- Nov 11, 2009
- 12,703
I'm not familiar with the area or history, but could China not back Russia 'reclaiming' Ukraine on the basis its akin (might have to bend the truth a bit?) to China 'reclaiming' Taiwan.
Well in Putins rambling monologue last night, he made loads of wild and false claims, that Ukraine isnt a country, it was created by Lenin, it was part of Russia, its all false and not historical fact.
Kyivan Rus maybe the birthplace of the Russian Orthodoxy, but when Kyiv was already a shining city, Moscow was just a mere village by comparison. And whilst Ukraine has nearly always been invaded or occupied by larger imperial others except for a brief period just after WW1 they always have fought to establish their independence. It was never "Russian" lands. Russian suppressed or imperially stolen for sure.
And when you break down Putins arguments, if China were to agree to his perverse logic, then this is what Putin is effectively saying.
That Crimea, ethincally Turkic for centuries before Russia occupied, then Ukrainan as part of the Ukrainian SSR and independent Ukraine, should be taken by force, ethnic tartars killed and removed, Ukrainians imprisoned or removed to settle a historical mistake.
Moldova a soverign nation, breakaway region with Moscow puppets, held by force is legitmate
Georgia, a soverign nation, stolen/annexed region controlled by Moscow puppets and held by force is also legitimate.
Ukraine a sovereign nation who have fought for years against foreign invaders, UN recognised as a Sovereign nation, are in fact not a real country or state. A country that were never an actual part of Russia, actually belongs to Russia,
However, a rabble of farmers, kids party clowns and other dropouts aka DNR/LNR controlled by the Russian military and a Moscow puppet. in part of a country that was and is an actual UN recognised part of Ukraine, isn't actually Ukraine but shold be independent and also belongs to Russia?