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general election

who will you vote for

  • tories

    Votes: 90 35.0%
  • lib dems

    Votes: 26 10.1%
  • labour

    Votes: 71 27.6%
  • Green

    Votes: 30 11.7%
  • bnp

    Votes: 22 8.6%
  • ukip

    Votes: 7 2.7%
  • will not vote

    Votes: 11 4.3%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
I'm no leftie. What I am saying is:

No one that remembers what the tories did last time will ever vote for that SHOWER again.

Simple really.

I also said that I am the Tories WILL be back next year so you and Dave can show me and my commie mates just how wrong we are about Conservative governance.

Bevendean,I remember and voted for the Tories last time and I shall be voting for them again this time, as I am sure will many well intentioned previous Tory voters, who voted for Blair ,Brown and new Labour in 1997.The Tories were clapped out in 1997,just as Labour are now.
Personally,I could never bring myself to vote Labour as long as I have a hole in my arse;you probably feel the same way about the Conservatives;but the fact remains that all Labour administrations end in tears and the incoming party has to sort out the mess.Yes, it will hurt,but there is no option or the country will head for disaster.Would you really like Gordon Brown,Ed Balls,Harriet Harman et al to be in charge for another 5 years?

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
I always knew NSC was infested with Lefties but this poll result is ridiculous. How many students, illegal immigrants, multiple mothers and layabouts can there be in 1 forum ?.


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
How can you possibly vote for a party that has been in power for almost 13 years,has squandered trillions of tax payers money,led the country to almost financial ruin recession caused by the banks I believe. No doubt you will blame the de-regulation introduced by Brown but the Tories were not opposed to it and I believe it was only brought in following the same in the US and therefore to retain the 'City's competitiveness as a financial market?,encouraged feckless members of society to breed exactly how are the tories going to stop worthless scum having sex? Besides, teenage pregnacies from 1998 to 2007 went down by 11%.,encouraged the breakdown of families and what are the tories going to do about encouraging family life apart from tax breaks for those that, in all honesty, don't probably need it,allowed political correctness to take over from commonsense,cocked up the G.P.and Dental services can't comment as I get excellent service from my GP surgery and have an NHS dentist,created a surveillance society,politicised the civil service it's always been politicised, just look at the background of those that used to have the main jobs!,emasculated the police force,created a huge unwieldy public-sector including many non jobs,tin-gods and jobsworths also includes many frontline jobs such as nurses, police, fireman, teachers, social workers etc,destroyed company pension schemes yeah right and no private sector companies have screwed up their schemes having enjoyed the pension holidays of the 80s and 90s. Private company I worked for in the City went bust because the directors were all taking inflated pensions early and that was in 1999. Can't blame labour for that,but at the same time allowed the jobsworths to retire at 60 on gold -plated pensions,overseen huge rise in Council Tax(25% of which goes to pay for council pensions).
On top of this,they want to interfere in so many facets of life instead of letting us get on with it....e.g.the 2 policewomen sharing child minding dutiesit's the Government that has told Offsted to look again at the rules and apply common sense.
Overbearing, intolerant( except for pet projects)incompetent,smug pillocks.sorry, thought you were talking about the Eton set for a minute
Thery've had their time ,now just go!:tosser:
I could go on ,but you get my drift!

Should voting be compulsory even in a place like Haywards Heath as my 1 vote will not make any difference as Tory will win without it.

Hope more tory voters feel like you and don't turn up and then maybe we can get rid of fatty Soames. Only voted on just over 50% of ballots which is below average for MPs. Claimed just under £150k in expenses as well as earning an additional £100k from two other jobs. Has never voted on any climate change policy.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003

So many chippy leftie brothers on NSC.Get a grip and face the fact that the Labour party always believes it can spend your money better than you can.It always spends money it cannot afford.It always leaves the country in a mess and the Conservatives always have to clear up the mess.
It's a good thing we at least have the love of our football club in common,because we certainly haven't got politics.
Come on you Albion brothers unite!!:thumbsup::albion2:

Mate, the tax difference at the last election between all three parties was less than 1%.

Labour may AIM to increase Income Tax, Conservatives will go for VAT etc.

I always knew NSC was infested with Lefties but this poll result is ridiculous. How many students, illegal immigrants, multiple mothers and layabouts can there be in 1 forum ?.

Over the last 18 months or so, NSC seem to bw more tory dominated.

I wonder now with all the protest elections out of the way, people are now realistically saying, well Could the Tories do better and could they have done better?


