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New member
Aug 31, 2005
I must say i agree with him that there does seem to be an extraordinarily large number of asians working within passport control etc

Lots of people who come here from overseas to the company that I work for comment on the fact the British cannot control entry to their own country..

It would be nice to see uniformed immigration staff as you enter the UK..

Oct 25, 2003
pigsinspace said:
I arrived back in the UK yesterday after just over 1 month in Hong Kong..

I thought the aircraft had diverted to the indian sub continent.

the bloke in immigration who checked my passport was a paki and the customs were 50% turban wearing...

..and they talk about national fkin security !

We've got fkin immigrants applying to their own fkin relations in the immigration department for fkin visas, giving their friends houses at the housing department, and jobs at the jobcentre,

and mussies loading the bags at the fkin airport in London, while their wives clean the fkin plane and prepare our food !!!

i dispair

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Are you thinking on the lines that they will let their "own people" in without follow strict procedure?


So we can now add dishonest to the growing list of traits for Asians - according to you


The moaning of life
Jan 8, 2006
In rehab
I take it pigsinspace isn't allowed his own opinions?Whether there right or wrong he is entitled to an opinion

Britain's very existence today is threatened by immigration. As a nation we must rebuild trust in the immigration system amongst the British electorate whilst simultaneously ensuring that National Security is maintained in this era of global terrorism.

We are proud of the fact that at a time when several other political parties and many sections of the media are finally awakening to this issue we alone of all the political parties have a decades-long record of pointing it out. If even Tony Blair can say that it is "neither racist nor extremist" to raise "genuine concerns" about the flood of asylum seekers, then it is no longer feasible to pretend that this crisis does not exist. All those persons and organisations who have endured years of abuse for telling the truth are owed a serious apology by their critics.

To take just one example, it is a hard fact that, according to official figures, 15% of the UK's male prison population is black, despite black people accounting for only 2% of the total population. Victim-reported figures concerning the race of criminals give the lie to the leftist argument that this is due to discriminatory prosecution. It is an inescapable statistical fact that immigration into Britain increases the crime rate.

Figures for unemployment, welfare dependency, educational failure, and other social pathologies tell a similar story for most other foreign ethnic groups. There is simply no escaping the fact that choosing to admit such persons into the country in significant numbers means choosing to become a poorer, more violent, more dependent and worse-educated society.

Our programme:

1. In any society claiming to be based on the rule of law, it must be beyond serious controversy that all illegal immigrants must be deported as soon as they are discovered. We will increase the funding and political will behind such operations by the police and the courts.

The present regime propagates the myth that such deportation could only be accomplished by authoritarian police tactics, alien to British values. This is obviously false, as even under the present unacceptably lax deportation policies, tens of thousands of people are deported from the UK annually without incident.

2. Every nation, no matter how open or closed its immigration policy may be, has the right and duty to maintain sovereign physical control of its borders. We will begin by increasing the funding of existing border controls by 500% and shall continue to increase budget and personnel until our borders are secure against significant intrusion. In particular, the first company of British troops to be withdrawn from Iraq on the day a BNP government assumes office would be redeployed to secure the Channel Tunnel and Kent ports against illegal immigration.

The regime propagates the myth that Britain cannot, in the face of modern international travel and trade, secure its borders at reasonable cost and convenience. This is also obviously untrue, as the border control example of other advanced nations (the most relevant being that other great island state, Japan) proves.

3. Under present circumstances we would abide by our obligations under the 1951 United Nations Convention on Refugees. We recognise the existence of legitimate international refugees from persecution and war, but point to the fact that international law provides that such persons must be given – and must seek – refuge in the nearest safe country. So, unless a flood of refugees from a civil war in France or Denmark shows up on our shores, these refugees are simply not Britain's responsibility and have no right to refuge here.

This is not a position of callousness: it is a principled stand that all the problems of the world are neither Britain's fault nor our responsibility – or even in our capacity - to solve. In order to further the proper handling of refugees in the appropriate place (not in the advanced Western societies to which they gravitate out of economic self-interest) we will be prepared to contribute funds to refugee relief programmes which respect these principles.

