Presumably the time and date at the top of the hour?
As for satire, I really don't think right-wing satire is a concept which will work well in the long run. I'm not saying right-wing comedy can't happen but the idea of attacking the Government / the powerful from the top down and from a right-wing perspective seems like something destined to fail, especially with a right-wing Government in power.
"Oh look, here comes Comrade Johnson with his Politburo of Priti Patel & Dominic Raab" doesn't exactly strike me as being an idea the public are likely to latch onto.
I can’t think of right wing satire that hit the sweet spot, but I can’t remember seeing any

But I guess if one hates Labour, Starmer, Abbott, the EU, Woke, then they’ll find it hilarious. I bet a proportion of Germans love laughing at anti semitic satire/parodies in the 1930’s.
Horses for courses.
On a personal note, I like a balance, the mocking of the establishment per se and across all parties. A programme of wall to wall knocking the Tories (or Labour) would bore me to tears.