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Article For All The Rentaquote Lefties On Here

It sounds straightforward, but it is anything but. Large organisations require a high degree of management. Just look at the burgeoning bureaucracy of TfL, which has expanded rapidly in recent years. Of course we would like to cut down on the amount of waste in public services but it needs to be carefully and directly driven, not 'let's get rid of some managers, we have too many'.

An answer is is to break the NHS into at least regional health services, this has already been achieved in Scotland, Wales and Norhern Ireland, so there is no reason, why it cannot happen in England.

Personally I would break it down to another level, the Swedish Health service is generally considered to be the best in quality, the Lib Dems are presently reviewing it, it is delivered at a city, small administration level, paid for locally and nationally.

Funny, actually, if all the immigrants were sent home, Hackney would be deserted and there would not be any doctors, nurses, teachers or basically anyone running services.

It would be like armagideon but without the explosion!



New member
Jul 5, 2003
It's the way a lot of public sector 'management' is going as well. Many headteachers (or certainly an increasing amount) are not 'teachers' but in fact managers; schools are looking to attract businessmen/women, not people who have had experience teaching in schools. While I appreciate that this means that they may not understand all of the micro issues that occur, at the same time this can be a benefit; they do not get caught up in small issues, and are able to look at the 'bigger picture'. To be honest, I'm undecided as to whether it's a good or a bad thing; I think it's probably good, but only if you get it in the correct proportions... and I would agree, certainly with hospitals (I have a friend who is one of the non-medical managers that you mention), there are too many people without the relevant experience.

I think it has become a bad things, schools/hospitals spunking 50k on consultants who just come in and give awful presentations, when the normal staff are forced to work over their usual hours and threatened with job cuts because the school/hospital overspent on the experts who came and tried to tell them how to do what they could already do, albeit with the aid of "exercises" and dull presentations.

Now THAT'S what is broken with the public sector!


New member
Jan 3, 2007
good for you mate , but i bet that the overwhelming majority of white english people who think its so wonderful are not born and bred in the area , they are like you, ie newcomers from other areas and not the poor sods who were born locally and havent got any option BUT to live there

You do have an option. The ethnic groups are the ones who don't have a choice. If they are immigrants they are immigrants for a reason. Do you think they don't want to be in their homeland with their families, traditions and cultures? Of course they do. It must make it twice as hard having to live near people like you who clearly don't want them there.

You also assume a lot about people and where they live and what their backgrounds are. I don't care if you were born into a shitty area. Work harder and get out if you hate it that much.

good for you mate , but i bet that the overwhelming majority of white english people who think its so wonderful are not born and bred in the area , they are like you, ie newcomers from other areas and not the poor sods who were born locally and havent got any option BUT to live there

You could be right.

The area does have a huge concentration of social housing, 60% plus, so we know how hard it is to move around.

East Enders have naturally migrated out norhwards and eastwards and there are certainly towns like Basildon, Harlow full of old cockneys!:glare:

But is is hard to tell, the area is relatively cheap, my Dad also does a shop at the market here and local shops before going back to Brighton.

We know some good all (white) locals, plus others who pretend we don't exist!

Each to their own,

what we really do miss, is the near absence of the local!

With the change in community, as the white Working class English, Irish, Scotish have moved on, its been replaced by a muslim and african population, who don't drink as much and not in run down pubs!!

We now have bars/ cafe's from around the world but no one sells Harveys!



Monkey in a seagull suit.
Apr 24, 2004
Way out west
There has been a programme on the Beeb called meet the immigrants, this gives a fair idea of who is coming here and why. I would urge anyone who thinks they are here for an easy time to watch the one from last week on i-Player, it is available for the rest of today. The programme features a couple of ladies from the Phillipines, I would describe one of them to be working as a virtual slave, if anyone thinks she has an easy time then I think they are seriously deluded.

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New member
May 9, 2008
Haywards Heath
You do have an option. The ethnic groups are the ones who don't have a choice. If they are immigrants they are immigrants for a reason. Do you think they don't want to be in their homeland with their families, traditions and cultures? Of course they do. It must make it twice as hard having to live near people like you who clearly don't want them there.

You also assume a lot about people and where they live and what their backgrounds are. I don't care if you were born into a shitty area. Work harder and get out if you hate it that much.
you prick , read the post properly i have got an option , i dont live there any more, i have got out , i am on about the people born locally who DONT have an option, you truly truly live in a dream world if you realy believe what you have writen about them wanting to be in their own homeland with their families, traditions, and cultures, also according to your post people living in shitty areas arent working hard enough to get out then eh ? some socialist you!


something clever
Jul 28, 2003
Not Luton! Thank God
It is what people of my dads' generation complain about, they left school and went to work in manufacturing industry on apprenticeships to become engineers, that system has largely disappeared. Our manufacturing industry largely suffered when it became cheaper to import goods rather than make them ourselves, it used to be easy to find almost anything made in the UK, now it is virtually impossible.

This is the way that all the more advanced economies are going. One based on knowledge rather than the maufacturing power. The good news is that the UK has a supreme financial services industry as well as other good service sectors like design and advertising.

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New member
May 9, 2008
Haywards Heath
There has been a programme on the Beeb called meet the immigrants, this gives a fair idea of who is coming here and why. I would urge anyone who thinks they are here for an easy time to watch the one from last week on i-Player, it is available for the rest of today. The programme features a couple of ladies from the Phillipines, I would describe one of them to be working as a virtual slave, if anyone thinks she has an easy time then I think they are seriously deluded.
i certainly dont think they are all here for an easy time, and none of my posts have implied this, i just think there are a vast amount of immigrants/asylum seekers we coould do without

This is the way that all the more advanced economies are going. One based on knowledge rather than the maufacturing power. The good news is that the UK has a supreme financial services industry as well as other good service sectors like design and advertising.

