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The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008

Meanwhile in an alternative universe, inner London in the 21st century, white kids in small minorities are subjected to thinly disguised racism dressed up safely as commemorations of the abolition of slavery, and are told Asher D and Richard Blackwood are the pinnacles of achievement, in assemblies.

Charlie Brooker is a very clever and funny man, but he himself confesses politics is not his strongpoint.

No one can argue that racism is not morally reprehensible. But what a f***ing crap example.

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
So come on Cov tell the masses what happens next when and if ever the BNP get in and the people they wish to pay £1000 to repatriate themselves refuse to leave?

and what happens to them if the place from whence they came refuses to take them back?

Common as Mook

Not Posh as Fook
Jul 26, 2004
Meanwhile in an alternative universe, inner London in the 21st century, white kids in small minorities are subjected to thinly disguised racism dressed up safely as commemorations of the abolition of slavery, and are told Asher D and Richard Blackwood are the pinnacles of achievement, in assemblies.

No different to morons like Wayne Rooney and Jade Goody being lauded as 'role-models.'


Aug 21, 2005
Crap Town
So come on Cov tell the masses what happens next when and if ever the BNP get in and the people they wish to pay £1000 to repatriate themselves refuse to leave?

and what happens to them if the place from whence they came refuses to take them back?

Dont they receive a one off payment of £3,000 to return to their country of origin at the moment ?

The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
No different to morons like Wayne Rooney and Jade Goody being lauded as 'role-models.'

no but I do not know of them being cited as such in junior school assemblies, and certainly not on the basis of the colour of their skin. Unlike my examples.

Hungry Joe

Oct 22, 2004
Heading for shore
No one can argue that racism is not morally reprehensible. But what a f***ing crap example.

But that's exactly what the BNP do argue (candidly in private and obtusely in public). It might not be an overly intelectual example but I actually think it's better because of that, not a bad example at all in the context of the piece.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
Apologies if this has already been posted but I couldn't be arsed to trawl through every post. Even if it has it's worth reading again, especially for anyone misguided enough to be considering supporting the BNP. If only I'd had a copy to hand when I threw back the BNP leaflets that that dangerous young woman who's standing for them in my area had dropped through my door. Mind you, she probably still wouldn't have 'got it', the silly cow.

The BNP represents Britain's workers? They don't even represent basic British craftsmanship
Charlie Brooker The Guardian, Monday 18 May 2009 Article history

I was born in the 70s and grew up in a tiny rural village. There was, I think, only one black kid in my primary school. One day, someone pushed him over and called him "blackjack". The headmaster called an impromptu assembly. It involved the entire school, and took place outdoors. No doubt: this was unusual.

We stood in military rows in the playground. I must have been about six, so I can't remember the words he used, but the substance stuck. He spoke with eerie, measured anger. He'd fought in the second world war, he told us. Our village had a memorial commemorating friends of his who had died. Many were relatives of ours. These villagers gave their lives fighting a regime that looked down on anyone "different", that tried to blame others for any problem they could find; a bullying, racist regime called "the Nazis". Millions of people had died thanks to their bigotry and prejudice. And he told us that anyone who picked on anyone else because they were "different' wasn't merely insulting the object of their derision, but insulting the headmaster himself, and his dead friends, and our dead relatives, the ones on the war memorial. And if he heard of anyone - anyone - using racist language again, they'd immediately get the slipper.

Corporal punishment was still alive and well, see. The slipper was his nuclear bomb.

It was the first time I was explicitly told that racism was unpleasant and it was a lesson served with a side order of patriot fries. Or rather, chips. Our headmaster had fought for his country, and for tolerance, all at once. That's what I understood it meant to be truly "British": to be polite, and civil and fair of mind. (And to occasionally wallop schoolkids with slippers, admittedly, but we'll overlook that, OK? We've moved on.)

But according to the BNP, I'm wrong. Being British is actually about feeling aggressed, mistrustful, overlooked, isolated, powerless, and petrified of "losing my identity". Britishness incorporates a propensity to look around me with jealous eyes, fuming over imaginary sums of money being doled out to child-molesting asylum-seekers by corrupt PC politicians who've lost touch with the common man - a common man who, coincidentally, happens to be white.

They're wrong, obviously. None of these qualities has anything whatsoever to do with being British, but everything to do with ugly nationalist politics. And ugly nationalist politics are popular all over the world. Just like Pringles. Every country has its own tiny enclave of frightened, disenfranchised, misguided souls clinging to their national flag, claiming they're the REAL patriots, saying everyone's out to get them. It's an international weakness. For the BNP to claim to be more British than the other British parties is as nonsensical as your dad suddenly claiming to have invented the beard.

The other day, the BNP had a political broadcast on the box. I wasn't in my beloved homeland at the time, but I heard about it, via internet chuckles of derision. Fellow geeky types tweeting about the poor production values. I looked it up on YouTube. Sure enough, it was badly made. No surprise there. Extremist material of any kind always looks gaudy and cheap, like a bad pizza menu. Not because they can't afford decent computers - these days you can knock up a professional CD cover on a pay-as-you-go mobile - but because anyone who's good at graphic design is likely to be a thoughtful, inquisitive sort by nature. And thoughtful, inquisitive sorts tend to think fascism is a bit shit, to be honest. If the BNP really were the greatest British party, they'd have the greatest British designer working for them - Jonathan Ive, perhaps, the man who designed the iPod. But they don't. They've got someone who tries to stab your eyes out with primary colours.

