You can get COVID with double jab, I just have
Tested positive this morning. I've been careful I thought, but obviously not careful enough. Reckon I got it from a petrol pump and I'm double jabbed.
Best wishes, these are difficult times for us all. I got really emotional at a petrol station this morning. I don't know why, I just started filling up.
Tough crowd in today...
Tested positive this morning. I've been careful I thought, but obviously not careful enough. Reckon I got it from a petrol pump and I'm double jabbed.
Tested positive this morning. I've been careful I thought, but obviously not careful enough. Reckon I got it from a petrol pump and I'm double jabbed.
The app under these conditions is a complete nonsense.
What's the point in isolating if you don't have symptoms, especially if you're double jabbed.
Must be fun playing Monopoly with Boris at Christmas.
I expect he takes Mayfair and Park Lane but everybody else has to pay for any houses and hotels plus he gets to keep the Get Out of Jail Free card for the whole game.
King of the World![]()
You can't get it from a petrol pump.
I always thought the wink emoji was meant to show you weren't being entirely serious but nice projection.I love the way these littlewinking emojis are used to presumably indicate the writer has some some form of elevated insight; that they have a finely-tuned political antenna that means know and understand something that rest of us and any political correspondent and commentator worth their salt are missing. When of course the reality is they are simply being taken for mugs by a selfish, arrogant chancer - just like Johnson's three wives, multiple mistresses and numerous children who doubtless have been lied to, let down and decieved time and time again because Boris - and what Boris wants - at any given moment will always come first.
My natural instincts are conservative but I couldn't vote for a party led by Therese May as I didn't consider her up to the job and I couldn't vote for Johnson as I considered him incompetent, opportunistic, immoral, unfit to lead and utterly without a plan. Nothing I have seen suggests that analysis was flawed.
Supporting Johnson in the face of over-whelming evidence that he is without question one of the worst and most self-serving PMs this country has ever produced goes way beyond politics. And using ato defend that position is just laughable. In a way, those who still choose to defend Johnson are saying more about themselves than Johnson - and it doesn't result in a very flattering assessment of either their judgement or intellect.
so you acknowledge their are a number of organisations this set of rules applies. the question is then do we think PM, chancellor, other senior ministers of state should be in that group of essential workers. instead we'll have a jolly good rant about how unfair it is. there was talk about it extending to all workers, its prohibitive to administer at scale (PCR everyday), and stayed a "pilot".
Couple of minor points ... they WILL be self isolating apart from essential government business and the pilot scheme already covers numerous public/private sector organisations.
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I may have got it from the petrol station too. Went to fill up my tyres end of last week, the 50p slot had changed to a £1, went inside to get change and moan a bit and she just shrugged and said it was the price of inflation
You can't get it from a petrol pump.
Door handles, petrol pumps all places that many people touch with their hands. I don't see anyone on my jobs in the mornings, I have stayed away from people at the school gates when I pick up my daughter. My wife is a teacher so does tests on a regular basis and she's negative, so the garage is the only place I can think of at the moment.
Same as Michael Gove after he got pinged on returning from the ECL final in Portugal. Fortuitously for him, he was part of the same pilot programme.
Must get round to re-reading ‘Animal Farm’ one of these days…