But you haven't answered the question.
Why the f*** do you post it all, when you know all it's going to do is upset and annoy people? Do you get a kick out of that?
Also, his explanation misses the point. How desperate do you have to be to sit in a car waiting for a train to smash into you? Clearly, he's not doing for some sort of gratuitous kick, is he?
I bet you'd feel the same for that poor guy if you were the mother or wife of someone who died on a wrecked train rthrough his pained irrational soul.
It's been said before about 'jumpers' that they don't stop to consider the train driver's trauma - imagine a mother's trauma mourning the death of their child from such an act? Tortured souls abounding, let's feel sorry for the guy who puts his car in front of a train eh?
Wow, you are completely that ignorant aren't you? Evidentally you have never suffered from depression and have not known anybody who has. Your viewpoint is so narrow that you apparently can't see past the fact that he killed himself, and that was wrong and selfish of him to do so.
None of us will really no what he was thinking at the time of his death, nor will we ever know. But he was depressed, and evidently wanted to die, which is a fair enough assumption. To him taking his life the way he did was less traumatic to those he loved. Would it have been better had he hung himself, taken a drugs overdose, slit his wrists in his own home? Giving his wife the invitation to find him, and be traumatised for the rest of her life. Dying the way he did ensured that his wife would not have to have the image of him in death engrained in her mind for the rest of her life.
In all honesty I hope you don't ever know somebody who suffers from depression. I would hate to think how they would deal with your narrow minded, short sighted view of the world. Would you have the same kind of idea if a person you loved jumped in front of the train? Called them stupid or selfish? I highly doubt it.
People like you are what is wrong with this society. Believing that those with depression are stupid and they are selfish, and they do not care. In honestly they do care, and more often then not they believe that taking their own lives will help those who love them, as they do generally feel that low about themselves.
If this gets me banned for a couple of months for a stupid and inane reason, I don't care, because honestly it's been worth it.
Wow, you are completely that ignorant aren't you? Evidentally you have never suffered from depression and have not known anybody who has. Your viewpoint is so narrow that you apparently can't see past the fact that he killed himself, and that was wrong and selfish of him to do so.
None of us will really no what he was thinking at the time of his death, nor will we ever know. But he was depressed, and evidently wanted to die, which is a fair enough assumption. To him taking his life the way he did was less traumatic to those he loved. Would it have been better had he hung himself, taken a drugs overdose, slit his wrists in his own home? Giving his wife the invitation to find him, and be traumatised for the rest of her life. Dying the way he did ensured that his wife would not have to have the image of him in death engrained in her mind for the rest of her life.
In all honesty I hope you don't ever know somebody who suffers from depression. I would hate to think how they would deal with your narrow minded, short sighted view of the world. Would you have the same kind of idea if a person you loved jumped in front of the train? Called them stupid or selfish? I highly doubt it.
People like you are what is wrong with this society. Believing that those with depression are stupid and they are selfish, and they do not care. In honestly they do care, and more often then not they believe that taking their own lives will help those who love them, as they do generally feel that low about themselves.
If this gets me banned for a couple of months for a stupid and inane reason, I don't care, because honestly it's been worth it.
YOU miss the point Gayling - IF ANY person sat in a car waiting for the train to smash into them, they are just totally wrong is disregarding the possible fates of those on the train. NO excuses about their deranged state of mind are acceptable in my opinion, or will be in the opinion of the victims' families.
That's my point - no 'gratuitous kick' required, just the act of disregard for further victims is enough to make me less sympathetic for their own problems. Maybe you can't imagine yourself losing your loved ones to someone else's suicide? How heartless can you be, you cock??
You win drama queen of the thread award![]()
You win drama queen of the thread award![]()
Well done MoH.
That's what I had hoped the thread would be about - showing respect for someone who has brought pleasure to hundreds of thousands of people.
Instead, we get name-calling and a sad lack of empathy.
I bet you'd feel the same for that poor guy if you were the mother or wife of someone who died on a wrecked train rthrough his pained irrational soul.
It's been said before about 'jumpers' that they don't stop to consider the train driver's trauma - imagine a mother's trauma mourning the death of their child from such an act? Tortured souls abounding, let's feel sorry for the guy who puts his car in front of a train eh?
Its probably a bit rich coming from me, but why not ignore him, hes a cock, end of, why give hime the attention he is obviously lacking in real life away from NSC ?whereas you win c**t of the board award
This situation might remind people not to be quick to totally condemn others....
Well done MoH.
That's what I had hoped the thread would be about - showing respect for someone who has brought pleasure to hundreds of thousands of people.
Instead, we get name-calling and a sad lack of empathy.
Guess who once posted this sage piece of advice:
Physician, heal thyself.