But there's more to the advert's failure than its hideous use of colour schemes. Every aspect of it is bad. The framing is bad. The sound is bad. The script is bad. For all their talk about representing the Great British Worker, when it comes to promotional material, the BNP can't even represent the most basic British craftsmanship.

Nick Griffin's first line is "Don't turn it off!", which in terms of opening gambits is about as enticing as hearing someone shout "Try not to be sick!" immediately prior to intercourse. He goes on to claim that, "We're all angry about professional politicians with their snouts in the public trough." He's right, we are: so angry we're prepared to instantly forget all the occasions we've fiddled our own expenses, thereby enabling us to add a dash of undeserved self-righteousness to our existing justified anger.

But by referring to "professional politicians", Griffin is presumably suggesting we should elect amateurs instead. Maybe that's why the advert's so amateurish. Maybe that's why all the BNP representatives in the ad read their lines so clumsily, like DFS employees in a bank holiday sale commercial circa 1986, or recently revived chemical coma patients being forced to recite barcode numbers at gunpoint. It's deliberate incompetence. Don't vote for those nasty slick parties. Vote for a shoddy one! Never mind the extremism, feel the ineptitude.

Here's a fantasy. We - the decent British majority - spend years toiling in secret, creating a life-size replica of Britain in the middle of the Pacific. It's identical down to the tiniest blade of grass, or branch of Gregg's. And one night, while every member of the BNP is asleep, we whisk them via helicopter to this replica UK, this Backup Britain. Put them in replica beds in replica homes. Then we fly back home to watch the fun on CCTV.

For several weeks, they walk around, confused, but pleased. The weather's nice! More importantly, there are no black faces! Then the infrastructure breaks down and they start to starve, and there's no one to blame but themselves. And then someone with GPS on their phone works out what's happened, realises they've all become immigrants in their own land. Half of them go mad and start attacking each other. The rest desperately apply for asylum in Britain. The real Britain. The decent, tolerant Britain. The country you can be proud of.

I like Charlie Brooker, Screen Wipe is really good. I love the point that nobody 'thoughtful, inquisitive sort by nature.' would be involved in a BNP video.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
The last one, Virgin Nigeria. An airline started up purely on the back of mass migration to Britain from Nigeria.

Before some tedious student who never grew up gives me a lecture on the history of colonialism in West Africa, don't f***ing bother.

Why would a student who never grew up give you a lecture on the history of colonialism in West Africa when you know what Virign Nigeria is?

The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
I like Charlie Brooker, Screen Wipe is really good. I love the point that nobody 'thoughtful, inquisitive sort by nature.' would be involved in a BNP video.

You should read his recent piece on people with iphones.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
the usual clueless nobs are out in force tut tut ing from their all white villages, wanting to buy the world a coke from Littlehampton, while London creaks under the strain of accomodating everyone who can get here, whilst communities constantly fail to form in any coherent sense.

I think the BNP is the refuge of a lot of thick c unts and nasty people, but if it wasnt for the suburban divs who just hate, f*** me plenty of black british people would be voting for them too. The same ones who find the sort of daft well meaning people on here hilarious, who cannot divide immigration and racism, or take a stance based on a morality or principles that are never tested.

If you are a black British father of small kids in a street where Kosovan criminal gangs are running amok and have committed a murder in broad daylight (my street for example, and my neighbour), then you think very similarly to your white neighbour. Not like some plum from Sussex who believes everything in the Guardian and watched too much Ben Elton as a kid, and mistakenly believes all 'immigrants' empathise with each other and need protecting.

Needs some background music for impact, presence and authenticity when you say these lines, here you go Spanish:


Well-known member
May 23, 2004
Britain would have fought Germany in 1939 whatever the nature of the regime in Germany. We went to war in 1914 (on the pretext of protecting the sovereignty of Belgium) because German industrial might was undermining Britain's share of world trade. Of course, the British dressed up what amounted to an opportunity to protect Imperial trade as a moral crusade, but the reality was that Germany was not a military threat to Britain in 1914. Moreover, in 1914, the British went to war with the slogan "making the world safe for democracy", when Germany's system of government was more democratic than was the British.

In 1939, under a national-socialist regime, German economic and industrial might again threatened to leave Britain behind, so she had to be defeated. Yes, we fought a country which was governed by a fascist regime, but we did not go to war with Germany simply because it was governed so. Indeed, the British prime minister at the outbreak of war, Neville Chamberlain, did not want a conflict between Britain and Germany.

Whenever a far-right party in Britain threatens the cosy (not to mention, corrupt) liberal consensus, the myths of Dunkirk, "Britain standing alone", etc, as perpetuated by comic books, endless war films and replays of Churchill's overrated speeches, are wheeled out.

My grandfathers fought the Nazis in WW2. My maternal grandfather was one of the first British soldiers to cross the Rhine in 1945. I'm proud of the role that they played. But I know my history and won't have my sentiments manipulated, with emotive appeals to a mythical past, by a self-serving elite.

The Establishment of this country is alienating too many British people. The day of reckoning is fast approaching. Bring it on.

If we were so keen to fight Germany, how come we pursued a policy of appeasement and a large part of the British establishment wanted to make peace with Hitler?

To coin a modern expression we won the first world war but lost the peace and financial penalties for Germany created an environment where extreme politics would thrive but we fought the Nazis because they would have taken over Europe and wiped out millions more than they did.

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
I bet its some stupid scheme to send Asylum seekers home and not legally settled immigrants.

Another case of Border control not doing their job properly and letting them in the first place. Now thats something we should be much harder on.

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