they are taking action because they dont accept compromise. we all use products and services based on fossil fuels and deriviatives, some people think we can end this, or at least stop any production within our shores. at best it just moves it abroard, at worst we lose those products and services that cant be replaced with alternatives. example the Woodhouse coal mine in Cumbria, producing high grade coal for steel making. if the aim of Just Stop Oil is fullfilled, this mine wouldnt go ahead. are we saying we'd prefer to import that coal for steel making or not make any steel?
While I largely agree with you, there is a moral problem with allowing something that has a bad element in it because if we didn't allow it, it would still happen abroad. I can think of several rather horrible things that would, could and do happen abroad that nobody in their right mind would advocate allowing here. I was under the impression we are full steam ahead moving away from coal, now, anyway. The idea of opening a new coal mine seems on a par with opeining up a new work house

On the main topic of the thread, with the best will in the world, smashing up a petrol station and stopping thousands of people doing their job, delivering food etc., in the name of the environment seems a bit like killing a pregnant woman for the sake of global overpopulation.