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How jealous are Palace???!!! lol

The Fifth Column

Lazy mug
Nov 30, 2010
they will all sit there like mongy lemmings reassuring each other that it's bollocks. despite all evidence to the contrary. they'll come away saying it is soulless despite being hit by a wall of sound and atmosphere for the full 90+, refusing to understand that the fans make the soul, and we got plenty - wouldn't they after 14 years homeless? They'll come away saying it is identikit and corporate, whilst laughingly calling it the wonky warehouse - not noticing the contradiction in the fact it is therefore unique in it's design (before we start talking about the arches and whatnot). they will steadfastly refuse anything positive. who cares? we know what our stadium is like. fan-f***ing-tastic. end of story.

if all else fails they'll say it was too expensive, though i'm sure this is fair what with most pikeys having higher degrees in architecture, business and the building industry. and don't forget they are sure that bloom's money was made gambling and when we are quizzed about it, it falls on 'deaf ears'... he is taking a reckless punt of the club and isn't bothered if his plan falls short... this despite his long standing family history on the board, fact that he doesn't have to disclose his wealth to a f***ing football magazine here or a f***ing public rich list there, and the sensible repayment plan for what is a BIG but obviously f***ing CRUCIAL (as if it needs saying) investment for the club... which by the way is already generating money hand over fist.

all the bollocks they talk is consolation. i don't think they are necessarily jealous but they are certainly confused about the emotions they are feeling over their rivals right now... and it is leading to a lot of intellectual and emotional dishonesty and - like a twattish pikey gaggle of insecure beta-male monkeys - a WHOLE lot of mutual cock-holding. WANKERS!

Top rantage fella, and I thought I hated Palace!

Aug 31, 2009
Top rantage fella, and I thought I hated Palace!

Product of accumulated rage from ill-advised trips to BBS... The most recent rageahol is that Ryan Harley is shit, based on his only being proved (or not as they seem to think) from league 1 and usually backed up by the fact they have signed a finnish under-21 international or some such stupid toss. I for one am worried he will be as poor as they are sure he is, because Gus has a reputation for scouting players that don't improve our squad and signings such as Noone, CMS, Barnes and Greer have all shown league 1 signings are shit by only helping us win 3 out of our first 4 games in the Championship. And Hoskins has only managed 1 goal ALL SEASON!!! The wheels are falling off and we are signing bad players and Garvan was first choice over Harley. DERP TO THE f***ing HERP!


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Sorry Nige, where in any of that did I once mention Tony Bloom and how he is running our club and the amount of money he may or may not be spending? So how exactly can my post be hypocrisy if I didn't actually post anything in relation to what you are whining on about you utter tool. You are just making it up as you go along aren't you? Since you have bought the subject up though and commented on how Bloom is running our club, an opinion of yours with no factual basis whatsoever, I would like to correct you on a point or two, Jordan borrowed money from various banks and secured it against his assets to bankroll Palace which ended up with various loans being called in by banks and companies with no affiliation to Palace and then administration. Bloom and his family have been at the Albion for decades and bleed blue and white, there are no banks or hedge funds lending vast sums of money, Bloom has paid for the stadium out of his own pocket and the 'debt' to Bloom is in the form of interest free loans over a very long period of time, loans which he clearly has no intention of calling in and in all likelihood will be only partially paid off and the balance written off over the next 25 years because Bloom wants his legacy to be the stadium and isn't really bothered about getting the bulk of his money back. To compare Jordan to Bloom is another ridiculous fantasy of yours, our spending is well within our means and budget with no debt to service and our income rocketing due to selling 18000 season tickets and huge matchday income every home game, also by selling a number of players at a profit in the last year. Yet again you try and lecture us about financial prudence, like anyone gives a flying monkeys f*** about anything you have to say about how to manage a club, thats all you have left to cling onto to try and criticise us about though, since there clearly is not one single aspect about Crystal Palace football club that could even remotely be classed as superior or better that the Albion, keep trying mate, i'm sure it makes you feel better about the situation. As for you lot coming to the Amex to show us an atmosphere, 20,000 Albion will blast you out of your seats, better bring your earmuffs Nige, it will be non-stop for 90 minutes as you get caned.

