he is getting his spade ready!
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It's Great
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I'd rather have you sit on my face so I can watch your sphincter smile.
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its Z list TV for Z list people
its Z list TV for Z list people
utter wastes of skin wasting oxygen in a vain attempt to entertain people with such dull lives and imaginations they'd be equally entertained in a box 6 feet under
theres more talent and entertainment to be seen in a fishing lake in the dark
its Z list TV for Z list people
utter wastes of skin wasting oxygen in a vain attempt to entertain people with such dull lives and imaginations they'd be equally entertained in a box 6 feet under
theres more talent and entertainment to be seen in a fishing lake in the dark
goggy ?
So Mr Zefarelly, can you suggest some TV programs that will enlighten my life ?