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EDL in Sheffield


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Seeing as you seem to know all about our views etc. It was interesting to look at the population and religions of where you live. No chance of any radicals in Geelong then..........
Interesting reading.
The median/average age of the Geelong population is 40 years of age, 3 years above the Australian average.

73.1% of people living in Geelong were born in Australia. The other top responses for country of birth were England 3.2%, Italy 2.3%, Malaysia 1.5%, India 1.4%, China 1.2%.

79.2% of people speak English as their first language 3.2% Italian, 1.7% Mandarin, 1.3% Greek, 0.7% Croatian, 0.5% Hindi.

The religious make up of Geelong is 30.6% Catholic, 24.1% No Religion, 12.1% Anglican, 5.1% Uniting Church, 3.1% Presbyterian and Reformed.

Night night.......

Love the way you never fail to fall back onto the argument about where I live. Especially when you live in Sompting :lolol::lolol:

Perhaps you could get the stats for Sompting and do a compare and contrast? :clap:
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brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Well until those 'pleasant chappies' do what Tommy Johnson :)lolol:) did and distance them selves from the 'fair few mindless idiots' they are doing more harm than good. and they are not going to get the support of normal people.

Like it or not, this is the face of the EDL, Not Tommy Robinson, not the pleasant chappies you know and not those that can distinguish between radicals and moderates but this mindless moron.

I dunno I thought he came across as very wired up :D,
but come on chap like soulman said what harm can that idiot do (apart from making people laugh) compared to them filthy muslim loons, theres no comparison at all.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Love the way you never fail to fall back onto the argument about where I live. Especially when you live in Sompting :lolol::lolol:

Perhaps you could get the stats for Sompting and do a compare and contrast? :clap:

Yes, well spotted, i live in Sompting, but i do not work in Sompting. Not 70miles away a terrorist attack happened. I was on the platform in Kings Cross half an hour before the fire. In other words i am not so insular, and i'm alright Jack as you.
If this erosion and radicalism expands, it could affect won't affect you though will it, you will still be an i'm alright Jack.

This may interest you BF, seeing as it is about education. Shoehorning more Islam (not much on other minority religions in this country) into the curriculum, to appease.
"British Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced his national curriculum after revising it to include a module on the history of Islam.
Muslims were especially outraged with the draft and the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), which represents some 500 Islamic institutes in Britain, said it was “deeply disappointed” that the curriculum made no reference to Muslims and Islam.
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Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Yes, well spotted, i live in Sompting, but i do not work in Sompting. Not 70miles away a terrorist attack happened. I was on the platform in Kings Cross half an hour before the fire. In other words i am not so insular, and i'm alright Jack as you.
If this erosion and radicalism expands, it could affect won't affect you though will it, you will still be an i'm alright Jack.

This may interest you BF, seeing as it is about education. Shoehorning more Islam (not much on other minority religions in this country) into the curriculum, to appease.
"British Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced his national curriculum after revising it to include a module on the history of Islam.
Muslims were especially outraged with the draft and the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), which represents some 500 Islamic institutes in Britain, said it was “deeply disappointed” that the curriculum made no reference to Muslims and Islam.

More assumptions soul man.

Fear them.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
More assumptions soul man.

Fear them.

Maybe assumptions BF, maybe not. I may fear them, you do not.
Ten years ago we had nothing to fear, who would have assumed there would be 7/7 bombings, troops homecoming disrupted, our flag and poppy burned on Remembrance Day, A soldier brutally murdered on the streets, grooming in Oxford, Rochdale, Derby, Oldham etc.
I "assume" nothing like this is/has happened in OZ.....Ten years ago i might have assumed the same as you eh.
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Ex-Staffs Gull

New member
Jul 5, 2003
Adelaide, SA
Maybe assumptions BF, maybe not. I may fear them, you do not.
Ten years ago we had nothing to fear, who would have assumed there would be 7/7 bombings, troops homecoming disrupted, our flag and poppy burned on Remembrance Day, A soldier brutally murdered on the streets, grooming in Oxford, Rochdale, Derby, Oldham etc.
I "assume" nothing like this is/has happened in OZ.....Ten years ago i might have assumed the same as you eh.