What you've done is tell us that CPFC2010 are putting minute amounts of money into Palace and as such we are financially unstable. Does that imply that Bloom's method makes you financially stable since it is the antithesis of our current approach? If not, then please do tell what, in your opinion, makes a clubs future financially stable.

I didn't once say that Bloom has taken money from elswhere to fund his 'dream'. I personally suspect he has, but I certainly have not posted that as fact or indeed (prior to now) opinion. What you have now asserted is that in acquiring Palace, Jordan burrowed all the money to do so and lived off paying the interest until that dried up. The truth is less revelationary. SJ spent all his own money on the club until it was virtually gone (loans converted to shares and the like). At which stage alongside the reneging by ITV digital of monies owed as well as his bravado getting the better of him when trying to buy the ground (and cocking it up) he suddenly had to secure loans to keep the club afloat (he ran out of his own money to do so). That is when the spiral got out of control, and you guessed it, we were facing Premiership or bust.

Awful, awful management which nobody denies. The way it stands now, is that Bloom is following the same model. He may well make better decisions and may well have more money (although nobody has yet any clue quite how much) but the principal is the same. He is spending HIS money chasing the dream. If it doesn't pay off, and his money runs low (or even runs out altogether) then what? Will he take loans? Will he sell the club? If so, he'll want at least what is still owed to him for the ground?

If those eventualities happen and you guys are left without a pot to piss in, will you then cry 'Foul Play' at the way your club was financing the dream - or will there be some sort of excuse that means you were not as reckless as Palace'll be interesting to see.

As and aside, how long Bloom has been associated with your club is irrelevant. If he ever goes to investors or banks to help bridge a financial gap, that will be about as relevant to said investors as what hand he wipes his backside with. For the record Jordan and his family were not only all life-long Palace fans, but he actually played for our youth team. Didn't stop him losing everything and nearly ending the club permanently.

You may well find that Bloom sets you up for life and it all works out rosy. At the mo, he has placed a massive amount of his money on the table in the hope his cards come is a good job he is a professional gambler or you lot should be worried ???
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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2011
What is quite amusing is that there is a whole thread on here about how obsessed and jealous Palace fans are...:lol:

Anyway, there is a lot of sniping and bantering going on both here and on the BBS - but that is all part of having a rivalry is it not?

My honest perspective on how I see you guys. Whilst I do love to hate Brighton (it is part of being a Palace fan of course) I am actually glad that we are both back playing in the same league - and of course it is a bonus that it is in a decent league. I honestly do not think there is jealousy from Palace fans becasue we feel a lot brighter about our own future than we have in the last decade. What we do feel towards you is a begruding acknowledgement that you guys aren't the 'poor relations' of the rivalry that you once were, so of course we are going to try and belittle you guys in every way possible...

In a rare non-rivalry-based moment that I am having now, I am impressed by your start to the league season. I think you'll do alright. Whilst neither of us will (IMO) be chasing promotion towards the end of the season, we'll do better than anticipated. I also think both our fixtures will result in a home win and lock us into a bit of a stalemate as to which side is better etc etc.

We are all too aware that Selhurst is a dinosaur of a ground and whilst there is a fondness of the familiar and pride in how long the ground has been part of our history, we are aware that some serious thought and work needs to go into our home. Either that will be a new ground back at the original CP site, or should that prove a non-starter then a massive overhaul of Selhurst. Our knocking of your ground isn't in direct comparison to Selhurst, but more that it cost you £100m ish. I will wait till I have experienced it before slagging it off - but I am expecting A LOT for that money....

Wow - it feels strange conversing with BHA fans and not sniping petty derisions, but that is about the crux of how I truly see BHA from a Palace perspective. I have my own views on your take on our respective clubs, but I know that you'll disagree with my assumptions....

All I hope is that we actually get a few seasons of league matches in succession. It is far better for bragging rights than looking into the current ownerships, grounds and past misdemeanours of both teams for cheap point scoring...