We did make some mistakes!

We were happy to bail out Rover and Ford but did not support a basic steel indistry or coal industry, whilst world prices were high!

Now we import these goods when the raw prices are extortinant!

Nevertheless, British manufacturing in turnover is doing as well as ever, but the numbers in Employment are relatively low, we are having too focus on high value, direct to market, that's why our high end fashion is doing well, ceramics, glass, high end furniture and even electronics.



Monkey in a seagull suit.
Apr 24, 2004
Way out west
That is true, but we have always excelled at the high end of the market, look at companies like Rolls Royce...the very words are used in all circumstances to indicate the very best.

Not sure if it is still there, but there was a small electrical company in Steyning called SME, they produced tone arms for Hi-Fi turntables. Their product was the very best, and most expensive, in the World...and that was a company on our own doorstep.

Bars Mar

Registered Drug User
Jan 4, 2008
In Bed With My Doner
Thanks for such an angry reply to my replies to your original posts. I can read properly thank you very much. I just posted the link to the Political Compass so you may be able to see who made that graph, that was all.
Where do you get the idea that we have a bigger public sector than ever before? How do you think that those 26 million records were lost recently? It's because the HRMC was created out of a merger from the Inland Revenue and Customs, they then cutback on the internal post system and contracted it out to TNT, a private company. Then TNT lost the disks when they were sent via them.
Hardly the work of socialists?

From Government Figures. Look At UK Statistics Authority If You Don't Believe Me.

Amen to that. Did anyone see just how AWFUL their leaflets were in London?

Sections about supporting the Irish for example, well they've changed their tune there!

But the "best" was a rant about "Black gangs" and then the only picture they could supply was some primary school kids!

There was also the irony of a "Jewish" BNP supporter angry about immigration and people that aren't British.

And What Is Labour Doing In Crewe At The Moment Then? One Rule For Labour Another Rule For The BNP. Hypocrite.

Is Bars Mars mad? He's the angriest man on the web.

No. I Just Have A Habit Of Swearing. Your Chum Nipple Is The One Who Threatens To Stove People's Heads In And Flounces.

Fantastiche. Bars is revealing himself to be a right wing Tory twit and Bushy has joined the ranks of the disturbing number of Nazi fuckwits masquerading as Patriots on this board.

I Think You'll Find, Nibnob, That I Have Said I'm No Friend Of The Tories. The Only Time I Have Expressed A Comment On The BNP Is To Tell THPP That He's An Arrogant Twat For Calling People Who Vote For Them Morons. That's All.

You Really Are A Presumptuous Little Twerp. Back In Your Box, Small Fry. I Can't Be Arsed Slapping You Down Today.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
I Think You'll Find, Nibnob, That I Have Said I'm No Friend Of The Tories. The Only Time I Have Expressed A Comment On The BNP Is To Tell THPP That He's An Arrogant Twat For Calling People Who Vote For Them Morons. That's All.

You Really Are A Presumptuous Little Twerp. Back In Your Box, Small Fry. I Can't Be Arsed Slapping You Down Today.

Hi Bar. Good weekend?


New member
Jan 3, 2007
you prick , read the post properly i have got an option , i dont live there any more, i have got out , i am on about the people born locally who DONT have an option, you truly truly live in a dream world if you realy believe what you have writen about them wanting to be in their own homeland with their families, traditions, and cultures, also according to your post people living in shitty areas arent working hard enough to get out then eh ? some socialist you!

I'm not a socialist, it was more to get a reaction but In all seriousness, what are the problems you experienced as in not mixing well etc? I can see how it may be difficult living in an area that has lots of differant races, culture clashes etc. Was it that you felt alienated and uncomfortable or were there real problems?


New member
Jul 5, 2003
Bars Mar, where exactly did I say I supported the Labour leaflets in Crewe?!

Just because I dislike what the BNP did, doesn't mean I support Labour doing the same. Infact I reckon I'd refuse to hand out leaflets with that on...Labour/Tory/Lib Dem/whoever.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
i was doing a housing essay the other day, and i had to basically read every political parties manifesto to find their policy on housing

i thought i'd give the BNP site a try

god its f***ing awful, regardless of whether you agree with them or not, the way they present themselves is appalling

they want to stop immigration, but they also want more nurses


Just been working for a very large NHS Trust in London, without the foreign clinicians the place would close. Lots of Filipinos and Africans not to mention quite a few from Non EEC countries in Europe. There were even some Americans and Canadians.


Monkey in a seagull suit.
Apr 24, 2004
Way out west
...that just about sums it up, most people who rant on about there being too many immigrants just fail to see any of the positives and how the country would grind to a shuddering halt without them.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Us Brits go all around the world, destroying once peaceful communities with our holiday/travel antics. On the plus side we bring money into their poor economies. Plusses and minuses to all aspects.

We storm into countries and change peoples lives in order to further our countries wealth. It all works both ways.


New member
Jul 5, 2003
...that just about sums it up, most people who rant on about there being too many immigrants just fail to see any of the positives and how the country would grind to a shuddering halt without them.

Thing is, we are accused of not seeing the ILLEGAL immigrants, while at the same time they seem to not factor in the LEGAL immigrants and what a loss they would cause.


In London village.
And What Is Labour Doing In Crewe At The Moment Then? One Rule For Labour Another Rule For The BNP. Hypocrite.

I'm still waiting for the some evidence of a link between "lefties" and Neo-Labour to be made.

Most genuine socialists/social democrats I know are against ID cards and against scapegoating minorities for the failures of the system.

Still, it's always worth inventing other people's viewpoints and then attacking them for things they don't believe and have never defended, is n't?

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