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Tricky Dicky

New member
Jul 27, 2004
Sunny Shoreham
Er, not sure about that. Hasnt done anything wrong?? I'm a carpenter and whenever I get the chance to avoid tax using cash payments i grab it without thought , but that is because most loopholes have have been closed on my industry, they just shifted the responsibility onto the employer (C.I.S.). However this is only because I'm an angry average joe who's being raped at every turn of modern life. IF I was a multi millionaire even I couldn't live with myself if I was paying 1% tax.
Someone else here said a little bit of them died last night and I agree. He was still funny but like Deaytongate the hull of the programme has been breached and I think this will begin its demise. Team captain Jon IS whiter than white and he's angry and won't let it lie.
Yes I agree rich people get stung harshly but what they forget is that It is THIS society and government that has created the environment for them In the first place. Does that make sense? If you are rich you may be paying an overly large chunk of tax but you wouldn't be rich in the first place if the comedy scene hadn't been allowed to flourish like it has.

But, if it is argued to be "morally wrong" - I don't know if you are saying that, but Cameron did, then the amounts involved and the staus of the individual don't come into it one iota. Something is either morally wrong or it's not, morality doesn't have a price e.g. it's only £300 a month and I'm not rich so it's ok, but you're rich and only pay 1% so it's wrong. it doesn't work like that.

P.S. I'm not saying he was right or wrong.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
No,you're saying what you think and dressing it up as popular opinion. No one likes paying tax, and absolutely f***ing no one is going to vote for a tax increase are they?
No I'm not, I'm stating my opinion. You can state yours. And yes, people do vote for tax increases.
Exactly, just as bad as the rest of him, so why is he being put through the grinder as though he's the only person to have ever evaded paying his taxes?
Perhaps because he likes taking the moral high ground when taking the piss out of politicians? I don't think anyone should get away with it, I don't know why the press hasn't made a big deal of this before. I wouldn't suggest he's any worse than anyone else doing the same thing. But some here seem to think that having an ISA, or paying an odd job man cash in hand is the same thing, which is ridiculous.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Border country.East Preston.
But, if it is argued to be "morally wrong" - I don't know if you are saying that, but Cameron did, then the amounts involved and the staus of the individual don't come into it one iota. Something is either morally wrong or it's not, morality doesn't have a price e.g. it's only £300 a month and I'm not rich so it's ok, but you're rich and only pay 1% so it's wrong. it doesn't work like that.

P.S. I'm not saying he was right or wrong.

The amounts DO come into it. We might be arguing on different points here but 1% is morally wrong. 50% is also morally wrong
It's all about percentages. This country should introduce a Hong Kong style flat rate that applies to everyone and everything, if you don't pay you go to prison.
Someone on question time put the Sir Green example to Ken Clarke and it was flatly ignored. How dare Cameron comes out to point the finger at Carr whilst he ignores Isle of Man, Gibraltar and Bermuda!!??


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
the whole thing is pys ops to make the public think "we are in it together, tax and austerity is the way to get out of the economic mess"

quite clever and millions fall for it.

most tax goes to the banks anyway as the goverments pay INTEREST back on their LOANS from the CENTRAL CORPORATE BANK known as The Bank of England.

no, most of the tax goes to welfare state such as Department of Work and Pensions (£189bn), Department of Health (£119bn) and personal social care (£31bn). Then Education (88bn), Defence (38bn) and Public Order (35bn). Interest at £28bn amounts to under 5%. this goes to bond holders, mostly pension funds. hey, thats 5% more than ideal, money that could better budgeted elsewhere, but i just wanted to highlighted the utter wrongness of your view, which really is BACKED BY NOTHING.


New member
Aug 13, 2004
no, most of the tax goes to welfare state such as Department of Work and Pensions (£189bn), Department of Health (£119bn) and personal social care (£31bn). Then Education (88bn), Defence (38bn) and Public Order (35bn). Interest at £28bn amounts to under 5%. this goes to bond holders, mostly pension funds. hey, thats 5% more than ideal, money that could better budgeted elsewhere, but i just wanted to highlighted the utter wrongness of your view, which really is BACKED BY NOTHING.

and where did you get those figures? from the official government figures.....enough said.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
and where did you get those figures? from the official government figures.....enough said.

why yes. as they are public and audited, seems a pretty good source. do please provide your source of where the money is spent if you believe otherwise.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
I think its out of order for the Prime Minister to name Jimmy Carr, and if I was Carr, I'd have taken him on. A f***ing politicion saying something is morally wrong. f*** OFF!!

