Good speech by Ed Milliband so far
then what happened?
Good speech by Ed Milliband so far
Aren't there several other political parties that lie to the electorate ? Or are you suggesting some other form of government would be better ?
Quite. Osborne said he'd reduce the debt by 2015. It's currently double what he inherited and we get bullshit about how he didn't realize how bad things were and telling us there is a recession.
then what happened?
So anyone who doesn't agree with your view is a 'Brain Dead Idiot'....typical case of political envy...(attitude of 'I'm right...your wrong so I will throw insults at you).....It became very good, it is only brain dead idiots who read the Murdoch papers etc think that he is not doing a good job. David Milliband would have been simply Blair light and it was time to move away and as these were the only 2 candidates the right one won.
Or is it more political lies, to fool the electorate once again?
Labour is the reason the country is in the state its in .............easy credit and to much benefits for lazy arse losers .........also no controls on immigration
Out of interest did everyone vote at the last election - and will you vote at the next one?
Out of interest did everyone vote at the last election - and will you vote at the next one?
as much as it loaths me to defend him, he never said he'd reduce the debt by 2015. it was targeted to be reducing as a proportion of GDP by then, the figures would still be as high.
David Milliband would have been simply Blair light and it was time to move away and as these were the only 2 candidates the right one won. goes.
I don't personally blame Labour for the financial ruin in 2008, I actually remember Alastair Darling and Brown taking huge steps to halt the economic meltdown by pulling together world leaders in London to agree the bank bailouts and other sandbag measures that stopped it going completely nuclear.
I also don't remember the Tories warning that the collapse was coming and disagreeing with Labours spending plans, similarly the Libs. So it is really rich of them to keep going on about the "financial mess" left by Labour as if Britain were the only one affected by the collapse.
BUT. Labour had spent too heavily on welfare and sweeteners for the masses. Add to that the farce of PPI, the ridiculous immigration policy they adopted and general nastiness of the Brown administration and labour have a problem.
Miliband is just not the right man to lead Labour into the new economy. He's clever and decent but is too much of a nerd. He's doing things about union reform that will steady the ship for the next leader but he's a dead man walking.
Labour will need to spend a bit more time in the wilderness and we need the Tiries to manage the economy a little while longer before Britain gets truly sick of the public schoolboys and snobs that really do see us as the "little people" and kick them out. 2020 should be Labor realistic target.
Well, he's failed on that count too. He inherited a debt of about 50% of GDP and it's now about 70%
Out of interest did everyone vote at the last election - and will you vote at the next one?
Out of interest did everyone vote at the last election - and will you vote at the next one?
i didnt say he hadnt failed. but you've still missed the point, the debt could be 70% in 2014 and 69% in 2015 to make the original target. other than a failure to delivery any growth policies, the main reason for the failure is shown in the first of the Spectator graphs, which shows the deficit. even with the cuts made, the budget has not fallen as expected.
Then perhaps you should've clicked on the link