Jesus, Nigel has found some common sense. Not a bad post

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
The way it stands now, is that Bloom is following the same model. He may well make better decisions and may well have more money (although nobody has yet any clue quite how much) but the principal is the same. He is spending HIS money chasing the dream. If it doesn't pay off, and his money runs low (or even runs out altogether) then what? Will he take loans? Will he sell the club? If so, he'll want at least what is still owed to him for the ground?


I'm not going to bore you with the details again, as you will just continue to ignore it, but do any of the Nigels understand the term "Unsecured interest free loan"?


New member
Apr 13, 2011
If you really want to keep pulling out the 'you lived beyond your means because you screwed your creditors' card then please feel free to ignore the last twelve years as us being consistently above you in the football league. Despite the fact the money in that time wasn't directed at acquiring players 'out of our league' to keep our position - I'll concede that if you can't keep running costs down to an affordable level then that is unsustainable. Please, do tell me then why we shouldn't be proud of the previous 25 years of top 2 flights of football? In that time we finished third in the top flight, FA Cup Final etc etc, all done without a hint of financial mismanagement - indeed we ran at a profit thanks to Noades. Yet, despite that being the largest chink of the time we spent in the higher echelons, you let the trouble of the last 10 years overrule the other 25 years of good football and management.

And we are the bitter, jealous ones....OK


New member
Apr 13, 2011
I'm not going to bore you with the details again, as you will just continue to ignore it, but do any of the Nigels understand the term "Unsecured interest free loan"?

So you have an unsecured loan to TB - and it is his words that tell you that this deal has come from his 'pocket money' so to speak. It really is far more likely that he has offset the money via various investors and loans secured against his property portfolio (as any successful businessman would do) - but for the sake of the following points, I'll accept that this was all spare change for him. All the calculations will likely be based upon the revenue he expects the club to make once earning shed-loads in Premier League money. The problem is that if and when that dream doesn't happen, the calculations won't work.

Anyway - that point is going to continuously fall on deaf ears, and if it doesn't work out I'm sure you'll be asking these questions in due course, but perhaps ask yourselves one question....

If Bloom has acquired his money through being a shrewd businessman (as you all believe him to be) then what sense does it make for him to throw all this money at a project that he is unlikely to ever see even return his initial investment?

If he has made that decision based upon his heart being with Brighton, then you will surely have to ask at what point does the head rule the heart again to stop himself from financial ruin.

If this is a calculated business decision (i.e. he has a grand plan that won't skint himself or the club) then do you really think that he will have given the club well over £100m in loose change without securing a return further down the line? If so - what do you think his calculations are based upon? If not, that is one wacky businessman.
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Sergei's Celebration

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
I've come back home.
I'm not going to bore you with the details again, as you will just continue to ignore it, but do any of the Nigels understand the term "Unsecured interest free loan"?

No they don't, they also don't understand why they have been above us in the league for 12 years (time line seems strangely familiar for some why is that? ummm...) They also can't see that bloom is a multi-multi millionaire fan from a family of fans, who loaned the money because of the credit crisis and stepped onto the board only 18 months earlier than was planned by Dick Knight, a man who wouldn't let anyone near our club if he had a hint or doubt over their management skills or financial acumen.

I honestly think they are not jealous, they dont want to have what we have, they love their ground, players, manager etc... but they are blinded by the rivalry to see the wood for the trees.

Aug 31, 2009
If you really want to keep pulling out the 'you lived beyond your means because you screwed your creditors' card then please feel free to ignore the last twelve years as us being consistently above you in the football league. Despite the fact the money in that time wasn't directed at acquiring players 'out of our league' to keep our position - I'll concede that if you can't keep running costs down to an affordable level then that is unsustainable. Please, do tell me then why we shouldn't be proud of the previous 25 years of top 2 flights of football? In that time we finished third in the top flight, FA Cup Final etc etc, all done without a hint of financial mismanagement - indeed we ran at a profit thanks to Noades. Yet, despite that being the largest chink of the time we spent in the higher echelons, you let the trouble of the last 10 years overrule the other 25 years of good football and management.

