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Cameron in Brighton on Thursday!

  • Thread starter Deleted User X18H
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Aug 21, 2005
Crap Town
I recall Theresa May herself once acknowledging that many people saw the Tories as 'the nasty party'.

Pots and kettles! :thumbsup:.

Wasn't that a misquote ? She said a similar word which cant be used on NSC.

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New member
May 9, 2008
Haywards Heath
I cannot believe how easily some of you people bite ! Helen f***ing Keller would've known it was a fishing expedition with HB&B using phrases like 'our glorious leader' fucks sake:facepalm:


Well-known member
May 23, 2004
Arn't they! And why are they lefties? Because its the latest Brighton emperor's new clothes scenario (a bit like Chili Pickle) where it's considered so bohemian and so Brighton to follow a particular group or movement. 'Look at me I am so different'. 'I vote for Labour or the Green Party because I hate capitalism because someone in a long coat at speakers corner told me I should'.

The simple fact is and as they always do the Labour Party spent money this country simply did not have to spend. The bottom line being £4 in public spending for every £3 raised in revenue.

The Labour Party again choose to court the vote of the under achiever and give away as much as possible for nowt in return.

Now the coalition are looking to radically reform the benefits system some of your leftie's are getting worried.

Do you think this might stop people thinking about claiming JSA fraudulently when not actively looking for work?

May 12, 2010


Deleted User X18H

Do you think this might stop people thinking about claiming JSA fraudulently when not actively looking for work?

If you are referring to me.Yes I claimed contribution based JSA for about 10 weeks I think. Hands up at the time I was not always actively seeking full time employment so I stopped claiming when I was entitled to claim up to 26 weeks. As it is non means tested.

However I have had intermittent and quite sporadic work since but do claim during non working periods like I am experiencing now.

My wife has just finished maternity leave and although now redundant is entitled to claim contribution based JSA but will choose not to.

Highlighting the fact I did claim whilst non actively seeking full time employment is regrettable.

I would hope a lot of benefit fraud is stopped by the new Government and some of the parameters that make it quite easy are changed.
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Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
I might be wrong, but I am pretty certain that the Thatcher govt. inherited a country on it's knees and deep in debt. Much like what Labour inherited from Ted Heath earlier in the decade.

I'm not convinced that they 'created the recession'. I am pretty sure that they had to turn the country round by any means possible. Arguable for the 1980s recession although many consider the monetarist government policies created it because of the polarised focus on inflation figures

With the level of debt that we had, were we able to invest in the rail infrastructure or did it make sense to sell it off and let someone else worry about that to balance our own books? Did we have the funds available to bring our network up to a decent standard? Who pays for the railway network to be upgraded now?

Thousands of people lose their homes in the time of a recession. Was a recession unavoidable? Was the latest recession/depression unavoidable?

The miners strikes. Were we not trying to prop up a failing industry (in most pits) at a time when our reserve were scarce due to the mismanagement of the previous regime? Since when were our coal reserves scarce. We've got more of the stuff than we have oil

I don't know enough about the NHS during the Thatcher years to comment.
Then do some research of those that actually work in the sector

1) How many were made redundant under Labour? Millions more! Wrong
2) Poll Tax, every one should pay their way for services not just home owners! Maybe but a better solution would have been a local income tax rather than a flat rate
3) Rubbish So why do the tories always blame Brown for the credit crunch. You can't have your cake and eat it.
4) Not as many as there were in the last 18 months. Tim, do some research - from 1990 to 1997 (bdi) there were 420,600 repossessions, ie 52,575 per year. 1998 to 2009 (bdi) there were 281,000 and average of 23,417 per year. Statistics from the Justice dept.
5) And look how wonderfully most perform now.
6) The NHS was in a far better state in 1997 than it is now, far better. You plainly know nothing about the NHS
7) Manufacturing periodically has a decline every 30 years or so.
8) That was all Scargill . No ballot. Hardly any Miners wanted to strike. The loss of the industry was sadly inevitable.
Scargill was stupid and fell into Thatcher's trap but the industry did not have to decline to the extent it did.

Let's hope Cameron takes a long walk off the west pier and does us all a favour.
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Barrel of Fun

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Barrel of Fun said:
I might be wrong, but I am pretty certain that the Thatcher govt. inherited a country on it's knees and deep in debt. Much like what Labour inherited from Ted Heath earlier in the decade.

I'm not convinced that they 'created the recession'. I am pretty sure that they had to turn the country round by any means possible. Arguable for the 1980s recession although many consider the monetarist government policies created it because of the polarised focus on inflation figures

With the level of debt that we had, were we able to invest in the rail infrastructure or did it make sense to sell it off and let someone else worry about that to balance our own books? Did we have the funds available to bring our network up to a decent standard? Who pays for the railway network to be upgraded now you?

Thousands of people lose their homes in the time of a recession. Was a recession unavoidable? Was the latest recession/depression unavoidable?

