Living the dream
Yes the mental health of children is seen as pretentious bollocks today and so I've been pretentious for 20 years because I think its important (more important than anything else in the whole world, literally) that kids have a good childhood. I hope the world will be going in a more pretentious and less tweet-somethin-nasty direction soon.
No, the vast majority of people were moaning about Tony Bloom for not signing four world class players. Go back to any January thread last year.
You sir, are a drug fuelled, pizza pigging, knife weilding delusional personage of the highest order.
The mental health of children is based on a few blokes kicking a bit of round dead cow skin filled with air and the opinions of a few blokes of that?
Where are the links to the hundreds (being the vast majority) of fans on here slagging off TB. TENS OF THOUSANDS of fans sing Tony Blooms name at BHAFC. If you ever went to a game you'd hear it.
We are obviously not worthy of your great all encompassing knowledge and god given talents of always being right. Therefore please follow this link to your new home: