If only life were that simple that our demise is all nicely wrapped up in a bow with the will made and your loved ones by your bedside whilst you pass away peacefully. Unfortunately it is not for many people and life's events can rip the heart and soul out of a person so much that the prospect of sitting on a Train track waiting for your death is the only was to end your suffering. I would never presume to call anyone who committed suicide to be selfish without walking in their shoes first.
Actually, according to German TV his car was found nearby, also in the vicinity of where his daughter is buried. He just waited on the pitch-black tracks.
I personally feel sorry for him, his wife, his newly-adopted child, the train driver, the fans... there is NO winner in such a tragic event.
And as for the depression question, I don't wish it on anyone. Because regardless of how much support and loving there is around you, it's just hard to feel...anything. I'm personally an 'avoid the pills, go seek professional help' type of person. But it all plays a part to some extent, and there's not one simple cure, perhaps 'cause it always lingers in the back of the mind regardless of how much you 'get over it'.
Anyway, reasons for his suicide are mere speculation. It's just terribly shocking and sad.
What can that game possibly be like? I know the show must go on eventually but that'll be more funeral service than football match. The mourning, especially at a fairly close-knit hometown club like 96, has already started:Strangely enough I'm going to Hannover's next home game whilst I'm on holiday in Germany.![]()
(Poor Mexican guy though, RIP the tortured soul and the other victims leaving orphans and bereaved couldn't be helped - I mean he was suicidal so that made it understandable).
I have known a few people that have suffered badly from depression, and generally they have been very intelligent people. I think NMH, you should join me in thinking ourselves lucky we are too stupid to have suffered.
Seriously, give it up. You're embarrassing yourself.
I do find it remarkable that somebody whose views so often offend people, never ever decides to take stock, have a proper look at himself and think "you know what, maybe they have a point" or even "ok, they're being a bit precious here, I think I'll keep my views to myself at the risk of offending".Bit late for you though, innit.
RIP Robert Enke.
I'm totally shocked to hear about his tragic death.Having depression is an awful illness and the circumstances behind it make it so sad.
Five years ago one of my best mates brother committed suicide by jumping in front of a train after he'd started university up north.He hated it so much and found it difficult fitting in there.he's never going to get over losing his brother and finds it difficult leading a normal,happy life now.
I've had my own battles with depression but really it's my own fault as i used to take ecstasy almost every weekend without ever thinking of the long-term damage it was doing to me.I started taking it as i was such a shy person.It caught up with me in the end and anti-depressants stabilised my moods for a while-but i don't believe they really work.All they do is turn you into an unemotional zombie.Only occasionally do i take E now but i know my own mind and i'm so careful now.I've got great friends and family around me.
This is the post of a nasty, small minded sanctimonoius shit.
Its none of my business obviously but why take it at all if it left you so damaged?
Is'nt that a bit like Russian roulette?
I do find it remarkable that somebody whose views so often offend people, never ever decides to take stock, have a proper look at himself and think "you know what, maybe they have a point" or even "ok, they're being a bit precious here, I think I'll keep my views to myself at the risk of offending".
I mean, how do you *know* that there isn't a regular on here who has lost somebody to depression-induced suicide and may take great offence to your unpleasant point of view?
No matter how long you post on this board, you will never cease to be amazed by just how much of a "nasty, small minded sanctimonoius shit" NMH can be. Unfortunately.
Look Simster, if YOU thought for a second you'd see that the original 'news' was that a person had parked their car in front of a train, and my thoughts were about that.
It's absolutely not unreasonable to suggest that putting lots of other innocents in danger WOULD BE (if it was true about the car in front of a train) selfish and irresponsible, thoughtless and dragging many others into one person's personal decision. That is not unreasonable to suggest, is it.
I am sure there may be several on here who have known a suicidal person, or maybe have even been one. There are many who would have had devastating things happen to them, and close people have died. I can relate. But not every death, even if *similar* to someone I knew, requires that I feel and act as though it personally effects me.
Knowing that NSC is FIRST to want to get melodramatic at the half-chance, and spout about how heartless and unfeeling it is not to sympathize with every death (because it's a football player? Here, knock yourselves out; Statistics: University of Oxford Centre for Suicide Research ), of course the Safeways of life will point their pathetic fingers at me for daring to suggest that it's not okay to feel as sorry for someone who might be taking out a trainload, (or at least screwing up the professional outlook of a train driver and everyone else who is affected - i.e. public, kids, meds, coroners, track maintenance personnel etc).
And then - the Simsters of this world - yes, they never miss the opportunity to point out what a bad person I must be to think that.
That's right, I must be a 'complete cock' for interrupting your drama, and of course your mourning for this poor lad, regardless of his profession (like I said, I feel sad for him, and anyone in that mental state, but don't let that hinder your agenda directing ire at me)
Shame people were not able to help him before his decision, so here's a useful site for you to pass on or put on your facebook. I trust you WILL all post it, especially since you do feel so strongly about this;
Samaritans Home Page-->