4. We will reform the laws and law enforcement of the UK so that, with respect to refugees and illegal immigrants, there are no blind eyes turned to violations, no amnesties to reward law-breaking, and no extensive appeals against legal decisions. We will place the burden of proof upon the claimant to prove his or her legitimate presence in this country. We will require persons whose cases are pending to be held in refugee centres, not at large in the community.

5. We will impose a permanent lifetime ban on re-entry into Britain for any reason on any person found guilty of having violated British entry or immigration laws, enforced by instant deportation.

Our Agenda for Change

On current demographic trends we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years. By 2020, an extra 5-7 million immigrants will have entered Britain, whilst immigrant communities already resident here are having more children than the indigenous British people. The estimates for the numbers of illegal immigrants resident in the country vary from 250,000 to over a million.

To ensure that we do not become a minority in our own homeland, and that the native British peoples of our islands retain their culture and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of all bogus asylum seekers, all criminal entrants and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants and their descendants who are legally here are afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.

We will abolish the 'positive discrimination' schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of 'asylum seekers', the vast majority of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries. Britain is full up and the government of Britain has as its first responsibility the welfare, security and long-term preservation of the native people of Britain.

One of the most important rights that any nation possesses is the right to decide who shall enjoy citizenship and residence within its national borders. In a time of global terrorism, asymmetric warfare and open trade borders, the issue of illegal immigration must be considered as an aspect of National Security and not just an issue of social policy.

The liberal consensus on immigration must be balanced by the interests of National Security. Recent arrests of cells of Islamic terrorists living in the country plotting mass murder in Britain illustrate the link between illegal immigration and terrorism. The link between illegal immigration and crime in our communities – including the ruthless exploitation of the immigrants themselves - is also well documented.

We are the only political party that is pledged to take action on illegal immigration. We do not dodge the issue by using vacuous sound bites and shallow headlines, as the old parties do with their ‘promises to do something' but intentions of doing next to nothing. We will do what it is required and we have firm plans as regards our policy on ending illegal immigration immediately, and reversing the tide of immigration in the longer term:

1) Our first step will be to shut the door. A BNP government would accept no further immigration from any of the parts of the world which present the prospect of an almost limitless flow of immigration: Africa, Asia, China, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America would all be placed on an immediate ‘stop' list. This would later be subject to review in the case of genuine students accepted for training as part of our long-term policy of helping to build up Third World economies in order to facilitate the voluntary return of their nationals or their descendants under our long-tern resettlement programme.

2) Inform the general public of a BNP government's immigration policy. This Primary Information Phase will consist of a full year of information and education publicity campaigns to explain to all sections of the British public exactly what the policy is going to be, and why it is needed. These high-profile information campaigns will be community-based and will use the languages of all the ethnic communities resident in the country, as well as English. This will also create the time to prepare the necessary state structures and resources that will be used to actively enact the policy once it is in operation.

The intention of the BNP Immigration Policy is to remove all illegal immigrants present within the United Kingdom in an orderly, lawful and humane manner through a planned Two Phase procedure. The First Phase will be dealt with by the Civil Courts and regarded as a civil matter, whilst the Second Phase will be dealt with by the Criminal Courts and regarded as a matter of National Security.

The First Phase: Voluntary Registration

Those illegal immigrants who truthfully declare their illegal status to the authorities during the registration period will be able to claim, in the case of skilled and key workers, extended leave to remain in the United Kingdom as long as they are benefiting the UK economy and stay as residents until such time as we have had time to train British personnel to replace them.

During this period we would also strive to provide these regularized illegal key workers with extra training intended to increase their value to their home countries on their return.

All other illegal immigrants, including visa over-stayers, casual workers and ex-students will have one year to register their presence and assets they wish to liquidate and take with them. Upon registration they will become entitled to free flights home, and time before they leave to put their affairs here in order, including selling property and other legally acquired assets so as to be able to take the full value of their property (less any unpaid taxes and medical bills) with them when they and their families return home. This voluntary registration policy will last for a year. There will be no extensions.

Voluntary Registration cases will be dealt with by the Home Office through the Civil Courts in the event of any disputes arising over asset liquidation.

The Second Phase: Assisted Registration

Those illegal immigrants resident in the UK who fail to register with the authorities and declare their illegal status when the First Phase of the policy ends, will be dealt with solely by the Ministry for National Border Security and the Criminal Courts.