The miners strikes. Were we not trying to prop up a failing industry (in most pits) at a time when our reserve were scarce due to the mismanagement of the previous regime? Since when were our coal reserves scarce. We've got more of the stuff than we have oil

I don't know enough about the NHS during the Thatcher years to comment.

Then do some research of those that actually work in the sector

First point, fair go. I was merely pointing out that political seeds are sowed well before the actual time that the govt in question are lambasted for doing what they did.

Yes, of course we pay in the way of subsidy, but did we have enough money, at the time, to drag the network out of the 60s?

On the coal front, I was talking about reserves as in financial reserves and whether we were able to prop up that industry. If we still have so much coal, why haven't we kickstarted the coal industry again?

I have researched as far as Economics A-Level took me. I am just commenting on something that interests me. I never purported to front my views as fact.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I might be wrong, but I am pretty certain that the Thatcher govt. inherited a country on it's knees and deep in debt.

I'm not convinced that they 'created the recession'. I am pretty sure that they had to turn the country round by any means possible.

With the level of debt that we had, were we able to invest in the rail infrastructure or did it make sense to sell it off and let someone else worry about that to balance our own books? Did we have the funds available to bring our network up to a decent standard?

Thousands of people lose their homes in the time of a recession. Was a recession unavoidable? Was the latest recession/depression unavoidable?

The miners strikes. Were we not trying to prop up a failing industry (in most pits) at a time when our reserve were scarce due to the mismanagement of the previous regime?

I don't know enough about the NHS during the Thatcher years to comment.

I think even those right of Norman Tebbit will admit that the rail privatisation was a privatisation too far or at least, they made a complete dog's dinner of it.


Jul 7, 2003
Rail privatisation was a botched rush job by a tory Government in its death throws. the Miners were f***ed once they brought down the Heath Government, it wasn't political warfare as tories cant be f***ed with that lefty bollocks, it was 10% principle and 90% revenge.

£50 to anyone who will sneak up behind Cameron and give him a wedgie live on the 1 oclock news.


Jul 7, 2003
I cant see these tinpot Pricktators of nick and dave lasting more than 3 or 4 years. Once theyve got some electral reform to screw labour at the next election something unexpected is bound to trip them up. Maybe the euroweanies will demand full intergration and the libdems will get on there knees as the tories set about them with coshes.

Or a rightwing putch?

Cameron is f***ing useless and 90% of his DNA maps with a jellyfish, the best thing he has going for him is that Labour are even worse with either Creepy or Geeky likly to be the next leader. Hes got Pakistan pegged though.


May 8, 2010
Drive by abusing
Shame i don't have any rotten eggs. There's a packet of prawns in my fridge they'll be nice present for him if i leave them in the sun for a few days


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
oh, lets all hark back to what happend 20-30 years ago under the previous Conservative government (but convienently not cast our minds back to the previous decade under Labour)... shall we concern ourselfs with today and the current Conservative and their policies rather than those of a generation ago?

two points. Manufacturing was in massive decline well before the 80's, but it might also interest people to note it has still grown as an industry, it just makes up a lower proportion of GDP.

Poll tax might not seem fair to many, but then how fair is a system where a pensioner pays the same as a family of 4, just because their house is valued the same? neither system is fair really.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
1) How many were made redundant under Labour? Millions more!
2) Poll Tax, every one should pay their way for services not just home owners!
3) Rubbish
4) Not as many as there were in the last 18 months.
5) And look how wonderfully most perform now.
6) The NHS was in a far better state in 1997 than it is now, far better.
7) Manufacturing periodically has a decline every 30 years or so.
8) That was all Scargill . No ballot. Hardly any Miners wanted to strike. The loss of the industry was sadly inevitable.

It's posts like this that make it easy to despise Tories. Granted I wouldn't say that Labour were that much better. Makes me laugh about the reforms the current administration are trying to make with benefits, I recently had to do a 'Back to work seminar' which was so pointless given that the people running it were clueless. For example, they gave me a list of URLs of job sites, I pointed out that they had completely overlooked the two biggest sites for my profession. bout ten minutes after I finished there I was talking to an agency and we discussed the seminar, the agent said that what we had been told was rubbish which only confirmed my my own opinion.

The bottom line is it's all very well trying to get people back to work as long as there are jobs there for them, this is something that most people overlook. Frankly if this above is an example of how the current government thinks it can save money I have a better idea, make the civil servants who dream up these ideas redundant as it's cheaper to have them on the dole than being paid a lot of money to come up with pointless and unworkable ideas.

Oh, much to my surprise I am now gainfully employed.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
The bottom line is it's all very well trying to get people back to work as long as there are jobs there for them, this is something that most people overlook. ... I have a better idea, make the civil servants who dream up these ideas redundant as it's cheaper to have them on the dole than being paid a lot of money to come up with pointless and unworkable ideas.

some might say that the millions of "immigrants coming over here stealing our jobs" suggests there *are* some jobs for them... and you idea of culling the civil service is the same idea.

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