It's legal. get over it. When my earnings went higher than the 40/50% bracket, my accountant gave me options, and now I pay around 20% yet still earn a very very good wage. That's the way the system works. If I went into even higher earning, I'd have no issue using this scheme and only pay 1%, and I think those who are getting on Jimmy Carrs back, are doing so out of jealously and nothing else.

People on here saying they wouldn't fell right paying only 1%. f*** off! Who are you trying to kid!

If I was Jimmy Carr or Gary Barlow when they start on him, I'd reply and say, its legel. Get over it.

Simple answer, if the Prime Minister feels its nessercary to come out with what he did, then f***ing CLOSE THE SYSTEM!!

Aint hard to work out it is.

I haven't seen the PM pushed on WHY this loophole is still open??

Cameron is completely out of order, and I'm Tory blue until I die, and I still say that.


New member
Aug 13, 2004
why yes. as they are public and audited, seems a pretty good source. do please provide your source of where the money is spent if you believe otherwise.


my source's would be years of research and too much time to collaborate and place here.......but one cn start with a study of central banks and banking dynasties and follow from there.

goldstone rocks

Active member
Feb 25, 2009
I think its out of order for the Prime Minister to name Jimmy Carr, and if I was Carr, I'd have taken him

Cameron did not name and shame- he was asked a question by a journo abroad, did not have spinners around him and he gave an honest answer ( honest- politician- difficult concept to pairing these two words) . Headline should be a s"scandal- says what he thinks and in touch with the public" .that is almost a bigger scandal than Christine keeler could have created!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Cameron did not name and shame- he was asked a question by a journo abroad, did not have spinners around him and he gave an honest answer ( honest- politician- difficult concept to pairing these two words) . Headline should be a s"scandal- says what he thinks and in touch with the public" .that is almost a bigger scandal than Christine keeler could have created!

Saying that he's "in touch with the public" is pushing it. This was another crass attempt to secure populist support. If his own family wealth hadn't been built on years of tax avoidance it might have been more palatable. Even in response to a question Cameron could have said that it would be wrong to comment on an individual's private and legal tax affairs. And then criticised the loophole in general just as strongly. This was far too personal.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003

my source's would be years of research and too much time to collaborate and place here.......but one cn start with a study of central banks and banking dynasties and follow from there.

ah the standard answer of the conspriacist who has nothing back their claims "do your own research" and wave around random ideas. im not asking for much, just evidence that most of the ~£700bn UK annual public expenditure is going to the pay interest to the banks and Bank of England, as you claimed.


New member
Aug 13, 2004
ah the standard answer of the conspriacist who has nothing back their claims "do your own research" and wave around random ideas. im not asking for much, just evidence that most of the ~£700bn UK annual public expenditure is going to the pay interest to the banks and Bank of England, as you claimed.

Who Lends the Government Money? | Economics Blog
Interest Payments on UK Debt | Economics Blog
Interest Payments on UK Debt | Economics Blog

in 2011 the INTEREST the Gov paid the Private Corporate Central Bank (known as the bank of england to fool people) was £43 billion (ok, i dont believe this figure, i think it more).

Are you happy that £43b of TAX goes to the bankers in INTEREST? oh, and on top of that, the people ALSO pay in TAX (and other austerity) for the bailouts (hundreds of billions of £).

the system is rigged and hidden from the people.


Well-known member
I think its out of order for the Prime Minister to name Jimmy Carr, and if I was Carr, I'd have taken him on. A f***ing politicion saying something is morally wrong. f*** OFF!!

It's legal. get over it. When my earnings went higher than the 40/50% bracket, my accountant gave me options, and now I pay around 20% yet still earn a very very good wage. That's the way the system works. If I went into even higher earning, I'd have no issue using this scheme and only pay 1%, and I think those who are getting on Jimmy Carrs back, are doing so out of jealously and nothing else.

People on here saying they wouldn't fell right paying only 1%. f*** off! Who are you trying to kid!

If I was Jimmy Carr or Gary Barlow when they start on him, I'd reply and say, its legel. Get over it.

Simple answer, if the Prime Minister feels its nessercary to come out with what he did, then f***ing CLOSE THE SYSTEM!!

