Many thanks for that! I too read a lot and often a reference escapes me before I've decided if i want to keep the link!I apologise, but I don’t. I read so much! It’ll come up again I’m sure when they use it in the coming weeks (my prediction) and I will share the reports then when they occur. Sorry! What I read re the new sub drone was VERY brief. (Actually saw a vid of testing a week or so ago too I think.) It’s BIG! A very big torpedo shaped thing. Reminded me of that death trap that visited the titanic recently. Makes sense though doesn’t it and in reality all the tech is available for this kind of application. I’m just surprised it’s not been done before but their immediate needs in Ukraine right now are very real/motivating and it’s just a case of tweaking/modifying everything they have learnt from developing the drone boats. Ukraine are EXCELLING in the development of cheap/sustainable/modern/adaptable/dynamic/mobile warfare (with the help of their allies obviously) in their fight against ultimately bigger numbers and huge/expensive/outdated equipment deployed by the Russians. The Russians role out a tank that costs 10’s of millions and the Ukrainians kill it with a £100 drone. Again and again and again, and the Russians are so arrogant and stubborn, they just don’t seem to learn or adapt at all. It’s brilliant!
As you say, the drone missile sub will resurface