I’m genuinely looking forward to seeing this Gammon Broadcasting news thing. Anytime these bigoted, brexity types try to do anything legit, it always backfires.
The prejudice and bullying, dressed up as “anti-woke” or “anti-PC” mostly drifts by on Internet forums or internet et channels like Foxhole, because it’s only the slow of wit that tend to watch them. However when they try and peddle this claptrap to a mainstream audience, they usually end up getting soundly ridiculed.
Or it may go absolute gangbusters. Nothing would surprise me in this messed up time.
Either way, one thing I can guarantee, it’s going to be an embarrassment of prejudice and bile. It will def get an audience of some sort. After all, the Mail is widely read. By idiots.
I think Gammon Broadcasting will make heavy losses and fail in the medium to long term. Even if it has wealthy backers.
Imho there simply isn't enough of a UK public market, to watch a quasi-Fox News.
Through family, friends and clients/work I know a large number of folk who voted for Brexit. Almost to a person they're not Brexit or anti-EU obsessives, only a couple moan about the BBC, only one of them didn't despise Trump.
We can all point to Tommy Robinson, Football Lads Alliance and Farage as being indicative of a right wing UK, but I think insufficent numbers will want to watch a right wing news channel.
We're a mainly centre right to centre left nation.
The US is an entirely different kettle of fish. 74m voted for an Alt-Right racist, shite-stirrer and hater. That's a huge marketplace for Fox News.
Not only that, politics and right/left propaganda is tedious for most people who simply want to get on with their lives.