Is it Carlton Terrace?
Is it Carlton Terrace?
Vaguely reminds me of Boundary Road, Hove.
Three photographs of 1973, taken shortly before the removal of the extensive premises of Vine and Lee Ltd., Motor Dealers of 19/20, Station Road. The business was started by Mr A.W. Lee before the 1st World War on the ground floor of what had been a private house. The later premises, seen here, were removed in 1974 and replaced by the present building.
Says Vine & (Lees?) on the sign. And it says garage on the chimney. But I thought Vine & Lees was near Preston Park. V confused.
Edit: Oops - posted after your answer 8ace. So they had two shops or do I remember it worng? I'm sure my Dad took his morris minor to Vine & Lees just down the raod from us in Reigate Road.
Says Vine & (Lees?) on the sign. And it says garage on the chimney. But I thought Vine & Lees was near Preston Park. V confused.
Edit: Oops - posted after your answer 8ace. So they had two shops or do I remember it worng? I'm sure my Dad took his morris minor to Vine & Lees just down the raod from us in Reigate Road.
Another easy one:
The Round Hill Mill - owned by a notorious (well, nowadays anyway) family.
Not what the caption says.
Whereabouts on Reigate Road was the shop TRHK?
Is it not the mill formerly at the top of Belton Road?