Two Professors
Two Mad Professors
Is that the distant echo of faraway straws being clutched at?
Re-run the election now.All the lazy tw*ts didn't get up to vote.And Trump should have got more than 60% of the vote,it's not a real win

Is that the distant echo of faraway straws being clutched at?
So the Clintons try it on and even with DT's own goals, she still cannot command voter confidence, and you want to try it again. The voters showed what they think of politicians perceived to be out of touch, and feathering their own nests, and you want to repeat the whole exercise.
Ignore the obvious point.
In reference to your question. Yes, more so than Clinton. At least we don't have to worry about going to war with Russia and Iran!
Would you have been happy with Clinton getting presidency?
Are you aware Obama was calling for amendment limiting free-speech rights?
I think some people get so overwhelmed by their default setting of "all people in power are evil and up to no good" that you cannot see when someone has actually done some good. Obama is one of the good ones.
I was salivating at how ridiculously dirty Sarah Palin looked!
There is merit in what you say, I do agree. Obamacare clearly has helped millions of folk, but having read so many of your posts, that is your default line, if the person happens to be right wing.
You mean these guys?
There is merit in what you say, I do agree. Obamacare clearly has helped millions of folk, but having read so many of your posts, that is your default line, if the person happens to be right wing.
The one and only point I have is that, from what I know (and I think I'm well enough informed), Donald Trump is a terrible fit for President. From his personal traits, the way he's run his businesses to his views on women. I do not think he should be in that oval office making decisions which will impact millions of people.
I don't like Clinton a great deal either. But I think she would have been a better President.
Basically, I think the US deserved two better candidates than the ones they got.
I just wish everyone would calm the fvck down. The collective BEDWETTING everywhere is truly something to behold, especially online. We're all getting absolutely covered in floods of PISS. You'd think the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse had just arrived.
Its only POLITICS. Its all just neverending bullshit and rhetoric, business as usual. The sun will still rise in the morning. Food will be on the shelves. Water will be in the taps. Your train won't arrive. Manu will be offside. Nothing much ever changes, and stuff that does, well just crack on. Just get up, hug your kids, tut at the news, have a cup of tea, sigh, and get on with life.
God no. Please, no more gesture politics (of which Michelle O seems to be queen at) and no more attempts at political dynasties.
Ah yes. Unfortunately these crackpot sites read anything as "an attack on the amendments" or an "attack on our very constitution". This appears no different. Reminded me of that chubby American chap who shouts on the radio a lot and buddied up to Russell Brand last year and rowed with Piers Morgan, his name escapes me. Angry fella, likes guns.
Why do you always play the man rather than the ball? And always do it so badly?
As always, you're on the clown side of the argument. The Obamas are not The Clintons. Not even close.
Brexit - Set in stone.Brexit, Trump (magnitudes worse), Le Pen wins, Merkel loses, NATO crumples, and the EU crashes and burns. Could well be dark dark times ahead.
Nibble, you do realise the source was from CNS news![]()