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Sexy Pete... :D
Sep 16, 2011
What he did was legal, and I dare say if any of us were lucky enough to be in the position that he is in, I'm pretty sure we'd all do the same or similar. I don't resent him for being "creative" and if I earned enough to do what he did, I know I'd be on it in a shot.


Well-known member
Okay, fair enough, so you wouldn't take advantage of paying lower taxes if you could legally do it. You're obviously a saint. Butter wouldn't melt in your mouth. You never claim for "working expenses". Who are you. f***ing Ned Flanders!?!?!?!?!?

On the same principal then and bearing in mind your morals, as the country is clearly broke and there's not enough cash to pay for the basics, do I take it you are paying extra taxes to try and help out.

The fact is, if Jimmy Carr earnt £4million quid, and paid 1%, he's still paying £40,000 which is more than most of us would pay in basic income tax.

The other fact is, it is lawful. He is not braking any law.

All the time a Tory or Labour government allow this law to exist, why shouldn't people use it?

Paying £200 an hour for a solicitor is immoral.

Paying people £1000s a month to sit at "home" in a comfy house doing nothing apart from producing more kids they cannot afford to keep, whilst the rest of us work our bollocks off to pay for it, is immoral.

So you think 50% of what you earn to pay for the government to waste , is a "fair rate" (!!!!) that's immoral!!

Yeah, you're right - I must be a saint. Fancy having a moral standpoint in this day and age. Lets just screw everyone else and to hell with any idea of community. Oh, I forgot, you're Tory til you die, so obviously don't believe in community.

there's loads of things that there aren't specific laws to stop you doing, but by god I hope you don't do some of them.

Just saying the loophole is a scandal, shows that you know it is a loophole (i.e. wrong) and yet you seem happy that everyone should exploit it. Do you need all of your ideas of right and wrong written down by somebody for you? Can't you just be a grown up and decide for yourself?


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
What he did was legal, and I dare say if any of us were lucky enough to be in the position that he is in, I'm pretty sure we'd all do the same or similar.
Speak for yourself. I think that most people wouldn't. There are a lot of people that earn millions, and most pay more than 1% tax.


Well-known member
What he did was legal, and I dare say if any of us were lucky enough to be in the position that he is in, I'm pretty sure we'd all do the same or similar. I don't resent him for being "creative" and if I earned enough to do what he did, I know I'd be on it in a shot.

So if your boss hired a smart accountant, and found a "legal" way of not paying you at the end of the month, I'm assuming you'd just say "well done mate, fair play to you. I'm happy to wait until the loophole is closed before I get paid again".

Yeah, right!!!!


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Jimmy Carr is okay and there's not one of yo ulot that wouldn't pay 1% tax if you could get away with it and you bloody know it.


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
spot on. Are people morally offended or jealous?

This is total garbage. ISA were introduced by the government, and have been backed by multiple governments since, to encourage people to save for their future. You do not get tax relief on your contribution to an ISA but you take the capital gain or income tax free. Not at all similar to a dodgy tax avoidance scheme invented by accountants to cheat the taxman.


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
You'd lose your money.
Nope. I'm on my soap box for this, because it's annoyed me, but my point is that I don't generally go preaching about how right or wrong people are. I don't claim to be whiter than white, and I don't berate others that veer across the line. The point is, this isn't crossing the line, it's way past that.

Agreed and Piersa you're a twat.


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
no, there really isnt, only the numbers involved differ. an IT contractor could be paying only £500 a year tax using the same practice. think of it like this, at even 1% he most certainly paid more tax than you and the vast majority of the population.

the solution to this of course is a simpler tax system, dare i say flat tax. but certain groups of politicians wont entertain these ideas because they cant favor their prefered cohort or say such a system isnt "progressive" as if thats the most important part of taxation.

Yes, there is a huge difference.


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
I watched it, and just died a little inside like I was expecting to. So he isn't paying Tax, big f***ing deal, I don't pay as much tax as I could and neither does anyone else on this board. I love how he has to make out he's sorry and he made a mistake to save face - he's not, he would have done it forever more if he hadn't been rumbled.

Jimmy Carr is dodging his tax and the media f***ing implodes. He was one of 100s of people using this one scheme and I don't see anyone hounding apologies out of Gary f***ing Barlow or any one else on the scheme. The £30K or whatever it is he didnt pay in tax is small fry compared to the hundreds of millions not being payed by Cameron's cronies who went through Eaton and the like, or the big businesses who apparently just don't have to pay tax.

Cameron's the most disgraceful in all of this, Carr hasn't broken the law so why has he been named and shamed when the are scores of people doing much, much worse things that he is very happy to keep his mouth shut about? If I had been in Jimmy's position I would've come out fighting personally rather than just trying to pretend I was sorry when I wasn't.

You're off your head. How can Cameron be the most disgraceful in all this? He pays his taxes and, like previous governments, he has a division in the HMRC trying to close down loopholes and catch tax cheats. If Carr had paid tax at 30%, say, his tax bill would have been 900K, not 30K!


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
No,you're saying what you think and dressing it up as popular opinion. No one likes paying tax, and absolutely f***ing no one is going to vote for a tax increase are they?

Several govermnments have been elected with tax increases in their manifesto. After Brown has bankrupted the country the next government has little choice other than to raise taxes.


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
the whole thing is pys ops to make the public think "we are in it together, tax and austerity is the way to get out of the economic mess"

quite clever and millions fall for it.

most tax goes to the banks anyway as the goverments pay INTEREST back on their LOANS from the CENTRAL CORPORATE BANK known as The Bank of England.

tax also pays for BAILOUTS across Europe that is printed BACKED BY NOTHING.

Carr is probably in on it and they paid him off to be this "archetype" - wouldn't suprise me.

and the Zionists blew up the twin trade towers! What are you smoking? It must be good stuff.


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
So if your boss hired a smart accountant, and found a "legal" way of not paying you at the end of the month, I'm assuming you'd just say "well done mate, fair play to you. I'm happy to wait until the loophole is closed before I get paid again".

Yeah, right!!!!

Ridiculous. How can your boss not paying you be compared to tax avoidance?

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