And we are the bitter, jealous ones....OK

We don't care about your '35 years' Nigel. When it is brought up it is by you. We understand why, it is to make us feel inferior. Fortunately it doesn't because our time is NOW. We don't care Nigel. f*** Off.


Active member
Mar 24, 2009
Simple, speculative, made up, bitter jealousy from a club that will be light years behind us in a couple of seasons, I simply can't wait to stuff the "Nigels" out of sight on the 27th Sept.

So you have an unsecured loan to TB - and it is his words that tell you that this deal has come from his 'pocket money' so to speak. It really is far more likely that he has offset the money via various investors and loans secured against his property portfolio. All the calculations will likely be based upon the revenue he expects the club to make once earning shed-loads in Premier League money. The problem is that if and when that dream doesn't happen, the calculations won't work.

Anyway - the point is going to continuously fall on deaf ears, and if it doesn't work out I'm sure you'll be asking these questions in due course, but perhaps ask yourselves one question....

If Bloom has acquired his money through being a shrewd businessman (as you all believe him to be) then what sense does it make for him to throw all this money at a project that he is unlikely to ever see even return his initial investment?

If he has made that decision based upon his heart being with Brighton, then you will surely have to ask at what point does the head rule the heart again to stop himself from financial ruin. If this is a calculated business decision (i.e. he has a grand plan that won't skint himself or the club) then do you really think that he will have given the club well over £100m in loose change without securing a return further down the line? If so - what do you think his calculations are based upon. If not, that is one wacky businessman.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
erm maybe as his Brighton fan

And being a fan doesn't mean that you hand over all your money, and when it is all spent say 'Oh, that was fun - hope whoever comes along next has some money'....likewise it doesn't mean that your model or plans are any more secure than anyone elses.

Anyway, I have been sucked into a debate on this subject always happens.

Enjoy it - the time for questions will come at some point.

Sergei's Celebration

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
I've come back home.
If Bloom has acquired his money through being a shrewd businessman (as you all believe him to be) then what sense does it make for him to throw all this money at a project that he is unlikely to ever see even return his initial investment?

If he has made that decision based upon his heart being with Brighton, then you will surely have to ask at what point does the head rule the heart again to stop himself from financial ruin. If this is a calculated business decision (i.e. he has a grand plan that won't skint himself or the club) then do you really think that he will have given the club well over £100m in loose change without securing a return further down the line? If so - what do you think his calculations are based upon. If not, that is one wacky businessman.

Mr Bloom is far more wealthy than we all believe. 100m is not small change and we all realistically and in our hearts know this, but BUT Mr Bloom will not financial ruin himself if the club goes to the wall tomorrow and he looses 100m, he probably might need a strong whiskey but his personal and business wealth is far greater than the club's assets. He was ubber rich before he sold premier bet that just made him ubber ubber ubber rich!

It is a calculated business decision based on his love for the club, his ability to secure the future through loaning the cost of the stadium and his ability to make a profit from it. His calculations will be based on a 5yr and 10yr projection of income at both the lowest possible (lg 1, a few cup runs, corporate etc...) and the highest possible (prm lg, cup runs, more corporate, tv rights etc...) and take the average (chmp) with the ability to sustain the lowest projection.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Mr Bloom is far more wealthy than we all believe. 100m is not small change and we all realistically and in our hearts know this, but BUT Mr Bloom will not financial ruin himself if the club goes to the wall tomorrow and he looses 100m, he probably might need a strong whiskey but his personal and business wealth is far greater than the club's assets. He was ubber rich before he sold premier bet that just made him ubber ubber ubber rich!

It is a calculated business decision based on his love for the club, his ability to secure the future through loaning the cost of the stadium and his ability to make a profit from it. His calculations will be based on a 5yr and 10yr projection of income at both the lowest possible (lg 1, a few cup runs, corporate etc...) and the highest possible (prm lg, cup runs, more corporate, tv rights etc...) and take the average (chmp) with the ability to sustain the lowest projection.