Interesting analogy, 40 years ago and for 20+ years there was the IRA. Bombed towns, train stations and even leafy Sussex. I really cant remember the same fervor directed at Catholics or Irish. The IRA were dispised, but not all Irish or all Catholics.
Yes, I know there is an issue with fundamental Islam and I hate what they stand for, but I dont hate all Muslims or Middle Eastern people.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Interesting analogy, 40 years ago and for 20+ years there was the IRA. Bombed towns, train stations and even leafy Sussex. I really cant remember the same fervor directed at Catholics or Irish. The IRA were dispised, but not all Irish or all Catholics.
Yes, I know there is an issue with fundamental Islam and I hate what they stand for, but I dont hate all Muslims or Middle Eastern people.

I agree.
If youv'e read my posts you will see that i understand there are no problems with the other religions in this country. No problems with the Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists etc, just extreme Muslims. The IRA caused untold misery in England until something was done. Hopefully the extremists amongst the Muslims will be nipped in the bud sooner rather than later.
Unfortunately to speak out against the radicals makes you a racist........a phrase not thrown at you if you spoke out against the IRA....was it.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Morning..theres the difference though soulman...people spoke out against the IRA, not the Irish we have people wanting to eradicate Islam (and 'Pakis', on the 'non racist' EDL pages) in the UK, not the nutters, if you march with and support such people, you will, of course, be lumped into their group, and risk being called a racist..Our military forces, who are fighting Americas wars, are not bombing, and occupying, Sikh, Jewish, Buddist etc's homelands. If we were bombing the Sikhs or Hindi provinces, dont you think there would be a reaction in the UK? They would go batshit.

oh by the way, on a theologan slant haha
Isnt it amazing how similer the texts are from the quran and th bible...i think its just
two different interpreations of a hand me down religion...
Personally, the older I get, the more I believe that aliens in our ancient past
are what we refer to as 'god' rather than some ethereal do good presence up in the ether
but if god botherers of any religion want to worship their whatever, they should be defended
within the boundaries of law.
Brighton Fella, please try and understannd the difference.
I abhor Extremists...Islamic, Fascists, whatever.

I am NOT siding with radical Islam, by attacking (verbally) people like Stormfront, NF/BNP or other white extremists, many of whome....Many...not one or two, who are involved in groups like MFE, EDL, NWI, NEI, SEA, and all the other little groups of the ****wits alliance. I consider them, the same.
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New member
Oct 22, 2012
Morning..theres the difference though soulman...people spoke out against the IRA, not the Irish we have people wanting to eradicate Islam (and 'Pakis', on the 'non racist' EDL pages) in the UK, not the nutters.

The vast majority want the extreme muslims dealt with, their views/actions have no place in England.

Jan 30, 2008
Abraham is the patriarch of three faiths Islam, Christianity and Judaism and a very important prophet to each because of his close relationship to god (the same god). He had two sons Isaac and Ishmael both to different mothers as his wife was barren and god had promised him a family. This is the point where the religions split and the problems started because god had promised the 'promised land' to the people of Abraham (hence the continue problems in Israel. So Isaac's decedents became the Jews and eventually the Christians (the Christians make a big point of proving the linage between Isaac and Jesus) whereas Ishmael;s descendants became the Muslims and they claim a direct linage between Ishmael and Mohammed. All faiths respect Abraham so much because god told him to prove his love and devotion to him by killing his son (Ishmael or Isaac depending on your chosen faith) and Abraham was going to do this before god stopped him. Such devotion is apparently respected in all faiths.

