Can we take a reality test please. The Prime Minister and Cabinet are running the country, trying to keep us all as safe as possible in impossible circumstances.

Genuinely hilarious.
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Can we take a reality test please. The Prime Minister and Cabinet are running the country, trying to keep us all as safe as possible in impossible circumstances.
Yep, agreed. I thought they were going to change the isolation requirements for the double-jabbed anyway. Isolation after getting pinged by the app isn’t the ‘law’ though - it’s only advisory. The law only applies if you’re directly contacted by T&T…….
The Health Secretary contracted Covid-19. The Health Secretary met with the PM and the Chancellor.
As a confirmed case, his contacts were then told by Test & Trace to isolate. This is not advisory. It is a law, introduced and agreed by the PM, the Chancellor and the (previous) Health Secretary.
That law is not lifted until 16th August (for those fully vaccinated, or under 18).
I agree that there is no law requiring you to self-isolate after being pinged by an app on your phone, but that is not reported as being the case here.
At Tesco, getting pinged is a brilliant excuse to have a few days off work on full pay for the usual suspects. One guy in the branch where I work is now on his 7th stint of self isolation which is pretty impressive considering he works in the bakery and only comes into contact with 2 or 3 other people a day. All things considered, the PM's dedication to duty could therefore be seen as admirable![]()
They have reversed that decision. I am not sure how that works as Boris had full,blown COVID and was hospitalised. So why isolate again, unless he is being socially responsible so he doesn’t give it to his hundreds of kids.
Horrible statistic last week on 24 hours in A&E that 1 in 6 people who were in ITU with COVID were back in hospital 6 weeks after they were discharged. This is a vicious little bugger!,
Who should be piloting it?
Just so I’m clear….
Can we take a reality test please. The Prime Minister and Cabinet are running the country, trying to keep us all as safe as possible in impossible circumstances.
Same as Michael Gove after he got pinged on returning from the ECL final in Portugal. Fortuitously for him, he was part of the same pilot programme.
Must get round to re-reading ‘Animal Farm’ one of these days…
John Denver?
It's 20 organisations (not sure if that qualifies as "numerous"). And I'm glad that they WILL be self-isolating....apart from going to work!! Could everyone else please have the same scheme? I think we'd all be able to produce a nice little definition of what qualifies as essential for our work.
Horrible statistic last week on 24 hours in A&E that 1 in 6 people who were in ITU with COVID were back in hospital 6 weeks after they were discharged. This is a vicious little bugger!,
It's strange how pointing out a few factual details that don't quite fit with yet another social media pile on is often viewed as me believing "they can't do any wrong'.
Yes they have caved in now ... take the hit for the initial decision then another hit for u turning. Bloody useless government. [emoji6]
The app under these conditions is a complete nonsense.
What's the point in isolating if you don't have symptoms, especially if you're double jabbed.
the question is then do we think PM, chancellor, other senior ministers of state should be in that group of essential workers.
The app under these conditions is a complete nonsense.
What's the point in isolating if you don't have symptoms, especially if you're double jabbed.
I love the way these littlewinking emojis are used to presumably indicate the writer has some some form of elevated insight; that they have a finely-tuned political antenna that means know and understand something that rest of us and any political correspondent and commentator worth their salt are missing. When of course the reality is they are simply being taken for mugs by a selfish, arrogant chancer - just like Johnson's three wives, multiple mistresses and numerous children who doubtless have been lied to, let down and decieved time and time again because Boris - and what Boris wants - at any given moment will always come first.
My natural instincts are conservative but I couldn't vote for a party led by Therese May as I didn't consider her up to the job and I couldn't vote for Johnson as I considered him incompetent, opportunistic, immoral, unfit to lead and utterly without a plan. Nothing I have seen suggests that analysis was flawed.
Supporting Johnson in the face of over-whelming evidence that he is without question one of the worst and most self-serving PMs this country has ever produced goes way beyond politics. And using ato defend that position is just laughable. In a way, those who still choose to defend Johnson are saying more about themselves than Johnson - and it doesn't result in a very flattering assessment of either their judgement or intellect.