Well-known member
What a beautiful day. Told you so.
If you're addressing me please don't use another users name, it's extremely childish. Anyway to address your concerns. You can use as many facepalms as you like it won't make CNS credible. Or to give it it's full name Conservative News Service. They are a right wing news organisation set up by Leo Bozell who among other things is a hard right Christian activist, one time president of Parents Television Council, a director of the hard right American Conservative Union.
The same Leo Bozell whom on December 22, 2011, appeared on Fox News and stated that President Barack Obama looks like a "skinny ghetto crackhead".
Hmm. You will have to try harder to make your sources credible. But don't bother on my account, I'm not entering into a drawn out debate fuelled by crackpot news sources and conspiracy sites.
Come on Tom, that's a bit rich after you just said "as always you're on the clown side of the argument "![]()
Yes, true to form, with the usual insult, unpleasant element thrown in, and pompous statement, never far from: I know best. I did not claim that they are. The electorate is world-weary of politicians who they think love the idea of power, and this will surely be seen as yet another example, irrespective of her strengths or otherwise. Another attempt at a political dynasty -don't you ever learn? You think she is formidable, and so she must be - simple, because you think so.
ok nibbleif you're addressing me please don't use another users name, it's extremely childish. Anyway to address your concerns. You can use as many facepalms as you like it won't make cns credible. Or to give it it's full name conservative news service. They are a right wing news organisation set up by leo bozell who among other things is a hard right christian activist, one time president of parents television council, a director of the hard right american conservative union, doesn't believe in contraception and is a pro-lifer.
The same leo bozell whom on december 22, 2011, appeared on fox news and stated that president barack obama looks like a "skinny ghetto crackhead".
Hmm. You will have to try harder to make your sources credible. But don't bother on my account, i'm not entering into a drawn out debate fuelled by crackpot news sources and conspiracy sites.
Okay Nibble. You win the debate![]()
I get where you're coming from, but the fact is there's a president who ran on a platform that was openly misogynistic and racist. His election has normalised those viewpoints and given them the President's stamp of approval. That's what I find most disconcerting.
I think the last time you started up this NIbble nonsense another user said something along the lines of you being the last person who should be accusing others of duel accounts as you'd had several including pretending to be a spanish lady. Or something![]()
Why don't you engage your brain and watch the reality.
The electorate was left with a dreadful choice of presidential candidates, no question. But the result seems to boil down to one big overriding factor - they wanted change. A vote for Clinton was a vote to keep the establishment in place, to maintain the status quo for those at the top, to change nothing, to carry on as they were. However, a vote for Trump was a vote for a "shake up", and that, I think, is what middle-America came out and voted for, because millions of voters were feeling disenfranchised, ignored, not listened to.
That means they now have a president who has aired some utterly abhorrent views, both in public and (what he thought) was in private. But a vote for Trump doesn't mean they all agree with him on those views, or endorse them. Sometimes you just end up having to vote for what you think is the least-worst option. And when the alternative was Clinton, Trump was always in with a heck of a chance.
maybe the electorate liked those viewsI get where you're coming from, but the fact is there's a president who ran on a platform that was openly misogynistic and racist. His election has normalised those viewpoints and given them the President's stamp of approval. That's what I find most disconcerting.
I'm not with you. Who am I against that is right wing? I'm not against Trump if that's what you mean? I didn't want him as president but I didn't want Clinton either. I think America got the best deal considering what was on offer and I quite like his stance on ISIS, even though he is clueless and it'll rile terrorists up.
I wasn't setting up a LvR situation. Somebody suggested Obama had done nothing and was a warmonger, I believe differently.
or not vote at allThe electorate was left with a dreadful choice of presidential candidates, no question. But the result seems to boil down to one big overriding factor - they wanted change. A vote for Clinton was a vote to keep the establishment in place, to maintain the status quo for those at the top, to change nothing, to carry on as they were. However, a vote for Trump was a vote for a "shake up", and that, I think, is what middle-America came out and voted for, because millions of voters were feeling disenfranchised, ignored, not listened to.
That means they now have a president who has aired some utterly abhorrent views, both in public and (what he thought) was in private. But a vote for Trump doesn't mean they all agree with him on those views, or endorse them. Sometimes you just end up having to vote for what you think is the least-worst option. And when the alternative was Clinton, Trump was always in with a heck of a chance.
This seems like the place for this. I've been told that Republican internal polling puts Clinton four points ahead. Don't have any info from the Democrats.
Enjoy your evening ��������������������
The electorate was left with a dreadful choice of presidential candidates, no question. But the result seems to boil down to one big overriding factor - they wanted change. A vote for Clinton was a vote to keep the establishment in place, to maintain the status quo for those at the top, to change nothing, to carry on as they were. However, a vote for Trump was a vote for a "shake up", and that, I think, is what middle-America came out and voted for, because millions of voters were feeling disenfranchised, ignored, not listened to.
That means they now have a president who has aired some utterly abhorrent views, both in public and (what he thought) was in private. But a vote for Trump doesn't mean they all agree with him on those views, or endorse them. Sometimes you just end up having to vote for what you think is the least-worst option. And when the alternative was Clinton, Trump was always in with a heck of a chance.
Seems to me it was a perfect storm of pro-Trump and anti-Clinton.
The one and only point I have is that, from what I know (and I think I'm well enough informed), Donald Trump is a terrible fit for President. From his personal traits, the way he's run his businesses to his views on women. I do not think he should be in that oval office making decisions which will impact millions of people.
I don't like Clinton a great deal either. But I think she would have been a better President.
Basically, I think the US deserved two better candidates than the ones they got.
I feel so sad this morning.
I felt so sad at the Brexit vote as well.
I believe 100% in the Democratic process as set out by the laws of the land and we must accept what has happened in both instances and if I want to be honest and true to my beliefs I have to accept these decisions as well
On the flip side to this I am wondering why human beings are willing to follow such people in life. - We don't seem to be learning from history that self serving leaders take us down the wrong paths and we look back many years later with distain and blame the Economic situation at the time for putting such leaders into power.
Some people obviously think this is a great decision by the American people and the world, I just feel for the people who will become the victims of this decision. Life will go on as normal I suppose but not for everyone.
Certainly anti-Clinton, and a lot of "well whats the alternative then" is what won it for him.
Would Trump have pulled off that win against any other candidate other than Clinton ?