Registration will be an issue of National Security as regards those who, for whatever reason, do not declare their illegal entrant status to the authorities before the First Phase deadline expires. Those assisting illegal immigrants to stay in the UK will also be dealt with under the criminal law. Those who have failed to declare their illegal status will be immediately arrested and held in police custody until they are deported. Those illegal immigrants arrested with children born in the UK will be able to apply to be tagged in their own homes until a hearing in court as to the citizenship status of the children. No appeals on decisions of the Courts on matters of national security will be allowed.

The lack of registration status also involves the withdrawal of access to all civil legal remedies and procedures available to those with Registered Status and also withdrawal of the right to use State welfare provisions and institutions. All persons resident in UK territory from the expiry date of the First Phase who cannot provide a legitimate and verified National Insurance number on demand and provide full citizenship status or registered status documentation will be liable for immediate arrest and to be held in custody until proof of citizenship is proved.

Those who have been arrested will not be allowed to remove any assets from the country when they are deported.


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Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
algie said:
I take it pigsinspace isn't allowed his own opinions?Whether there right or wrong he is entitled to an opinion

He is allowed his opinions. Of course. Just as you are......

I didn't find the armband gag funny in the first page, but you are entitled to your opinion, whatever it is. Even if I do wonder how on earth you could find something like that funny. I would really question what sort of a person I was, if I was you.


The moaning of life
Jan 8, 2006
In rehab
I thought it was f***ing hilarious.What suits you may not suit others.If you don't find that funny then thats your choice.I did.

Oceanic said:
Britain's very existence today is threatened by immigration. As a nation we must rebuild trust in the immigration system amongst the British electorate whilst simultaneously ensuring that National Security is maintained in this era of global terrorism.

We are proud of the fact that at a time when several other political parties and many sections of the media are finally awakening to this issue we alone of all the political parties have a decades-long record of pointing it out. If even Tony Blair can say that it is "neither racist nor extremist" to raise "genuine concerns" about the flood of asylum seekers, then it is no longer feasible to pretend that this crisis does not exist. All those persons and organisations who have endured years of abuse for telling the truth are owed a serious apology by their critics.

To take just one example, it is a hard fact that, according to official figures, 15% of the UK's male prison population is black, despite black people accounting for only 2% of the total population. Victim-reported figures concerning the race of criminals give the lie to the leftist argument that this is due to discriminatory prosecution. It is an inescapable statistical fact that immigration into Britain increases the crime rate.

Figures for unemployment, welfare dependency, educational failure, and other social pathologies tell a similar story for most other foreign ethnic groups. There is simply no escaping the fact that choosing to admit such persons into the country in significant numbers means choosing to become a poorer, more violent, more dependent and worse-educated society.

Our programme:

1. In any society claiming to be based on the rule of law, it must be beyond serious controversy that all illegal immigrants must be deported as soon as they are discovered. We will increase the funding and political will behind such operations by the police and the courts.

The present regime propagates the myth that such deportation could only be accomplished by authoritarian police tactics, alien to British values. This is obviously false, as even under the present unacceptably lax deportation policies, tens of thousands of people are deported from the UK annually without incident.

2. Every nation, no matter how open or closed its immigration policy may be, has the right and duty to maintain sovereign physical control of its borders. We will begin by increasing the funding of existing border controls by 500% and shall continue to increase budget and personnel until our borders are secure against significant intrusion. In particular, the first company of British troops to be withdrawn from Iraq on the day a BNP government assumes office would be redeployed to secure the Channel Tunnel and Kent ports against illegal immigration.

The regime propagates the myth that Britain cannot, in the face of modern international travel and trade, secure its borders at reasonable cost and convenience. This is also obviously untrue, as the border control example of other advanced nations (the most relevant being that other great island state, Japan) proves.

3. Under present circumstances we would abide by our obligations under the 1951 United Nations Convention on Refugees. We recognise the existence of legitimate international refugees from persecution and war, but point to the fact that international law provides that such persons must be given – and must seek – refuge in the nearest safe country. So, unless a flood of refugees from a civil war in France or Denmark shows up on our shores, these refugees are simply not Britain's responsibility and have no right to refuge here.

This is not a position of callousness: it is a principled stand that all the problems of the world are neither Britain's fault nor our responsibility – or even in our capacity - to solve. In order to further the proper handling of refugees in the appropriate place (not in the advanced Western societies to which they gravitate out of economic self-interest) we will be prepared to contribute funds to refugee relief programmes which respect these principles.

4. We will reform the laws and law enforcement of the UK so that, with respect to refugees and illegal immigrants, there are no blind eyes turned to violations, no amnesties to reward law-breaking, and no extensive appeals against legal decisions. We will place the burden of proof upon the claimant to prove his or her legitimate presence in this country. We will require persons whose cases are pending to be held in refugee centres, not at large in the community.

5. We will impose a permanent lifetime ban on re-entry into Britain for any reason on any person found guilty of having violated British entry or immigration laws, enforced by instant deportation.

Our Agenda for Change

On current demographic trends we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years. By 2020, an extra 5-7 million immigrants will have entered Britain, whilst immigrant communities already resident here are having more children than the indigenous British people. The estimates for the numbers of illegal immigrants resident in the country vary from 250,000 to over a million.

To ensure that we do not become a minority in our own homeland, and that the native British peoples of our islands retain their culture and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of all bogus asylum seekers, all criminal entrants and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants and their descendants who are legally here are afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.

We will abolish the 'positive discrimination' schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of 'asylum seekers', the vast majority of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries. Britain is full up and the government of Britain has as its first responsibility the welfare, security and long-term preservation of the native people of Britain.

One of the most important rights that any nation possesses is the right to decide who shall enjoy citizenship and residence within its national borders. In a time of global terrorism, asymmetric warfare and open trade borders, the issue of illegal immigration must be considered as an aspect of National Security and not just an issue of social policy.

The liberal consensus on immigration must be balanced by the interests of National Security. Recent arrests of cells of Islamic terrorists living in the country plotting mass murder in Britain illustrate the link between illegal immigration and terrorism. The link between illegal immigration and crime in our communities – including the ruthless exploitation of the immigrants themselves - is also well documented.

We are the only political party that is pledged to take action on illegal immigration. We do not dodge the issue by using vacuous sound bites and shallow headlines, as the old parties do with their ‘promises to do something' but intentions of doing next to nothing. We will do what it is required and we have firm plans as regards our policy on ending illegal immigration immediately, and reversing the tide of immigration in the longer term:

1) Our first step will be to shut the door. A BNP government would accept no further immigration from any of the parts of the world which present the prospect of an almost limitless flow of immigration: Africa, Asia, China, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America would all be placed on an immediate ‘stop' list. This would later be subject to review in the case of genuine students accepted for training as part of our long-term policy of helping to build up Third World economies in order to facilitate the voluntary return of their nationals or their descendants under our long-tern resettlement programme.

2) Inform the general public of a BNP government's immigration policy. This Primary Information Phase will consist of a full year of information and education publicity campaigns to explain to all sections of the British public exactly what the policy is going to be, and why it is needed. These high-profile information campaigns will be community-based and will use the languages of all the ethnic communities resident in the country, as well as English. This will also create the time to prepare the necessary state structures and resources that will be used to actively enact the policy once it is in operation.

The intention of the BNP Immigration Policy is to remove all illegal immigrants present within the United Kingdom in an orderly, lawful and humane manner through a planned Two Phase procedure. The First Phase will be dealt with by the Civil Courts and regarded as a civil matter, whilst the Second Phase will be dealt with by the Criminal Courts and regarded as a matter of National Security.

The First Phase: Voluntary Registration

Those illegal immigrants who truthfully declare their illegal status to the authorities during the registration period will be able to claim, in the case of skilled and key workers, extended leave to remain in the United Kingdom as long as they are benefiting the UK economy and stay as residents until such time as we have had time to train British personnel to replace them.

During this period we would also strive to provide these regularized illegal key workers with extra training intended to increase their value to their home countries on their return.

