The award-winning official "More snow tomorrow?" thread [2012-13 season]
Started to snow a little in newhaven
Started to snow a little in newhaven
Started to snow a little in newhaven
So that was the snow of the winter of 2012-13, a pretty good show I think, not quite 2010-11 but a fair way better than 2011-12. Thanks to Papa as ever, top forecasting, can I suggest that you put yourself forward to forecast for WSCC and ESCC and advise them when to grit the roads as they clearly are looking at and listening to the BBC not your good self!!!
Might not be over yet.....
Papa, can I just put on record my thanks for your brilliant early-prediction for the Monday snow.
As you know, the Monday before, I took your prediction and ANNOUNCED it to the office. They doubted me and told me I was a prat. I am, but it was still uncalled for.
Needless to say they are all know treating me as the weather guru for my phenomenal weather-predictions a week before they happen. Yes, I may have had to walk for two hours from Brighton pier, but it was worth it.
The wind is whipping it into drifts.
papa, whats this rumour I am hearing that winter will not let go, that after a brief resprite from the cold over the next week or so, that its gonna hit us big over easter? Any truth in this?
Next week, Northern England and Scotland may well see more snow. I'd say down here it's going to be less cold, and it will be mainly rain. It's certainly not going to feel like spring next week, with low pressure over or near the UK.Cold rain.
Next week, Northern England and Scotland may well see more snow. I'd say down here it's going to be less cold, and it will be mainly rain. It's certainly not going to feel like spring next week, with low pressure over or near the UK.Cold rain.
So my week in the lakes could be a bit chilly?!
If you're up there next week it could be interesting. If the low is centred over the UK, you've got a better than average chance of being on the cold side of the low... snow or snow / hail showers would be likely on a strong NW wind. Take your camera and cold weather gear.
Thanks. We went this time last year and it was 23 degrees!
Heard a rumour snow next week
What's the general opinion on here ?
A lesson I learned a couple of years ago, never listen to the BBC forecast. Net weather seems to be very acurate for Worthing for some reason. met check not too shabby either. But BBC, generally dreadful.