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
How can you possibly vote for a party that has been in power for almost 13 years,has squandered trillions of tax payers money,led the country to almost financial ruin,encouraged feckless members of society to breed,encouraged the breakdown of families,allowed political correctness to take over from commonsense,cocked up the G.P.and Dental services,created a surveillance society,politicised the civil service,emasculated the police force,created a huge unwieldy public-sector including many non jobs,tin-gods and jobsworths,destroyed company pension schemes,but at the same time allowed the jobsworths to retire at 60 on gold -plated pensions,overseen huge rise in Council Tax(25% of which goes to pay for council pensions).
On top of this,they want to interfere in so many facets of life instead of letting us get on with it....e.g.the 2 policewomen sharing child minding duties.
Overbearing, intolerant( except for pet projects)incompetent,smug pillocks.
Thery've had their time ,now just go!:tosser:
I could go on ,but you get my drift!

Drew,Ha ha....very clever, I shouldn't really bother to counter your argument,I have a life,but suffice to say...typical Leftie/Greenie/ twisting the facts to suit their own arguments and pet obsessions.Usual class warrior stuff re the Eton set , ignoring the valid points re public sector waste and doing the usual red-herring thing re frontline services....don't you lot get it;less waste = more for frontliners!!Whatever you lot believe in,Capitalism isn't perfect but it is the best system we've is that system that is going to have to earn the money to get the country out the shit!Pensions/I seem to remember Brown's £5 billion raids from pension funds;has this slipped your selective memory,suggest you read what the pension experts have to say. .Recession.....nothing to do with Brown's fecklessness....don't make me more boom and,just the biggest one of all time!!
We will have to see what the Tories do about the feckless and family breakdown,but hopefully they won't encourage it like Labour have.
As far as the Ofsted farce,it was this Government that passed the law allowing such a ridiculous situation to arise....they're legislation mad.
Have you ever thought that the City firm you worked for might have gone bust because it employed people like you( joke,but then Lefties/Greenies don't often have a sense of humour being too pious and worthy!)
Bye for now.Oh yes,by the way,my father is a retired G.P.,my mother a former nurse,my sister a teacher,living in Brighton, and my son is going to uni to train as a radiographer.Just thought you'd like to know.Me, I was a nasty capitalist in private industry and my wife is self-employed.
Anyway,we all support the Seagulls...just like you!!

Drew,Ha ha....very clever, I shouldn't really bother to counter your argument,I have a life,but suffice to say...typical Leftie/Greenie/ twisting the facts to suit their own arguments and pet obsessions.Usual class warrior stuff re the Eton set , ignoring the valid points re public sector waste and doing the usual red-herring thing re frontline services....don't you lot get it;less waste = more for frontliners!!Whatever you lot believe in,Capitalism isn't perfect but it is the best system we've is that system that is going to have to earn the money to get the country out the shit!Pensions/I seem to remember Brown's £5 billion raids from pension funds;has this slipped your selective memory,suggest you read what the pension experts have to say. .Recession.....nothing to do with Brown's fecklessness....don't make me more boom and,just the biggest one of all time!!
We will have to see what the Tories do about the feckless and family breakdown,but hopefully they won't encourage it like Labour have.
As far as the Ofsted farce,it was this Government that passed the law allowing such a ridiculous situation to arise....they're legislation mad.
Have you ever thought that the City firm you worked for might have gone bust because it employed people like you( joke,but then Lefties/Greenies don't often have a sense of humour being too pious and worthy!)
Bye for now.Oh yes,by the way,my father is a retired G.P.,my mother a former nurse,my sister a teacher,living in Brighton, and my son is going to uni to train as a radiographer.Just thought you'd like to know.Me, I was a nasty capitalist in private industry and my wife is self-employed.
Anyway,we all support the Seagulls...just like you!!

Didn't the Conservatives introduce Ofsted?


In London village.
I always knew NSC was infested with Lefties but this poll result is ridiculous. How many students, illegal immigrants, multiple mothers and layabouts can there be in 1 forum ?.

Rather less than brain dead financial spivs?


