Its not Get Brexit Done, its Get Britain Done
Tusk called it right, Brexit really will be the Real of the End of British Empire, and still Brexiters wrap themselves in the jack claiming to be so patriotic, bizarre...
Just caught the end of the ITV debate tonight, Farage's closing statement said it was all too PC. Think he is really is a busted flush these days
My humblest apologies for butting in but I agree with [MENTION=12947]Lincoln Imp[/MENTION] (as usual), there seems to be a glaring contradiction in your view that Brexit being enacted is the only way to heal the divisions while going on marches insisting the public should have a chance to stop it.
Btw I don't think the 17.4 million voted to leave with a number one priority to make the country economically stronger although the 'evidence' that couldn't happen is provided by people who can't predict 1 year in advance accurately let alone the medium/long term.
What is really sickening is watching democracy being usurped by people like yourself who abuse and insult those who have temerity to hold an opinion different to your own.
My business trades with customers in various EU nations (and the US) and we are completely paralysed at the moment. The day we actually leave we can resume trade and we are all (us and our customers) ready to go. We'd all rather be permanently in, but the current limbo land is damaging us all. But, hey, what do I know?
This weird trope about democracy being 'usurped' is an odd one. It's almost as if people have forgotten what the definition of democratic is... It seems to have become a case of 'we've decided, so no you can't change your mind or speak up about things you don't agree on'.
Of course it was all going swimmingly well before the referendum.
Cameron was going to get an amazing deal out of the EU ( yes...if you remember...we weren't happy with our status within the bloc ) Then we were going to vote to remain in a ' reformed ' EU ( chuckle ) and all the time, since we opened the floodgates in 1997, our population was rising by more than the total populations of Birmingham, Greater Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Bristol, Hull, Cardiff, Glasgow and Edinburgh, which has f-ck-d us as a country, creating ghetto's, no go areas, large Eastern European crime syndication, increased drug dealing, prostitution and child crimes, including trafficking. Knife crime is now out of control. There was simmering social unease and unrest built up over 20-25 years, all being ignored, particularly in the ' I'm alright Jack ' South, whilst our community fabric continued to disintegrate in the Midlands and North. Our services have been under pressure and struggling for years. Our infrastructure wasn't designed for 65million ( rising to 70m by 2026 ) Our roads can't cope, our hospitals can't cope, our schools can't cope and all our other public services can't cope.
Nobody was bothered before the referendum. Now its all the fault of Brexit.
David Merritt, the father of the man killed in the attack, has taken issue with the front pages of the Mail and Express, urging them not to use his son’s death “to promote your vile propaganda”.
David Merritt
Don’t use my son’s death, and his and his colleague’s photos - to promote your vile propaganda. Jack stood against everything you stand for - hatred, division, ignorance. https://t.co/R8LO16lugk
December 1, 2019
And your point is what exactly?
And your point is what exactly?
This weird trope about democracy being 'usurped' is an odd one. It's almost as if people have forgotten what the definition of democratic is... It seems to have become a case of 'we've decided, so no you can't change your mind or speak up about things you don't agree on'.
To spread information and awareness?
Don’t deflect.
You are trying to gain a political score.
I just find it very sad that discussion without abuse seems impossible for many. The diatribe that Tories are ‘evil’ or ‘facist’, perhaps calling them wrong or self serving might be more productive? I have called JC deluded or an ideologist on occassion, I have never intimated that he is anything other than a Utopian, but he is most definitely incorrect about how to achieve his dreams.
I can only go on what she writes and not what she thinks or what you think she might be thinking and unable to convey even if she was, as you are saying, indulging in hyperbole.
If someone writes and asks how is it even possible to trade with someone without a trade deal i will tend to think their daft reasoning is up the wazoo.
Is this correct?
The crucial aspect from what I can gather from the ongoing spat is the relevance to the automatic release aspect without assessment from a parole board.
I was under the impression that Khan`s original sentence where he would have been subjected to a parole board review after his minimum term (8 years of 16)was quashed on appeal(in 2013) and he was now given(after appeal) a determinate sentence with automatic release on half (8 years) of his 16 year sentence and no parole board input to determine if he was still a threat. The Tories repealed the automatic release clause in law and changed it to parole board review after 2/3rds of sentence which was implemented in dec 2012, the judge in the appeal in 2013 though had to use the legislative guidelines toward determinate sentences at the time he committed the offence (2010) which was the labour legislation introduced in 2008 hence why he was able for automatic release on licence in 2018 without a parole board input.
Im starting to get the feeling successive governments for nearly two decades have simply failed to come to terms with the long term threat of these religious nutters and this is a collective failure we should all be angry about no matter what fence we perch on in the political spectrum.