Well - if all that is true, and that is how it works out I'll be the first to acknowledge that fact and congratulate you (and Bloom) on making it a success. Honestly I will.

His wealth I do not doubt is substantial - the only point I make is that many fantastically wealthy fans with business acumen and pedigree lose all sense of rationality when it comes to running a football club. This is where it can become a money pit and good money gets thrown after bad. As I see it, the money currently spent by Bloom has been well directed in so much as infastructure is getting the majority of it. As long as the fans don't start demanding more and more of Bloom's investment on the pitch, it may not be as big a money pit as it could be (see Pompey or Cardiff here).

The problem could arise two - three years down the line if Premiership money isn't coming in. You must all surely believe that the Prem is heavily involved in the calculations...


Feb 8, 2005
I don't get why they care about how much the AMEX cost to build

I can understand how the Palace support will look at our spending and feel we are being hypocritical considering the stick we give them over their previous financial troubles (Jordan etc). However, Palace fans comparing the two as "the same thing" and "unsustainable" are not looking into what Bloom HAS done and CAN do. We have an interest free loan that Bloom will NEVER see back in his lifetime unless we make it into the Premier League and stay there for a few seasons gaining the 90 odd million as you do up there. Bloom CAN afford this and will quite happily never see a return on this as he bleeds blue and white, has had family in the club for years and just wants to build a legacy as an Albion fan. We are, as it seems, aiming for the Premiership and people talking about us been unsustainable will say, " You can't rely on making the Prem to sustain the spending" etc... I agree, yet even if we remain in the Championship for the next 10, 20 years Blooms financial input with regards to the debt and loan will not have changed. He will not make us pay it off and we can remain sustainable. Bloom is also a VERY rich man, close to being worth around the 800m plus mark. As an end point, that is a BIG differnce between him and Jordan.

It is very much the case that with such a terrific, wealthy chairman that success on the pitch will not be measured by sustainability off it and vice versa... Bloom is not an idiot. He is as well as a fan an incredibly successfull business man and all of his calculations will have taken time and be incredibly precise. Palace fans also need to realise the amount of money the AMEX can generate. We made 1.6 MILLION from the sales at the ground at the Donny game. Times that by 24 and you have plus 30 million. Now obviously that will not be the case for every game but coupled with the corporate and yet more corporate that will be added by the away end and Im sure 10 years down the line Bloom will not be too far away from recouping his money and again, if thats is not enough if we do complete the DREAM (It is a dream) of reaching the top flight then again the idea of the stadium and spending being unsustainable is quite frankly ludicrous.

Really, all that matters are the results on the pitch. I beleive they will be tight games. As much as I rate our squad as superb I look at other Championship clubs and feel sometimes that we are punching above our weight. We have little experience at this level I will admit but I just f***ing love our squad that has been so intelligently built by Gus Poyet. We have possibly the most desperate to do well, hard working hungry for success players in the league. We haven't just bough Championship experience. We have bought players like Greer and Painter who nearly had their careers wrecked by injury, young players released who are hungry to prove their old teams wrong in Bridcutt and Dicker and younger players Gus has brought through ARE WAY such as Barnes, Dunk and Agdestein while we have players who have worked so hard for success like ex roofer Craig Noone and former Dagenham non-leaguer Craig Mackail Smith. Truth is, unlike other clubs who splash money about, we are a bit different, a bit special. We have a soul. A stadium that promotes utter, joyess marvelousness when you step inside and a great community spirit that feeds a hard working ethic into every single aspect of the club. "We are brighton and we have an identity" as Poyet said and that could not be more true.

I cannot personally sit here and get on palace fans back and say "we are the bigger club" as quite frankly the last 35 odd years suggests otherwise. Honestly,congratulations on spending the last years in a higher league than us... Thing is down here we haven't really had much to contend with in the last 15 years or so have we? Anyway Brighton are back. The 1.5 million population of Sussex and within it the fans we have lost will look at out beautiful ground and want a peice of it. I cannot wait for a full house against Palace and then, only then will they realise what we are all about.


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