Aint hard to work out it is.

I haven't seen the PM pushed on WHY this loophole is still open??

Cameron is completely out of order, and I'm Tory blue until I die, and I still say that.

I think (hope) you underestimate the standard of morality in this country. If some said to me "I've got this scheme where you have to pretend you are lending yourself money" I wouldn't have touched it with a bargepole.

People always aspire to the standard of living in the Nordic countries for example, but their taxes are much higher than hours. You don't get owt for nowt. If you avoid paying a fair tax rate then you are effectively stealing from the rest of the population. And please don't judge the rest of us by your own standards or morality. Even when I was an IT contractor I paid standard rate tax on all earnings and didn't claim any stupid "working expenses".


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
in 2011 the INTEREST the Gov paid the Private Corporate Central Bank (known as the bank of england to fool people) was £43 billion (ok, i dont believe this figure, i think it more).

Are you happy that £43b of TAX goes to the bankers in INTEREST?

not entirely happy no. that why reducing the deficit and debt is important.

however, £43bn is still only around 6% of expediture. so not most . i also note your source refutes your whole arguement, it explains the recipients of interest are:
Pension funds
Building societies.
Investment trusts
Private individuals

Therefore, the interest payment is paid to those who buy the government bonds and gilts.

not the Bank of England then. unless you are going to claim they are all fronts for the BoE, which i have no doubt you will.


New member
Aug 13, 2004
not entirely happy no. that why reducing the deficit and debt is important.

not the Bank of England then. unless you are going to claim they are all fronts for the BoE, which i have no doubt you will.

not important - impossible as the fiat currency monetray system is based upon DEBT which can only increase... ...and yes, i will.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
I think (hope) you underestimate the standard of morality in this country. If some said to me "I've got this scheme where you have to pretend you are lending yourself money" I wouldn't have touched it with a bargepole.

People always aspire to the standard of living in the Nordic countries for example, but their taxes are much higher than hours. You don't get owt for nowt. If you avoid paying a fair tax rate then you are effectively stealing from the rest of the population. And please don't judge the rest of us by your own standards or morality. Even when I was an IT contractor I paid standard rate tax on all earnings and didn't claim any stupid "working expenses".

Okay, fair enough, so you wouldn't take advantage of paying lower taxes if you could legally do it. You're obviously a saint. Butter wouldn't melt in your mouth. You never claim for "working expenses". Who are you. f***ing Ned Flanders!?!?!?!?!?

On the same principal then and bearing in mind your morals, as the country is clearly broke and there's not enough cash to pay for the basics, do I take it you are paying extra taxes to try and help out.

The fact is, if Jimmy Carr earnt £4million quid, and paid 1%, he's still paying £40,000 which is more than most of us would pay in basic income tax.

The other fact is, it is lawful. He is not braking any law.

All the time a Tory or Labour government allow this law to exist, why shouldn't people use it?

Paying £200 an hour for a solicitor is immoral.

Paying people £1000s a month to sit at "home" in a comfy house doing nothing apart from producing more kids they cannot afford to keep, whilst the rest of us work our bollocks off to pay for it, is immoral.

So you think 50% of what you earn to pay for the government to waste , is a "fair rate" (!!!!) that's immoral!!
Last edited:

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
Saying that he's "in touch with the public" is pushing it. This was another crass attempt to secure populist support. If his own family wealth hadn't been built on years of tax avoidance it might have been more palatable. Even in response to a question Cameron could have said that it would be wrong to comment on an individual's private and legal tax affairs. And then criticised the loophole in general just as strongly. This was far too personal.

I'm tory until I die, and completely agree that Cameron is as much as in touch with the public, as I am a f***ing giant marshmellow. Cameron is very lucky that Jimmy Carr is taking the abuse he is, because if I was Carr I'd be suing the arse of Cameron for defamation of character.

The loophole is a scandel, and the sooner its closed the better..... but I bet it never is!

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
the amounts do come into it. We might be arguing on different points here but 1% is morally wrong. 50% is also morally wrong
it's all about percentages. This country should introduce a hong kong style flat rate that applies to everyone and everything, if you don't pay you go to prison.
Someone on question time put the sir green example to ken clarke and it was flatly ignored. How dare cameron comes out to point the finger at carr whilst he ignores isle of man, gibraltar and bermuda!!??
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