You don't even know the basics of the religion you hate so much....the stupidity on this thread is just embarrassing.
WHERE HAVE I SAID I HATE ISLAM and there you have it the complexity of religion , NO WONDER THERE'S PEOPLE BEING KILLED OVER IT all over an imaginary "person" , SORRY BUT I DON'T READ INTO ANY OF THAT but every one to their own thing eh

Jan 30, 2008
QUOTE=Pretty pink fairy;6033252]how comes they're all preaching from a different book :facepalm: :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:


Confirmation, if any was needed, that you dont have a ****ing clue what youre talking about....well done. haha
I suspect you dont even realise what a stupid twunt you now look.[/QUOTE]not at all, religion biggest bunch of hypocrites out BEEN MORE PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD CAUSED BY RELIGION FACT


New member
Oct 22, 2012
As i mentioned before. It does not help the situation with these extremists, when we see the daily appeasement and pandering going on. I believe by keeping on accommodating every whim of what the muslims want, actually gives the extremists a platform to build on...push the barriers etc.
On the Bedfordshire Police site a few years ago, the police were advised to remove their shoes before entering a muslim property, no dogs were allowed to be present, no calling before 7am in case the female was not fully covered etc.
Now today we see this special treatment for arrested muslims. It does not help does it.
Advice on respectful treatment of Muslims arrested in Torquay

Read more:

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
WHERE HAVE I SAID I HATE ISLAM and there you have it the complexity of religion , NO WONDER THERE'S PEOPLE BEING KILLED OVER IT all over an imaginary "person" , SORRY BUT I DON'T READ INTO ANY OF THAT but every one to their own thing eh

the problem is we shouldn't of allowed them to practice their religions over here in the first place, nor any other race come to that..other than our own c of e. ofcourse. when in rome & all that.
none of the shit we are seeing today would of happened had we of endorsed such a law back then. its to late to change it now, should of been done before they arrived.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
The vast majority want the extreme muslims dealt with, their views/actions have no place in England.

Their views have no place anywhere especially in Islam. Muhammed major victory was taking back Mecca after living in exile for years. This victory was won with no bloodshed and when victory was won instead of reaping vengeance on the people that had persecuted and killed the early Muslims and forced them from their traditional lands Muhammed forgave everybody and facilitated the people to live in peace. "you to your religion and me to mine". Muhammed only ever used violence when there was no other option.

If you watch the second video I have posted and do a little reading you will see that the views and actions of radcial Muslims are as far away from the Koran and the teachings of Muhammed as they are from western beliefs and the teachings of Jesus. Trouble is the right wingnuts continue to perpetuate the myth of Islam and play right into the hands of the radicals. They are part of the problem and not the solution


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
the problem is we shouldn't of allowed them to practice their religions over here in the first place, nor any other race come to that..other than our own c of e. ofcourse. when in rome & all that.
none of the shit we are seeing today would of happened had we of endorsed such a law back then. its to late to change it now, should of been done before they arrived.

For you is your religion, and for me is my religion. 109:6

Sounding a bit fascist there fells, what do you suggest for those who dare practice their religion? Gas chambers?
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Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
I agree.
If youv'e read my posts you will see that i understand there are no problems with the other religions in this country. No problems with the Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists etc, just extreme Muslims. The IRA caused untold misery in England until something was done. Hopefully the extremists amongst the Muslims will be nipped in the bud sooner rather than later.
Unfortunately to speak out against the radicals makes you a racist........a phrase not thrown at you if you spoke out against the IRA....was it.

No to blur the lines between the radicals and the rest of Islam makes you a racist. To support a group that wonders about singing Allah is a Paedo makes you a racist. Probably xenophobe is more accurate (fear of people who are different) but lets not split hair.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
As i mentioned before. It does not help the situation with these extremists, when we see the daily appeasement and pandering going on. I believe by keeping on accommodating every whim of what the muslims want, actually gives the extremists a platform to build on...push the barriers etc.
On the Bedfordshire Police site a few years ago, the police were advised to remove their shoes before entering a muslim property, no dogs were allowed to be present, no calling before 7am in case the female was not fully covered etc.
Now today we see this special treatment for arrested muslims. It does not help does it.
Advice on respectful treatment of Muslims arrested in Torquay

Read more:
Dr Ali gave advice about issues including halal food, food preparation, the Koran, washing before prayers, and prayer mats.

Read more:


I thought it was only radical islam you disliked? Why are you so bothered about the police letting them eat Halal food and prey? Why should being held in custody stop someone from practising their religion?

I don't think this stuff does give the radicals a base to build on (I would be intersted in any evidence you have that shows a link). This is surely just about treating people with respect.

