Correct. We knew this was going to happen, both in the early counts and in the betting. See 2020. And 2016. And it’ll happen in 4 years’ time.Surely actual voting is more reliable than relying on polymarket etc - doesn’t that just tell you who the betters think will win based on the current snapshot of time - that is why there has been so much fluctuation in the betting market? ie for weeks betting was way out of synch with polling because of Trump’s rhetoric largely - then came Iowa.
- it’s been Trump leading the narrative that the betting markets were more accurate than the polls to suit his ‘election was a steal’ agenda should he lose.
Don’t despair yet - as I said above, we’re seeing a lot of red at the moment because the rural votes are finishing counting much faster that the densely populated Democratic urban areas - I suspect the betting markets are reacting to that.
MSN saying swing States still too early to call.
Not saying it isn’t going to go differently further up ahead, but so far everything is going pretty much as expected.