Baker lite
what did the weatherman say?
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what did the weatherman say?
I was born at the back end of the baby boomer generation and tend to agree with Simster. Your personal circumstances are just that and whilst they may be what you base your comments on, I don't agree that they reflect society. The generation before ours had to live with two world wars. The generation after ours probably had it a little harder but the current generation probably have it worse. Average house prices in Sussex are £396k where as the average salary is £28k. House price is over 10 x the average salary. Where the modern generation do benefit is very low interest rates but of course that's meaningless if you can't get the deposit together!!
It's because, these days, if you say you're English, you get arrested and thrown in jail.
Regarding the Royal Family and the alleged racism, my personal view is that naive/socially awkward Charles asked the skin colour question. This can sometimes be said with warmth and curiosity (I only know this, because several mums in mixed heritage couples have called R5 and LBC to say this has happened with their spouse or in their non-racist supportive family). If it was Charles, I think he was just thick.
The calls for enquiries into institutional racism in the Royal Family, for the government to comment and intervene are imho a joke and a huge overreaction.
A grandad to be made a mistake with his question. That’s it.
Totally separate to that Markle found life in the Royal Family oppressive. I can believe that. I bet Diana, Sarah Ferguson felt the same.
Fair enough, she wants freedom in California. I wish them well.
The racism thing has been hyped out of reason. Not just the fault of Oprah and Markle, the UK media have embarked on a self fulfilling feeding frenzy. Feeding on a tiny racist scrap.
Like you probably, I find all racism abhorrent. Listening to Alex Beresford about the real and systemic racism he’s faced is what I’m interested in.
Not the Windsor’s side show.
Meghan should have just named the person in question.
This. I've been (reluctantly) Team Morgan all the time he's been battering the Tories, and in fairness, Trump on whom he changed his position for the better. But underneath he's a weapons-grade egomaniac. It was only a matter of time before he stepped over the line marked 'acceptable'. His flounce out of the studio was the final nail: I remember him giving a Minister a VERY hard time when she (politely) cut short an interview.
I also got increasingly annoyed by his 'Woke' trope, which is little more than lazy name-calling. He'll doubtless crop up again somewhere.
Perhaps Jimbo would be more to your taste?I've purposely avoided this whole ridiculous shitshow, but if it means that nasty little c*** gets less money, I'm team Meghan and team Kate and any other f***er who gets this complete **** off my screen
Now who's going to hold the Tories to account?
Morgan will on GB News alongside Julia Harley-Sewer before we know it. Our media is heading for a bad place
Please... don't let yourself down with comments like that. Its uncalled for. I don't need to grow a pair of bollocks, as you politely put it. Every generation has had its issues, mine included but you seem to have decided that we had it particularly good and now the current crop have it particularly bad. What about the generation in between ( which may be your generation, I don't know ) Did they have it good as well or are they absolved of all blame? I have been self employed for a very long time, so no bullet proof pension for me. I couldn't get on the housing ladder for a long time as mortgages were a maximum 2.5 x income. My income was £14 per week, when I started work. There was no credit in society. If you didn't have the money, you didn't buy it. There was no technological age to help us with our studies or with work. There was huge industrial strife. Men and women were laid off for months, with little or no income. Electricity supplies were rationed and bodies piled up in the streets. Yeah, great times.
I accept that you are prejudiced because of Brexit but to condemn a whole generation, many of whom have helped to contribute and build this country up to where it is today, is foolhardy.
Morgan wasn't holding them to account though, he was just insulting them and shouting them down.
When the tories gave him and GMB the two fingers, Morgan had to boo about this on a daily basis by counting the days with a flip chart, it really was embarrassing tv and laughable to watch it.
Meanwhile the tories went on all the other media channels to anwser questions, which were put in a respectful manner.
GMB shot themselves in the foot well and truly, the producer only had to kerb his use of words and slow the aream bellowing out of his ears on a daily basis, to keep interviewing the tories.
For the reasons I've outlined, I think you're being ridiculously over-sensitive if you think someone saying you need to grow a pair of bollocks is particularly offensive.
Randy, you would love a bit of a posh tory boy, keep dreaming of me and you never know.
For the reasons I've outlined, I think you're being ridiculously over-sensitive if you think someone saying you need to grow a pair of bollocks is particularly offensive. At the end of the day, you were the one sulking on here that people your age don't matter, and I've given you good reason as to why that might be the case: it's a gross generalisation as your personal circumstances bear out, but your generation really did have it all, and have thrown it away for the young. Sorry if you feel that doesn't apply to you personally, and maybe it doesn't, but if you want the reasons why the young don't care what your generation think any more, then it's pretty clear as to why.