Hastings gull
Well-known member
- Nov 23, 2013
- 4,669
reports that put the EU in a bad light......I would of said the complete opposite and I would have said the media are doing their upmost to promote the EU in a good light.
never have I heard the mainstream media expose the EU for what it actually is.. though It is very important that we are made fully aware.
an example of this is you would have thought at the very least something as serious and important as the audit commission and the credibility of the EU accounts were dismissed from ever being made public really should be more heavily publicised...but instead the subject is completely dismissed. had this of been a business the auditors would of wrapped the whole thing up years ago.
and finally apart from the EU commissioners and the fact that most of them were or still are communists Marxists etc the referendum given over by them to 3 nation states I.E. Holland france and ireland and their decision to overturn the outcome at any cost going should have atleast sent alarm bells ringing. or at the very least the matter been discussed a lot more.. but not a murmur from anyone and again the whole thing completely dismissed as if it had never of happened.
Hello again,
Many thanks for your reply. I think we will have to differ about the impression we have of the press coverage. To be fair, I have read about the scandal of their accounts, so we do hear of it and it is not dismissed. It is, however, an absolute disgrace and hardly puts the EU in a good light, I fully agree, and yes, any business that could not satisfy auditors for years would be in deep trouble.
I would think that you do not like our membership of the EU -would you be happier in a slimmed-down version, where, as was originally intended, it would be "simply"for ease of trade and travel?
I have been amazed at the appointment of Juncker, given that the elections in several countries clearly demonstrated that parties which are sceptical made such electoral gains. You might have thought that "they" might just listen to what the voters are veering towards and take heed accordingly. But then it is such a huge and remote bureaucracy that I suppose one should not be too surprised - while so many folk do so well out of it, and clearly are not going to be penalised if the accounts don't stack up, then this will roll on and on. And the dissatisfaction grows at grass-root level.