Hungry Joe
I'll try and summarise:
All UK employers have a legal duty of care towards their employees that extends to ensuring, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of those in their employment, and those who may be affected by their employment (visitors, members of the public etc). This extends not only to the place and time at work, but also to their employees journey to and from work, including access and egress to their place of work. If an employer, after taking into account their individual employee's circumstances, decides that it is unsafe to keep their employee at work, or to do so would mean their journey home would be unduly hazardous, then they have a legal and moral duty to send their employee(s) home. This may mean they have to also close the business entirely. This decision will usually be made on consensus of senior management having taken into account advice from safety specialists and human resources, and is often dictated by company policy which protects the interests of both the business and its employees.
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