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
Drew,Ha ha....very clever, I shouldn't really bother to counter your argument,I have a life,but suffice to say...typical Leftie/Greenie/ twisting the facts to suit their own arguments and pet obsessions.Usual class warrior stuff re the Eton set , ignoring the valid points re public sector waste and doing the usual red-herring thing re frontline services and I suppose you are going to argue that there was no waste during the 18 years of the previous tory administration. Of course not because they closed down hospital wards left right and centre. Nursing numbers dropped dramatically yet when we are faced with the swine flu pandemic they are complaining about there not being enough ITU beds (the numbers of which have increased since 1997 anyway)....don't you lot get it;less waste = more for frontliners!!Whatever you lot believe in,Capitalism isn't perfect but it is the best system we've got capitalism should fund society rather than just line the pockets of the is that system that is going to have to earn the money to get the country out the shit!Pensions/I seem to remember Brown's £5 billion raids from pension funds;has this slipped your selective memory,suggest you read what the pension experts have to say I'm not saying Brown/labour aren't blameless but your spiel seems to put the entire blame on themdon't make me more boom and,just the biggest one of all time.Recession.....nothing to do with Brown's can you tell me whether all the countries in the world take your view that this global recession is entirely the responsibility of the 'feckless' Brown.
We will have to see what the Tories do about the feckless and family breakdown,but hopefully they won't encourage it like Labour have.would be nice to know exactly how they are going to deal with rather than just vote for them on a wing and prayer that they do! Remember, most of these feckless adults were raised and educated during the previous Tory government!!
As far as the Ofsted farce,it was this Government that passed the law allowing such a ridiculous situation to arise....they're legislation mad.the legislation isn't mad, it's just not perfect and needs tweeking. I suppose you would rather there were no rules to protect children
Have you ever thought that the City firm you worked for might have gone bust because it employed people like you( joke,but then Lefties/Greenies don't often have a sense of humour being too pious and worthy!) Ha Ha, but as I only joined them at the begining of 1999, I doubt even I could create a £10 million deficit in a pension scheme in that time. Doesn't sound much but wasn't a big firm. Those with pensions in it are only going to get 20% of what their due.
Bye for now.Oh yes,by the way,my father is a retired G.P.,my mother a former nurse,my sister a teacher,living in Brighton, and my son is going to uni to train as a radiographer.Just thought you'd like to know.Me, I was a nasty capitalist in private industry and my wife is self-employed.
Anyway,we all support the Seagulls...just like you!!
well, at least we have links with the NHS. My mother worked in it for 40 years and for the life of me I cannot understand why she is a tory (rebelling against her working class roots) and my wife runs an ITU ward and is a million miles away from being a tory having worked in the NHS under them. I very much suspect your father would appreciate the £100k salaries the GPs are now on. Still, who cares as long as MK dons get stuffed.


In London village.
Drew,Ha ha....very clever, I shouldn't really bother to counter your argument,I have a life,but suffice to say...typical Leftie/Greenie/ twisting the facts to suit their own arguments and pet obsessions.Usual class warrior stuff re the Eton set , ignoring the valid points re public sector waste and doing the usual red-herring thing re frontline services....don't you lot get it;less waste = more for frontliners!!Whatever you lot believe in,Capitalism isn't perfect but it is the best system we've is that system that is going to have to earn the money to get the country out the shit!Pensions/I seem to remember Brown's £5 billion raids from pension funds;has this slipped your selective memory,suggest you read what the pension experts have to say. .Recession.....nothing to do with Brown's fecklessness....don't make me more boom and,just the biggest one of all time!!
We will have to see what the Tories do about the feckless and family breakdown,but hopefully they won't encourage it like Labour have.
As far as the Ofsted farce,it was this Government that passed the law allowing such a ridiculous situation to arise....they're legislation mad.
Have you ever thought that the City firm you worked for might have gone bust because it employed people like you( joke,but then Lefties/Greenies don't often have a sense of humour being too pious and worthy!)
Bye for now.Oh yes,by the way,my father is a retired G.P.,my mother a former nurse,my sister a teacher,living in Brighton, and my son is going to uni to train as a radiographer.Just thought you'd like to know.Me, I was a nasty capitalist in private industry and my wife is self-employed.
Anyway,we all support the Seagulls...just like you!!

Does wasting public money include having to rescue capitalism by chucking millions of our money at "merchant bankers" in the city ?

Anyone who remembers the Tory years (unless they were pretty well off at the time) will NEVER vote for that shower again.

Although I entirely agree with you that intelligent people with adequate memories will never vote tory again, I do have to take issue with the idea that many have expressed, that we should be voting labour instead. It's no point saying 'never forget' regarding 1979-1997, but to then forget what the 1997-present day shower have been up to is ridiculous. They have taxed the poor more, while giving handouts to the rich. They have engaged in two wars which have left more than half a million dead. They have tried to destroy public services. And so on.

Never forget, never forgive - either of them!


Jul 8, 2008
Although I entirely agree with you that intelligent people with adequate memories will never vote tory again, I do have to take issue with the idea that many have expressed, that we should be voting labour instead. It's no point saying 'never forget' regarding 1979-1997, but to then forget what the 1997-present day shower have been up to is ridiculous. They have taxed the poor more, while giving handouts to the rich. They have engaged in two wars which have left more than half a million dead. They have tried to destroy public services. And so on.

Never forget, never forgive - either of them!

Quite. And i would like to point out it is more than two wars we have faught since 1997.

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