All other illegal immigrants, including visa over-stayers, casual workers and ex-students will have one year to register their presence and assets they wish to liquidate and take with them. Upon registration they will become entitled to free flights home, and time before they leave to put their affairs here in order, including selling property and other legally acquired assets so as to be able to take the full value of their property (less any unpaid taxes and medical bills) with them when they and their families return home. This voluntary registration policy will last for a year. There will be no extensions.

Voluntary Registration cases will be dealt with by the Home Office through the Civil Courts in the event of any disputes arising over asset liquidation.

The Second Phase: Assisted Registration

Those illegal immigrants resident in the UK who fail to register with the authorities and declare their illegal status when the First Phase of the policy ends, will be dealt with solely by the Ministry for National Border Security and the Criminal Courts.

Registration will be an issue of National Security as regards those who, for whatever reason, do not declare their illegal entrant status to the authorities before the First Phase deadline expires. Those assisting illegal immigrants to stay in the UK will also be dealt with under the criminal law. Those who have failed to declare their illegal status will be immediately arrested and held in police custody until they are deported. Those illegal immigrants arrested with children born in the UK will be able to apply to be tagged in their own homes until a hearing in court as to the citizenship status of the children. No appeals on decisions of the Courts on matters of national security will be allowed.

The lack of registration status also involves the withdrawal of access to all civil legal remedies and procedures available to those with Registered Status and also withdrawal of the right to use State welfare provisions and institutions. All persons resident in UK territory from the expiry date of the First Phase who cannot provide a legitimate and verified National Insurance number on demand and provide full citizenship status or registered status documentation will be liable for immediate arrest and to be held in custody until proof of citizenship is proved.

Those who have been arrested will not be allowed to remove any assets from the country when they are deported.

Chilling stuff - the same methods Hitler used to gain democratic power, isolating and criminalising a minority and blame them for all the country's troubles. That you have a few fuckwits on here who would subscribe to this hateful bullshit gives you some insight into why Hitler actually won elections.

Never again :nono: :nono: :nono:

pigsinspace said:
Lots of people who come here from overseas to the company that I work for comment on the fact the British cannot control entry to their own country..

What company is that? Send-a-Nazi

What annoys me most about this type of racist argument is that there is such a twisted logic involved. You think the UK allows too many immigrants into the country, and that this is leading to a pollution of your beloved nation right? And yet what would this nation be without century after century of immigration from so many areas? The Norse, Romans, Angles, Jutes, Celts, Normans etc etc. We certainly would not be the proud and glorious nation you fantasise about. In fact the chances are that you would not even be here without immigration of some description in your family tree. How many pure-bred ancient Britons do you think exist today, unsullied by foreign filth?

London Irish said:
Chilling stuff - the same methods Hitler used to gain democratic power, isolating and criminalising a minority and blame them for all the country's troubles. That you have a few fuckwits on here who would subscribe to this hateful bullshit gives you some insight into why Hitler actually won elections.

Never again :nono: :nono: :nono:

Only found the site because someone posted it in this thread :thumbsup:

Sorry, the other thread.........

BarrelofFun said:
Oh :(

It is quite easy to find on the BNP website (cut and paste)... if that helps.

Titled - "That speech"
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Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
I would just like to make clear that I, in no way associate myself with the BNP. Just posted the address as someone asked about it. A loathsome website, something Britain could do without.
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The moaning of life
Jan 8, 2006
In rehab
Lokki 7 said:
What company is that? Send-a-Nazi

What annoys me most about this type of racist argument is that there is such a twisted logic involved. You think the UK allows too many immigrants into the country, and that this is leading to a pollution of your beloved nation right? And yet what would this nation be without century after century of immigration from so many areas? The Norse, Romans, Angles, Jutes, Celts, Normans etc etc. We certainly would not be the proud and glorious nation you fantasise about. In fact the chances are that you would not even be here without immigration of some description in your family tree. How many pure-bred ancient Britons do you think exist today, unsullied by foreign filth?

They invaded.there's a difference

BarrelofFun said:
I would just like to make clear that I, in no way associate myself with the BNP. Just posted the address as someone asked about it.

I should've known you'd be behind! RACIST! BURN HIM!


algie said:
They invaded.there's a difference

:lolol: Great. So immigration by invasion is ok? Thanks for that. What about intellectual migration to universities and high tech firms, should we burn those guys and leave the rapers and piligers well alone?

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