So, would it be OK to say that you have "the choice" to work in an enviroment with racist, homophobic or sexist colleagues? You could "chose" to leave, and all.
No, it wouldn't. Similarly, there is no wiggle room for exclusions from this ban, simple as.
As goes voting on the issue - were you entitled to vote in the 2005 election? If so, you did effectively vote for or against it.
I'm not wriggling any exclusions - whats done is done, what concerns me is that those who campaigned for this ban haven't really thought the implications through.
I don't see the correlation between racist, homophobic or sexism, to be honest though mate, all of those are illegal and whomever carries out those attacks should be fired.
All I'm saying - specifically in relation to pubs and clubs, why wasn't the landlord offered the choice? Why as grown adults are we not able to make the choice between attending/working/visitng a smoking pub or a non smoking pub. Are we so stupid as to not be able to make the choice?