If you made that up i applaud-very good and rather true.
God I wish. It's a sardonic take by someone who left us recently about the USA.
If you made that up i applaud-very good and rather true.
And here is the other half from the mid nineties..........similar eh.
Just to say i have again been reading a couple of USA forums, let's be fair, it was their election. This is an opinion from an American........
"As all of you who follow my posts know, I hold no great love for the British Empire.
However, it is in times of crisis that you learn what people are made of, and whom you can count upon.
As Europe surrenders their culture and future without a fight, taking refuge in a bureaucratic fascism as terror strikes go unpunished, and as America languished under a traitor as POTUS, all appeared to be lost. A new Dark Age was coming upon us.
Then came Brexit. The British people stood up and took their nation back. They refused to abandon their culture, society, and history. They spat in the eye of despair and took back what was theirs. It was a bright and shining movement, proof that not all had surrendered, that the lion still had sons who would stand up and be counted. It brought hope back into the world.
And today, inspired by their courage, those Americans who still remain loyal to our nation rose up and struck another blow. The USA can still call forth enough patriots to save itself.
Western Civilization may be doomed to be sold into darkness by appeasers and apologists, but today is not that day. Today we know victory, and serve a nation and a cause which will not go quietly into the night, but will instead rage against the darkness.
So as we celebrate this glorious day, we must remember our comrades across the water who stood their ground and won their own battle. "
It's about listening to opinions. If we just go down the route of not listening to someone because they are labelled within the spectrum of right and left there will be no one left to listen to.
Hillary Clinton In 2013: “I Would Like To See People Like Donald Trump Run For Office; They’re Honest And Can’t Be Bought”
"Asked to elaborate on her statement, the former Secretary of State argued that she thinks that businessmen “can’t be bought” and that they’re “very honest.” “And I think that goes especially for Donald Trump, whose successful projects and business ventures have made him synonymous with big business and, more importantly, creating thousands of jobs. I also think he understands the philanthropic and charitable side of things quite well, which is a crucial skill for any politician"