To be honest it is posting guff like this about ordinary Muslims that makes you sound like a xenophobe and shows your lack of distinction between the radicals and the others,


New member
Oct 22, 2012
No to blur the lines between the radicals and the rest of Islam makes you a racist. To support a group that wonders about singing Allah is a Paedo makes you a racist. Probably xenophobe is more accurate (fear of people who are different) but lets not split hair.

Absolute tosh, and exactly what i have been saying. It can be made as plain as anything, no blurring, and still the old racist line is trotted out. I suppose all the Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists etc that are sick to death at being lumped in the "Asian" tag, when it is the extreme muslims that are causing the problems, are racists as well.
If you act like these radicals do in THIS country, then i'm afraid some people will speak out.....then there are people like you, who obviously moved away to the other side of the world, but still make assumptions knowing that any problems here will not effect them.
TBH, you just keep shoving the racist card in at every opportunity, know matter whatever anybody else's reasons or thoughts on the problem.
You ask opinions, you don't like the opinions, you use the racist card. Strange how i have no fears or worries about any of the other religions that live peacefully here.
Just the extremists bother me, and the way we are letting these extremists get a foothold by the pandering mentioned.

By the way, Islam is not a race.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Their views have no place anywhere especially in Islam. Muhammed major victory was taking back Mecca after living in exile for years. This victory was won with no bloodshed and when victory was won instead of reaping vengeance on the people that had persecuted and killed the early Muslims and forced them from their traditional lands Muhammed forgave everybody and facilitated the people to live in peace. "you to your religion and me to mine". Muhammed only ever used violence when there was no other option.

If you watch the second video I have posted and do a little reading you will see that the views and actions of radcial Muslims are as far away from the Koran and the teachings of Muhammed as they are from western beliefs and the teachings of Jesus. Trouble is the right wingnuts continue to perpetuate the myth of Islam and play right into the hands of the radicals. They are part of the problem and not the solution

Meanwhile, this week in England. Take note of the end statement by MI5.....still nothing for you to fear eh, put another sausage on the barbie.
First Publish: 11/12/2013, 5:47 PM

Muslim extremists in London

Three Muslim converts in London pleaded guilty on Monday to charges of confiscating alcohol, attacking and threatening to stab non-Muslims in attempts to impose Islamic Sharia law on the UK capital.

The men were part of a group of Islamist vigilantes, self-styled as "Muslim Patrols." The Daily Beast reports that they pleaded guilty on several charges of physical assault and death threats, all while refusing instructions to stand in court.

The three consist of Muslim converts Ricardo McFarlane, 26; red-haired Jordan Horner, 19; and a 23 year old who cannot be named for legal reasons. All three have past criminal records for offenses ranging from theft, criminal damage and assault.

Judge Rebecca Poulet announced the court would sentence all three together on December 6. If found guilty they face jail time; as The Telegraph notes, Judge Poulet ruled that "the court does consider this passes the custody threshold. That option will be open."

Their violent imposition of Sharia law occurred in East London, in areas where the 2012 Olympic Games were hosted.

The incident comes as UK security agencies continue to remain on high alert amid ongoing threats of Islamic terrorism. In October Andrew Parker, the head of the British intelligence Agency MI5, warned that thousands of Muslim extremists are living in the UK and see the general public as a legitimate target.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Absolute tosh, and exactly what i have been saying. It can be made as plain as anything, no blurring, and still the old racist line is trotted out. I suppose all the Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists etc that are sick to death at being lumped in the "Asian" tag, when it is the extreme muslims that are causing the problems, are racists as well.
If you act like these radicals do in THIS country, then i'm afraid some people will speak out.....then there are people like you, who obviously moved away to the other side of the world, but still make assumptions knowing that any problems here will not effect them.
TBH, you just keep shoving the racist card in at every opportunity, know matter whatever anybody else's reasons or thoughts on the problem.
You ask opinions, you don't like the opinions, you use the racist card. Strange how i have no fears or worries about any of the other religions that live peacefully here.
Just the extremists bother me, and the way we are letting these extremists get a foothold by the pandering mentioned.

By the way, Islam is not a race.

So where is this evidence that the 'pandering' helps extremists get a foothold. What helps the extremists is soppy groups like the EDL.

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