less controversial than 'We're the North Stand' but had the potential to be repeated over and over. For me we too often sing things for two verses then stop, this why the North Stand sounds so disjointed so often, if you start a song keep it going so there is time for the whole stand then the whole ground can join in.

I hope this song does catch on as I think it is great, but if you do not like it do not sing it. It is that simple, I never join in with 'XXXX is a shit hole, I want to go home', but I do not find it necesary to come on here and bitch about it. If you have nothing constructive to say then don't say anything.

Finally a big thank you to [MENTION=15046]peterward[/MENTION] and [MENTION=11828]Twinkle Toes[/MENTION] for their revisions to the original lyrics and for the effort they have put in towards getting this song known by others. We will find out over the next few months if this will catch on, the Brighton Magiko's judge and jury will not be keyboard warriors on here but people in the ground singing along or not. Come January we will know whether this song works or not, for those behind it, be patient it will take time.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
Littlehampton,Wick actually
Sorry, you are saying it works at Greek grounds but wont at the Amex because the sound in Greek stadiums travels faster than it does in our stadium? I see. And you know this how exactly? Have you studied the acoustics in both sets of stadiums? Or ar you just being a negative twat?

Would you prefer us to carry on singing All-bii-ooon on a loop instead? Is that the issue, you don't like change? What people seem to forget is that at one point, ALL the songs were new. But the internet wasn't around then for people to slate them and say they were shit. If a song isn't meant to work then it wont work, but what is the problem with people trying to do something different? IF, and it is a big IF, this song did catch on and all three stands at the Amex were belting it out like they are in the Panathanaikos video, are you honestly telling me that you think that would be shit? Because it wouldn't, it would be amazing. If we were in the Premier League and doing that Sky would be all over it.

Take some of the greatest atmospheres generated in world football- Borussia Dortmund, Boca Juniors, Panathanaikos, River Plate etc. How do you think they create that atmosphere? Is it spontaneous, and people just make it up as they go along? Because I can tell you, it isn't. They organise it, they do use song sheets and they practice it every game until it is perfect. And then they sing it forever more, so you would be forgiven for thinking that it was spontaneous and that it just happened naturally. But it wasn't. And I don't think anyone can deny that we need to sing a bigger repertoire of songs than we do at the moment. Whether that is creating new ones or bringing back old ones, it doesn't matter. But we are in a NEW stadium, so NOW is the time to be creating new stuff and changing things to make the atmosphere better, and keeping it like that for the next 100 years. Then when we move to our new 100,000 capacity floating hover-stadium in the sea, people can say stuff like "I miss the spontaneity of the Amex, why do we need to change anything, it was never an issue there, the atmosphere was always rocking and we never needed song sheets or organisation or 'ultras' there".

As for a drum, IF we could have it JUST for this song to make sure everyone sings in time, then it would be worth a trial. But the second someone starts whacking it when we are singing any other song, I will personally seek him out, snap his drumsticks in half and karate chop him in the face.
Like "you" say it works in brazil,germany,greece,we aint either of these,and not an expert on sound travel,but hello,wake the fck up,have you been to any home games this year? every song sung from north stand is heard about a second later,in other parts of the ground,hence,you have 2-3 sets of fans singing the same song and it sounds a fcking mess,but seeing as your an "expert" on fans/songs,you will notice one thing about them all,its started by fans in the middle of a stand,so sound spreads in both directions at same time,hence,all singing together the same song.But hey i expect you knew that as your the "expert" here,not me. Thats the view from a negative twat btw,not an "expert" like yourself of course.

The Grockle

Formally Croydon Seagull
Sep 26, 2008
Not a bad suggestion but I can’t see it catching on, it’s a little too complicated…we struggle with GOSBTS!

I would never advocate stealing a rivals song but we can take a bit of inspiration from our ‘friends’ at the other end of the A23, I was there last Saturday and they’ve got a decent repertoire of repetitive songs which are IMO much easier for the masses to join in. The best example I thought was this one;

We're the pride of south london

south london's number 1

and you know it's true

we bleed red and blue

There’s a link here if anyone feels like contaminating their ears

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